blob: fb08c3e590b22b2134a3147bc61f3ce17b2c029e [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
/// Flattens the items emitted by the given streams into a single Observable
/// sequence.
/// [Interactive marble diagram](
/// ### Example
/// new MergeStream([
/// new TimerStream(1, new Duration(days: 10)),
/// new Stream.fromIterable([2])
/// ])
/// .listen(print); // prints 2, 1
class MergeStream<T> extends Stream<T> {
final StreamController<T> controller;
MergeStream(Iterable<Stream<T>> streams)
: controller = _buildController(streams);
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T event),
{Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) {
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
static StreamController<T> _buildController<T>(Iterable<Stream<T>> streams) {
if (streams == null) {
throw ArgumentError('streams cannot be null');
} else if (streams.isEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError('at least 1 stream needs to be provided');
} else if (streams.any((Stream<T> stream) => stream == null)) {
throw ArgumentError('One of the provided streams is null');
final subscriptions = List<StreamSubscription<T>>(streams.length);
StreamController<T> controller;
controller = StreamController<T>(
sync: true,
onListen: () {
final completedStatus = List.generate(streams.length, (_) => false);
for (var i = 0, len = streams.length; i < len; i++) {
var stream = streams.elementAt(i);
subscriptions[i] = stream.listen(controller.add,
onError: controller.addError, onDone: () {
completedStatus[i] = true;
if (completedStatus.reduce((a, b) => a && b)) controller.close();
onPause: ([Future<dynamic> resumeSignal]) => subscriptions.forEach(
(StreamSubscription<T> subscription) =>
onResume: () => subscriptions.forEach(
(StreamSubscription<T> subscription) => subscription.resume()),
onCancel: () => Future.wait<dynamic>(subscriptions
.map((StreamSubscription<T> subscription) => subscription.cancel())
.where((Future<dynamic> cancelFuture) => cancelFuture != null)));
return controller;