blob: 9444da1f392b52f92e807f6748b63e22606ec220 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
/// An [AssetReader] that records which assets have been read to [assetsRead].
abstract class RecordingAssetReader implements AssetReader {
Iterable<AssetId> get assetsRead;
/// An implementation of [AssetReader] with primed in-memory assets.
class InMemoryAssetReader extends AssetReader
implements MultiPackageAssetReader, RecordingAssetReader {
final Map<AssetId, List<int>> assets;
final String rootPackage;
final Set<AssetId> assetsRead = <AssetId>{};
/// Create a new asset reader that contains [sourceAssets].
/// Any items in [sourceAssets] which are [String]s will be converted into
/// a [List<int>] of bytes.
/// May optionally define a [rootPackage], which is required for some APIs.
InMemoryAssetReader({Map<AssetId, dynamic> sourceAssets, this.rootPackage})
: assets = _assetsAsBytes(sourceAssets) ?? <AssetId, List<int>>{};
/// Create a new asset reader backed by [assets].
InMemoryAssetReader.shareAssetCache(this.assets, {this.rootPackage});
static Map<AssetId, List<int>> _assetsAsBytes(Map<AssetId, dynamic> assets) {
if (assets == null || assets.isEmpty) {
return {};
final output = <AssetId, List<int>>{};
assets.forEach((id, stringOrBytes) {
if (stringOrBytes is List<int>) {
output[id] = stringOrBytes;
} else if (stringOrBytes is String) {
output[id] = utf8.encode(stringOrBytes);
} else {
throw UnsupportedError('Invalid asset contents: $stringOrBytes.');
return output;
Future<bool> canRead(AssetId id) async {
return assets.containsKey(id);
Future<List<int>> readAsBytes(AssetId id) async {
if (!await canRead(id)) throw AssetNotFoundException(id);
return assets[id];
Future<String> readAsString(AssetId id, {Encoding encoding = utf8}) async {
if (!await canRead(id)) throw AssetNotFoundException(id);
return utf8.decode(assets[id]);
Stream<AssetId> findAssets(Glob glob, {String package}) {
package ??= rootPackage;
if (package == null) {
throw UnsupportedError(
'Root package is required to use findAssets without providing an '
'explicit package.');
return Stream.fromIterable(assets.keys
.where((id) => id.package == package && glob.matches(id.path)));
void cacheBytesAsset(AssetId id, List<int> bytes) {
assets[id] = bytes;
void cacheStringAsset(AssetId id, String contents, {Encoding encoding}) {
encoding ??= utf8;
assets[id] = encoding.encode(contents);