blob: b2809ee07a38e54435ad087fa91f51189a4142a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:bazel_worker/bazel_worker.dart';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:build_modules/build_modules.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:scratch_space/scratch_space.dart';
import '../builders.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'errors.dart';
const jsModuleErrorsExtension = '.ddc.js.errors';
const jsModuleExtension = '.ddc.js';
const jsSourceMapExtension = '';
/// A builder which can output ddc modules!
class DevCompilerBuilder implements Builder {
final bool useIncrementalCompiler;
final bool trackUnusedInputs;
final DartPlatform platform;
/// The sdk kernel file for the current platform.
final String sdkKernelPath;
/// The root directory of the platform's dart SDK.
/// If not provided, defaults to the directory of
/// [Platform.resolvedExecutable].
/// On flutter this is the path to the root of the flutter_patched_sdk
/// directory, which contains the platform kernel files.
final String platformSdk;
/// The absolute path to the libraries file for the current platform.
/// If not provided, defaults to "lib/libraries.json" in the sdk directory.
final String librariesPath;
/// Environment defines to pass to ddc (as -D variables).
final Map<String, String> environment;
/// Experiments to pass to ddc (as --enable-experiment=<experiment> args).
final Iterable<String> experiments;
{bool useIncrementalCompiler,
bool trackUnusedInputs,
@required this.platform,
String librariesPath,
String platformSdk,
Map<String, String> environment,
Iterable<String> experiments})
: useIncrementalCompiler = useIncrementalCompiler ?? true,
platformSdk = platformSdk ?? sdkDir,
librariesPath = librariesPath ??
p.join(platformSdk ?? sdkDir, 'lib', 'libraries.json'),
trackUnusedInputs = trackUnusedInputs ?? false,
buildExtensions = {
moduleExtension(platform): [
environment = environment ?? {},
experiments = experiments ?? {};
final Map<String, List<String>> buildExtensions;
Future build(BuildStep buildStep) async {
var module = Module.fromJson(
json.decode(await buildStep.readAsString(buildStep.inputId))
as Map<String, dynamic>);
// Entrypoints always have a `.module` file for ease of looking them up,
// but they might not be the primary source.
if (module.primarySource.changeExtension(moduleExtension(platform)) !=
buildStep.inputId) {
Future<void> handleError(e) async {
await buildStep.writeAsString(
module.primarySource.changeExtension(jsModuleErrorsExtension), '$e');
try {
await _createDevCompilerModule(
} on DartDevcCompilationException catch (e) {
await handleError(e);
} on MissingModulesException catch (e) {
await handleError(e);
/// Compile [module] with the dev compiler.
Future<void> _createDevCompilerModule(
Module module,
BuildStep buildStep,
bool useIncrementalCompiler,
bool trackUnusedInputs,
String dartSdk,
String sdkKernelPath,
String librariesPath,
Map<String, String> environment,
Iterable<String> experiments,
{bool debugMode = true}) async {
var transitiveDeps = await buildStep.trackStage('CollectTransitiveDeps',
() => module.computeTransitiveDependencies(buildStep));
var transitiveKernelDeps = [
for (var dep in transitiveDeps)
var scratchSpace = await buildStep.fetchResource(scratchSpaceResource);
var allAssetIds = <AssetId>{...module.sources, ...transitiveKernelDeps};
await buildStep.trackStage(
'EnsureAssets', () => scratchSpace.ensureAssets(allAssetIds, buildStep));
var jsId = module.primarySource.changeExtension(jsModuleExtension);
var jsOutputFile = scratchSpace.fileFor(jsId);
var sdkSummary =
p.url.join(dartSdk, sdkKernelPath ?? 'lib/_internal/ddc_sdk.dill');
// Maps the inputs paths we provide to the ddc worker to asset ids, if
// `trackUnusedInputs` is `true`.
Map<String, AssetId> kernelInputPathToId;
// If `trackUnusedInputs` is `true`, this is the file we will use to
// communicate the used inputs with the ddc worker.
File usedInputsFile;
if (trackUnusedInputs) {
usedInputsFile = await File(p.join(
(await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('ddk_builder_')).path,
kernelInputPathToId = {};
var packagesFile = await createPackagesFile(allAssetIds);
var request = WorkRequest()
debugMode ? '--source-map' : '--no-source-map',
for (var dep in transitiveDeps) _summaryArg(dep),
if (useIncrementalCompiler) ...[
if (usedInputsFile != null)
for (var source in module.sources) _sourceArg(source),
for (var define in environment.entries) '-D${define.key}=${define.value}',
for (var experiment in experiments) '--enable-experiment=$experiment',
..path = sdkSummary
..digest = [0])
..inputs.addAll(await Future.wait( async {
var file = scratchSpace.fileFor(dep);
if (kernelInputPathToId != null) {
kernelInputPathToId[file.uri.toString()] = dep;
return Input()
..path = file.path
..digest = (await buildStep.digest(dep)).bytes;
try {
var driverResource = dartdevkDriverResource;
var driver = await buildStep.fetchResource(driverResource);
var response = await driver.doWork(request,
trackWork: (response) =>
buildStep.trackStage('Compile', () => response, isExternal: true));
// TODO(jakemac53): Fix the ddc worker mode so it always sends back a bad
// status code if something failed. Today we just make sure there is an output
// JS file to verify it was successful.
var message = response.output
.replaceAll('${scratchSpace.tempDir.path}/', '')
.replaceAll('$multiRootScheme:///', '');
if (response.exitCode != EXIT_CODE_OK ||
!jsOutputFile.existsSync() ||
message.contains('Error:')) {
throw DartDevcCompilationException(jsId, message);
if (message.isNotEmpty) {'\n$message');
// Copy the output back using the buildStep.
await scratchSpace.copyOutput(jsId, buildStep);
if (debugMode) {
// We need to modify the sources in the sourcemap to remove the custom
// `multiRootScheme` that we use.
var sourceMapId =
var file = scratchSpace.fileFor(sourceMapId);
var content = await file.readAsString();
var json = jsonDecode(content);
json['sources'] = fixSourceMapSources((json['sources'] as List).cast());
await buildStep.writeAsString(sourceMapId, jsonEncode(json));
// Note that we only want to do this on success, we can't trust the unused
// inputs if there is a failure.
if (usedInputsFile != null) {
await reportUnusedKernelInputs(
usedInputsFile, transitiveKernelDeps, kernelInputPathToId, buildStep);
} finally {
await packagesFile.parent.delete(recursive: true);
await usedInputsFile?.parent?.delete(recursive: true);
/// Returns the `--summary=` argument for a dependency.
String _summaryArg(Module module) {
final kernelAsset = module.primarySource.changeExtension(ddcKernelExtension);
final moduleName =
return '--summary=${scratchSpace.fileFor(kernelAsset).path}=$moduleName';
/// The url to compile for a source.
/// Use the package: path for files under lib and the full absolute path for
/// other files.
String _sourceArg(AssetId id) {
var uri = canonicalUriFor(id);
return uri.startsWith('package:') ? uri : '$multiRootScheme:///${id.path}';
/// Copied to `web/stack_trace_mapper.dart`, these need to be kept in sync.
/// Given a list of [uris] as [String]s from a sourcemap, fixes them up so that
/// they make sense in a browser context.
/// - Strips the scheme from the uri
/// - Strips the top level directory if its not `packages`
List<String> fixSourceMapSources(List<String> uris) {
return {
var uri = Uri.parse(source);
// We only want to rewrite multi-root scheme uris.
if (uri.scheme.isEmpty) return source;
var newSegments = uri.pathSegments.first == 'packages'
? uri.pathSegments
: uri.pathSegments.skip(1);
return Uri(path: p.url.joinAll(['/'].followedBy(newSegments))).toString();
/// The module name according to ddc for [jsId] which represents the real js
/// module file.
String ddcModuleName(AssetId jsId) {
var jsPath = jsId.path.startsWith('lib/')
? jsId.path.replaceFirst('lib/', 'packages/${jsId.package}/')
: jsId.path;
return jsPath.substring(0, jsPath.length - jsModuleExtension.length);