blob: 5ca4542e215420b70f873b9b61aa73a86e92e254 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
/// Emits the given constant value on the output Observable every time the source Observable emits a value.
/// ### Example
/// Observable.fromIterable([1, 2, 3, 4])
/// .mapTo(true)
/// .listen(print); // prints true, true, true, true
class MapToStreamTransformer<S, T> extends StreamTransformerBase<S, T> {
final StreamTransformer<S, T> transformer;
MapToStreamTransformer(T value) : transformer = _buildTransformer(value);
Stream<T> bind(Stream<S> stream) => transformer.bind(stream);
static StreamTransformer<S, T> _buildTransformer<S, T>(T value) =>
StreamTransformer<S, T>((Stream<S> input, bool cancelOnError) {
StreamController<T> controller;
StreamSubscription<S> subscription;
controller = StreamController<T>(
sync: true,
onListen: () {
subscription = input.listen((_) => controller.add(value),
onError: controller.addError,
onDone: controller.close,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
onPause: ([Future<dynamic> resumeSignal]) =>
onResume: () => subscription.resume(),
onCancel: () => subscription.cancel());