blob: ca647e8977ae7cb3059a4e91dbf9ab6e7063cf08 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
/// Merges the given Streams into one Stream sequence by using the
/// combiner function whenever any of the source stream sequences emits an
/// item.
/// The Stream will not emit until all Streams have emitted at least one
/// item.
/// [Interactive marble diagram](
/// ### Basic Example
/// This constructor takes in an `Iterable<Stream<T>>` and outputs a
/// `Stream<Iterable<T>>` whenever any of the values change from the source
/// stream. This is useful with a dynamic number of source streams!
/// CombineLatestStream.list<String>([
/// Stream.fromIterable(["a"]),
/// Stream.fromIterable(["b"]),
/// Stream.fromIterable(["C", "D"])])
/// .listen(print); //prints ['a', 'b', 'C'], ['a', 'b', 'D']
/// ### Example with combiner
/// If you wish to combine the list of values into a new object before you
/// CombineLatestStream(
/// [
/// Stream.fromIterable(["a"]),
/// Stream.fromIterable(["b"]),
/// Stream.fromIterable(["C", "D"])
/// ],
/// (values) => values.last
/// )
/// .listen(print); //prints 'C', 'D'
/// ### Example with a specific number of Streams
/// If you wish to combine a specific number of Streams together with proper
/// types information for the value of each Stream, use the
/// [combine2] - [combine9] operators.
/// CombineLatestStream.combine2(
/// Stream.fromIterable(1),
/// Stream.fromIterable([2, 3]),
/// (a, b) => a + b,
/// )
/// .listen(print); // prints 3, 4
class CombineLatestStream<T, R> extends StreamView<R> {
Iterable<Stream<T>> streams,
R combiner(List<T> values),
) : assert(streams != null && streams.every((s) => s != null),
'streams cannot be null'),
assert(streams.length > 1, 'provide at least 2 streams'),
assert(combiner != null, 'must provide a combiner function'),
super(_buildController(streams, combiner).stream);
static CombineLatestStream<T, List<T>> list<T>(
Iterable<Stream<T>> streams,
) {
return CombineLatestStream<T, List<T>>(
(List<T> values) => values,
static CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R> combine2<A, B, R>(
Stream<A> streamOne,
Stream<B> streamTwo,
R combiner(A a, B b),
) {
return CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R>(
[streamOne, streamTwo],
(List<dynamic> values) => combiner(values[0] as A, values[1] as B),
static CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R> combine3<A, B, C, R>(
Stream<A> streamA,
Stream<B> streamB,
Stream<C> streamC,
R combiner(A a, B b, C c),
) {
return CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R>(
[streamA, streamB, streamC],
(List<dynamic> values) {
return combiner(
values[0] as A,
values[1] as B,
values[2] as C,
static CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R> combine4<A, B, C, D, R>(
Stream<A> streamA,
Stream<B> streamB,
Stream<C> streamC,
Stream<D> streamD,
R combiner(A a, B b, C c, D d),
) {
return CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R>(
[streamA, streamB, streamC, streamD],
(List<dynamic> values) {
return combiner(
values[0] as A,
values[1] as B,
values[2] as C,
values[3] as D,
static CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R> combine5<A, B, C, D, E, R>(
Stream<A> streamA,
Stream<B> streamB,
Stream<C> streamC,
Stream<D> streamD,
Stream<E> streamE,
R combiner(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e),
) {
return CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R>(
[streamA, streamB, streamC, streamD, streamE],
(List<dynamic> values) {
return combiner(
values[0] as A,
values[1] as B,
values[2] as C,
values[3] as D,
values[4] as E,
static CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R> combine6<A, B, C, D, E, F, R>(
Stream<A> streamA,
Stream<B> streamB,
Stream<C> streamC,
Stream<D> streamD,
Stream<E> streamE,
Stream<F> streamF,
R combiner(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f),
) {
return CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R>(
[streamA, streamB, streamC, streamD, streamE, streamF],
(List<dynamic> values) {
return combiner(
values[0] as A,
values[1] as B,
values[2] as C,
values[3] as D,
values[4] as E,
values[5] as F,
static CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R> combine7<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, R>(
Stream<A> streamA,
Stream<B> streamB,
Stream<C> streamC,
Stream<D> streamD,
Stream<E> streamE,
Stream<F> streamF,
Stream<G> streamG,
R combiner(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g),
) {
return CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R>(
[streamA, streamB, streamC, streamD, streamE, streamF, streamG],
(List<dynamic> values) {
return combiner(
values[0] as A,
values[1] as B,
values[2] as C,
values[3] as D,
values[4] as E,
values[5] as F,
values[6] as G,
static CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R> combine8<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, R>(
Stream<A> streamA,
Stream<B> streamB,
Stream<C> streamC,
Stream<D> streamD,
Stream<E> streamE,
Stream<F> streamF,
Stream<G> streamG,
Stream<H> streamH,
R combiner(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h),
) {
return CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R>(
[streamA, streamB, streamC, streamD, streamE, streamF, streamG, streamH],
(List<dynamic> values) {
return combiner(
values[0] as A,
values[1] as B,
values[2] as C,
values[3] as D,
values[4] as E,
values[5] as F,
values[6] as G,
values[7] as H,
static CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R> combine9<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, R>(
Stream<A> streamA,
Stream<B> streamB,
Stream<C> streamC,
Stream<D> streamD,
Stream<E> streamE,
Stream<F> streamF,
Stream<G> streamG,
Stream<H> streamH,
Stream<I> streamI,
R combiner(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i),
) {
return CombineLatestStream<dynamic, R>(
(List<dynamic> values) {
return combiner(
values[0] as A,
values[1] as B,
values[2] as C,
values[3] as D,
values[4] as E,
values[5] as F,
values[6] as G,
values[7] as H,
values[8] as I,
static StreamController<R> _buildController<T, R>(
Iterable<Stream<T>> streams,
R combiner(List<T> values),
) {
final subscriptions = List<StreamSubscription<dynamic>>(streams.length);
StreamController<R> controller;
controller = StreamController<R>(
sync: true,
onListen: () {
final values = List<T>(streams.length);
final triggered = List.generate(streams.length, (_) => false);
final completedStatus = List.generate(streams.length, (_) => false);
var allStreamsHaveEvents = false;
for (var i = 0, len = streams.length; i < len; i++) {
final stream = streams.elementAt(i);
subscriptions[i] = stream.listen(
(T value) {
values[i] = value;
triggered[i] = true;
if (!allStreamsHaveEvents)
allStreamsHaveEvents = triggered.every((t) => t);
if (allStreamsHaveEvents) {
try {
} catch (e, s) {
controller.addError(e, s);
onError: controller.addError,
onDone: () {
completedStatus[i] = true;
if (completedStatus.every((c) => c)) controller.close();
onPause: ([Future<dynamic> resumeSignal]) => subscriptions.forEach(
(StreamSubscription<dynamic> subscription) =>
onResume: () => subscriptions.forEach(
(StreamSubscription<dynamic> subscription) => subscription.resume()),
onCancel: () => Future.wait<dynamic>(subscriptions
.map((StreamSubscription<dynamic> subscription) =>
.where((Future<dynamic> cancelFuture) => cancelFuture != null)),
return controller;