tree: 30883548d67f68213d1184943eeec677c879fc01 [path history] [tgz]
  1. buildbucket.json

Steps for re-Generating the buildbucket client API stubs

Downloading the latest discovery apis description of the API

The API description is available via a discovery api description json file, which can be obtained via:

% curl -o discovery/buildbucket.json

Generating an API package from the discovery api description

The package:discoveryapis_generator can be used to generate a Dart client stubs package for the API as follows.

% pub global activate discoveryapis_generator

% pub global run discoveryapis_generator:generate package -i discovery -o api-package --package-name=buildbucket
[SUCCESS] buildbucket v1 @ package:buildbucket/buildbucket/v1.dart
1 succeeded, 0 failed.

% cp api-package/lib/buildbucket/v1.dart lib/buildbucket.dart
% cp api-package/test/buildbucket/v1_test.dart test/buildbucket/v1_test.dart
% sed -i 's#package:buildbucket/buildbucket/v1.dart#package:buildbucket/buildbucket.dart#g' test/buildbucket/v1_test.dart

% rm -r api-package

% pub get
% pub run test