blob: 678280502297fd63ce86e4b5f1baa360386d39a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:build_resolvers/build_resolvers.dart';
import 'package:package_resolver/package_resolver.dart';
import 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart';
import 'in_memory_reader.dart';
import 'in_memory_writer.dart';
import 'multi_asset_reader.dart';
import 'package_reader.dart';
final defaultResolvers = AnalyzerResolvers();
/// Marker constant that may be used in combination with [resolveSources].
/// Use of this string means instead of using the contents of the string as the
/// source of a given asset, instead read the file from the default or provided
/// [AssetReader].
const useAssetReader = '__useAssetReader__';
/// A convenience method for using [resolveSources] with a single source file.
Future<T> resolveSource<T>(
String inputSource,
FutureOr<T> Function(Resolver resolver) action, {
AssetId inputId,
PackageResolver resolver,
Future<Null> tearDown,
Resolvers resolvers,
}) {
inputId ??= AssetId('_resolve_source', 'lib/_resolve_source.dart');
return _resolveAssets(
'${inputId.package}|${inputId.path}': inputSource,
resolver: resolver,
resolverFor: inputId,
tearDown: tearDown,
resolvers: resolvers,
/// Resolves and runs [action] using a created resolver for [inputs].
/// Inputs accepts the pattern of `<package>|<path>.dart`, for example:
/// ```
/// {
/// 'test_lib|lib/test_lib.dart': r'''
/// // Contents of test_lib.dart go here.
/// ''',
/// }
/// ```
/// You may provide [useAssetReader] as the value of any input in order to read
/// it from the file system instead of being forced to provide it inline as a
/// string. This is useful for mixing real and mocked assets.
/// Example use:
/// ```
/// import 'package:build_test/build_test.dart';
/// import 'package:test/test.dart';
/// void main() {
/// test('should find a Foo type', () async {
/// var library = await resolveSources({
/// 'test_lib|lib/test_lib.dart': r'''
/// library example;
/// class Foo {}
/// ''',
/// }, (resolver) => resolver.findLibraryByName('example'));
/// expect(library.getType('Foo'), isNotNull);
/// });
/// }
/// ```
/// By default the [Resolver] is unusable after [action] completes. To keep the
/// resolver active across multiple tests (for example, use `setUpAll` and
/// `tearDownAll`, provide a `tearDown` [Future]:
/// ```
/// import 'dart:async';
/// import 'package:build/build.dart';
/// import 'package:build_test/build_test.dart';
/// import 'package:test/test.dart';
/// void main() {
/// Resolver resolver;
/// var resolverDone = new Completer<Null>();
/// setUpAll(() async {
/// resolver = await resolveSources(
/// {...},
/// (resolver) => resolver,
/// tearDown: resolverDone.future,
/// );
/// });
/// tearDownAll(() => resolverDone.complete());
/// test('...', () async {
/// // Use the resolver here, and in other tests.
/// });
/// }
/// ```
/// May provide [resolverFor] to return the [Resolver] for the asset provided,
/// otherwise defaults to the first one in [inputs].
/// **NOTE**: All `package` dependencies are resolved using [PackageAssetReader]
/// - by default, [PackageAssetReader.currentIsolate]. A custom [resolver] may
/// be provided to map files not visible to the current package's runtime.
Future<T> resolveSources<T>(
Map<String, String> inputs,
FutureOr<T> Function(Resolver resolver) action, {
PackageResolver resolver,
String resolverFor,
String rootPackage,
Future<Null> tearDown,
Resolvers resolvers,
}) {
if (inputs == null || inputs.isEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError.value(inputs, 'inputs', 'Must be a non-empty Map');
return _resolveAssets(
rootPackage ?? AssetId.parse(inputs.keys.first).package,
resolver: resolver,
resolverFor: AssetId.parse(resolverFor ?? inputs.keys.first),
tearDown: tearDown,
resolvers: resolvers,
/// A convenience for using [resolveSources] with a single [inputId] from disk.
Future<T> resolveAsset<T>(
AssetId inputId,
FutureOr<T> Function(Resolver resolver) action, {
PackageResolver resolver,
Future<Null> tearDown,
Resolvers resolvers,
}) {
return _resolveAssets(
'${inputId.package}|${inputId.path}': useAssetReader,
resolver: resolver,
resolverFor: inputId,
tearDown: tearDown,
resolvers: resolvers,
/// Internal-only backing implementation of `resolve{Asset|Source(s)}`.
/// If the value of an entry of [inputs] is [useAssetReader] then the value is
/// instead read from the file system, otherwise the provided text is used as
/// the contents of the asset.
Future<T> _resolveAssets<T>(
Map<String, String> inputs,
String rootPackage,
FutureOr<T> Function(Resolver resolver) action, {
PackageResolver resolver,
AssetId resolverFor,
Future<Null> tearDown,
Resolvers resolvers,
}) async {
final syncResolver = await (resolver ?? PackageResolver.current).asSync;
final assetReader = PackageAssetReader(syncResolver, rootPackage);
final resolveBuilder = _ResolveSourceBuilder(
final inputAssets = <AssetId, String>{};
await Future.wait( rawAssetId) async {
final assetId = AssetId.parse(rawAssetId);
var assetValue = inputs[rawAssetId];
if (assetValue == useAssetReader) {
assetValue = await assetReader.readAsString(assetId);
inputAssets[assetId] = assetValue;
final inMemory = InMemoryAssetReader(
sourceAssets: inputAssets,
rootPackage: rootPackage,
// We don't care about the results of this build, but we also can't await
// it because that would block on the `tearDown` of the `resolveBuilder`.
// We also dont want to leak errors as unhandled async errors so we swallow
// them here.
// Errors will still be reported through the resolver itself as well as the
// `onDone` future that we return.
MultiAssetReader([inMemory, assetReader]),
resolvers ?? defaultResolvers,
).catchError((_) {}));
return resolveBuilder.onDone.future;
/// A [Builder] that is only used to retrieve a [Resolver] instance.
/// It simulates what a user builder would do in order to resolve a primary
/// input given a set of dependencies to also use. See `resolveSource`.
class _ResolveSourceBuilder<T> implements Builder {
final FutureOr<T> Function(Resolver) _action;
final Future _tearDown;
final AssetId _resolverFor;
final onDone = Completer<T>();
_ResolveSourceBuilder(this._action, this._resolverFor, this._tearDown);
Future<void> build(BuildStep buildStep) async {
if (_resolverFor != buildStep.inputId) return;
try {
onDone.complete(await _action(buildStep.resolver));
} catch (e, s) {
onDone.completeError(e, s);
await _tearDown;
final buildExtensions = const {
'': ['.unused']