blob: 8440c5a8b9431438e671b399426909cb6abcac01 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:rxdart/src/utils/type_token.dart';
/// Filters a sequence so that only events of a given type pass
/// In order to capture the Type correctly, it needs to be wrapped
/// in a [TypeToken] as the generic parameter.
/// Given the way Dart generics work, one cannot simply use the `is T` / `as T`
/// checks and castings within `OfTypeStreamTransformer` itself. Therefore, the
/// [TypeToken] class was introduced to capture the type of class you'd
/// like `ofType` to filter down to.
/// ### Examples
/// new Stream.fromIterable([1, "hi"])
/// .ofType(new TypeToken<String>)
/// .listen(print); // prints "hi"
/// As a shortcut, you can use some pre-defined constants to write the above
/// in the following way:
/// new Stream.fromIterable([1, "hi"])
/// .transform(new OfTypeStreamTransformer(kString))
/// .listen(print); // prints "hi"
/// If you'd like to create your own shortcuts like the example above,
/// simply create a constant:
/// const TypeToken<Map<Int, String>> kMapIntString =
/// const TypeToken<Map<Int, String>>();
class OfTypeStreamTransformer<T, S> extends StreamTransformerBase<T, S> {
final StreamTransformer<T, S> transformer;
OfTypeStreamTransformer(TypeToken<S> typeToken)
: transformer = _buildTransformer(typeToken);
Stream<S> bind(Stream<T> stream) => transformer.bind(stream);
static StreamTransformer<T, S> _buildTransformer<T, S>(
TypeToken<S> typeToken) {
return StreamTransformer<T, S>((Stream<T> input, bool cancelOnError) {
StreamController<S> controller;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription;
controller = StreamController<S>(
sync: true,
onListen: () {
subscription = input.listen((T value) {
try {
if (typeToken.isType(value)) {
} catch (e, s) {
controller.addError(e, s);
onError: controller.addError,
onDone: controller.close,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
onPause: ([Future<dynamic> resumeSignal]) =>
onResume: () => subscription.resume(),
onCancel: () => subscription.cancel());