blob: 19519a8b61af3609e7be0913a9d4b4fe67ec29ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math' show min;
/// Finds the strongly connected components of a directed graph using Tarjan's
/// algorithm.
/// The result will be a valid reverse topological order ordering of the
/// strongly connected components. Components further from a root will appear in
/// the result before the components which they are connected to.
/// Nodes within a strongly connected component have no ordering guarantees,
/// except that if the first value in [nodes] is a valid root, and is contained
/// in a cycle, it will be the last element of that cycle.
/// [nodes] must contain at least a root of every tree in the graph if there are
/// disjoint subgraphs but it may contain all nodes in the graph if the roots
/// are not known.
/// If [equals] is provided, it is used to compare nodes in the graph. If
/// [equals] is omitted, the node's own [Object.==] is used instead.
/// Similarly, if [hashCode] is provided, it is used to produce a hash value
/// for nodes to efficiently calculate the return value. If it is omitted, the
/// key's own [Object.hashCode] is used.
/// If you supply one of [equals] or [hashCode], you should generally also to
/// supply the other.
List<List<T>> stronglyConnectedComponents<T>(
Iterable<T> nodes,
Iterable<T> Function(T) edges, {
bool equals(T key1, T key2),
int hashCode(T key),
}) {
final result = <List<T>>[];
final lowLinks = HashMap<T, int>(equals: equals, hashCode: hashCode);
final indexes = HashMap<T, int>(equals: equals, hashCode: hashCode);
final onStack = HashSet<T>(equals: equals, hashCode: hashCode);
equals ??= _defaultEquals;
var index = 0;
var lastVisited = Queue<T>();
void strongConnect(T node) {
indexes[node] = index;
lowLinks[node] = index;
// ignore: omit_local_variable_types
for (final T next in edges(node) ?? const []) {
if (!indexes.containsKey(next)) {
lowLinks[node] = min(lowLinks[node], lowLinks[next]);
} else if (onStack.contains(next)) {
lowLinks[node] = min(lowLinks[node], indexes[next]);
if (lowLinks[node] == indexes[node]) {
final component = <T>[];
T next;
do {
next = lastVisited.removeLast();
} while (!equals(next, node));
for (final node in nodes) {
if (!indexes.containsKey(node)) strongConnect(node);
return result;
bool _defaultEquals(a, b) => a == b;