blob: 342682281c919e37b40414fc74f3945dba1c67db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:build_runner/src/build_script_generate/build_script_generate.dart';
import 'package:build_runner_core/build_runner_core.dart';
import 'package:io/io.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
final _logger = Logger('Bootstrap');
/// Generates the build script, snapshots it if needed, and runs it.
/// Will retry once on [IsolateSpawnException]s to handle SDK updates.
/// Returns the exit code from running the build script.
/// If an exit code of 75 is returned, this function should be re-ran.
Future<int> generateAndRun(List<String> args, {Logger logger}) async {
logger ??= _logger;
ReceivePort exitPort;
ReceivePort errorPort;
ReceivePort messagePort;
StreamSubscription errorListener;
int scriptExitCode;
var tryCount = 0;
var succeeded = false;
while (tryCount < 2 && !succeeded) {
await errorListener?.cancel();
try {
var buildScript = File(scriptLocation);
var oldContents = '';
if (buildScript.existsSync()) {
oldContents = buildScript.readAsStringSync();
var newContents = await generateBuildScript();
// Only trigger a build script update if necessary.
if (newContents != oldContents) {
..createSync(recursive: true)
} on CannotBuildException {
return ExitCode.config.code;
scriptExitCode = await _createSnapshotIfNeeded(logger);
if (scriptExitCode != 0) return scriptExitCode;
exitPort = ReceivePort();
errorPort = ReceivePort();
messagePort = ReceivePort();
errorListener = errorPort.listen((e) {
final error = e[0];
final trace = e[1] as String;
..writeln('\n\nYou have hit a bug in build_runner')
..writeln('Please file an issue with reproduction steps at '
if (scriptExitCode == 0) scriptExitCode = 1;
try {
await Isolate.spawnUri(Uri.file(p.absolute(scriptSnapshotLocation)), args,
errorsAreFatal: true,
onExit: exitPort.sendPort,
onError: errorPort.sendPort);
succeeded = true;
} on IsolateSpawnException catch (e) {
if (tryCount > 1) {
'Failed to spawn build script after retry. '
'This is likely due to a misconfigured builder definition. '
'See the generated script at $scriptLocation to find errors.',
} else {
'Error spawning build script isolate, this is likely due to a Dart '
'SDK update. Deleting snapshot and retrying...');
await File(scriptSnapshotLocation).delete();
StreamSubscription exitCodeListener;
exitCodeListener = messagePort.listen((isolateExitCode) {
if (isolateExitCode is int) {
scriptExitCode = isolateExitCode;
} else {
throw StateError(
'Bad response from isolate, expected an exit code but got '
exitCodeListener = null;
await exitPort.first;
await errorListener.cancel();
await exitCodeListener?.cancel();
return scriptExitCode;
/// Creates a script snapshot for the build script in necessary.
/// A snapshot is generated if:
/// - It doesn't exist currently
/// - Either build_runner or build_daemon point at a different location than
/// they used to, see
/// Returns zero for success or a number for failure which should be set to the
/// exit code.
Future<int> _createSnapshotIfNeeded(Logger logger) async {
var assetGraphFile = File(assetGraphPathFor(scriptSnapshotLocation));
var snapshotFile = File(scriptSnapshotLocation);
if (await snapshotFile.exists()) {
// If we failed to serialize an asset graph for the snapshot, then we don't
// want to re-use it because we can't check if it is up to date.
if (!await assetGraphFile.exists()) {
await snapshotFile.delete();
logger.warning('Deleted previous snapshot due to missing asset graph.');
} else if (!await _checkImportantPackageDeps()) {
await snapshotFile.delete();
logger.warning('Deleted previous snapshot due to core package update');
String stderr;
if (!await snapshotFile.exists()) {
var mode = stdin.hasTerminal
? ProcessStartMode.normal
: ProcessStartMode.detachedWithStdio;
await logTimedAsync(logger, 'Creating build script snapshot...', () async {
var snapshot = await Process.start(Platform.executable,
['--snapshot=$scriptSnapshotLocation', scriptLocation],
mode: mode);
stderr = (await snapshot.stderr
if (!await snapshotFile.exists()) {
logger.severe('Failed to snapshot build script $scriptLocation.\n'
'This is likely caused by a misconfigured builder definition.');
if (stderr.isNotEmpty) {
return ExitCode.config.code;
// Create _previousLocationsFile.
await _checkImportantPackageDeps();
return 0;
const _importantPackages = [
final _previousLocationsFile = File(
p.url.join(p.url.dirname(scriptSnapshotLocation), '.packageLocations'));
/// Returns whether the [_importantPackages] are all pointing at same locations
/// from the previous run.
/// Also updates the [_previousLocationsFile] with the new locations if not.
/// This is used to detect potential changes to the user facing api and
/// pre-emptively resolve them by resnapshotting, see
Future<bool> _checkImportantPackageDeps() async {
var currentLocations = await Future.wait( =>
Uri(scheme: 'package', path: '$pkg/fake.dart'))));
var currentLocationsContent = currentLocations.join('\n');
if (!_previousLocationsFile.existsSync()) {
_logger.fine('Core package locations file does not exist');
return false;
if (currentLocationsContent != _previousLocationsFile.readAsStringSync()) {
_logger.fine('Core packages locations have changed');
return false;
return true;