blob: 9c3309153f8f45f44802ff824a7af98e82f6febc [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
/// Create an `Observable` which implements a [HashSet] under the hood, using
/// the provided `equals` as equality.
/// The `Observable` will only emit an event, if that event is not yet found
/// within the underlying [HashSet].
/// ### Example
/// new Stream.fromIterable([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1])
/// .listen((event) => print(event));
/// will emit:
/// 1, 2, 3
/// The provided `equals` must define a stable equivalence relation, and
/// `hashCode` must be consistent with `equals`.
/// If `equals` or `hashCode` are omitted, the set uses the elements' intrinsic
/// `Object.==` and `Object.hashCode`. If you supply one of `equals` and
/// `hashCode`, you should generally also to supply the other.
class DistinctUniqueStreamTransformer<T> extends StreamTransformerBase<T, T> {
final StreamTransformer<T, T> transformer;
DistinctUniqueStreamTransformer({bool equals(T e1, T e2), int hashCode(T e)})
: transformer = _buildTransformer(equals, hashCode);
Stream<T> bind(Stream<T> stream) => transformer.bind(stream);
static StreamTransformer<T, T> _buildTransformer<T>(
bool equals(T e1, T e2), int hashCode(T e)) {
return StreamTransformer<T, T>((Stream<T> input, bool cancelOnError) {
var collection = HashSet<T>(equals: equals, hashCode: hashCode);
StreamController<T> controller;
StreamSubscription<T> subscription;
controller = StreamController<T>(
sync: true,
onListen: () {
subscription = input.listen((T value) {
try {
if (collection.add(value)) controller.add(value);
} catch (e, s) {
controller.addError(e, s);
onError: controller.addError,
onDone: controller.close,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
onPause: ([Future<dynamic> resumeSignal]) =>
onResume: () => subscription.resume(),
onCancel: () {
collection = null;
return subscription.cancel();