blob: 35b34a53dbe296111959976de3c2a59463e65906 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart' show parseDirectives;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/memory_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart' show AnalysisDriver;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:build/build.dart' show AssetId, BuildStep;
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:graphs/graphs.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
const _ignoredSchemes = ['dart', 'dart-ext'];
class BuildAssetUriResolver extends UriResolver {
/// A cache of the directives for each Dart library.
/// This is stored across builds and is only invalidated if we read a file and
/// see that it's content is different from what it was last time it was read.
final _cachedAssetDependencies = <AssetId, Set<AssetId>>{};
/// A cache of the digest for each Dart asset.
/// This is stored across builds and used to invalidate the values in
/// [_cachedAssetDependencies] only when the actual content of the library
/// changed.
final _cachedAssetDigests = <AssetId, Digest>{};
final resourceProvider = MemoryResourceProvider(context: p.posix);
/// The assets which are known to be readable at some point during the current
/// build.
/// When actions can run out of order an asset can move from being readable
/// (in the later phase) to being unreadable (in the earlier phase which ran
/// later). If this happens we don't want to hide the asset from the analyzer.
final globallySeenAssets = HashSet<AssetId>();
/// The assets which have been resolved from a [BuildStep], either as an
/// input, subsequent calls to a resolver, or a transitive import thereof.
final _buildStepAssets = <BuildStep, HashSet<AssetId>>{};
/// Crawl the transitive imports from [entryPoints] and ensure that the
/// content of each asset is updated in [resourceProvider] and [driver].
Future<void> performResolve(BuildStep buildStep, List<AssetId> entryPoints,
AnalysisDriver driver) async {
final seenInBuildStep =
_buildStepAssets.putIfAbsent(buildStep, () => HashSet());
bool notCrawled(AssetId asset) => !seenInBuildStep.contains(asset);
final changedPaths = await crawlAsync<AssetId, _AssetState>(
entryPoints.where(notCrawled), (id) async {
final path = assetPath(id);
if (!await buildStep.canRead(id)) {
if (globallySeenAssets.contains(id)) {
// ignore from this graph, some later build step may still be using it
// so it shouldn't be removed from [resourceProvider], but we also
// don't care about it's transitive imports.
return null;
if (resourceProvider.getFile(path).exists) {
return _AssetState.removed(path);
final digest = await buildStep.digest(id);
if (_cachedAssetDigests[id] == digest) {
return _AssetState.unchanged(path, _cachedAssetDependencies[id]);
} else {
final isChange = _cachedAssetDigests.containsKey(id);
final content = await buildStep.readAsString(id);
_cachedAssetDigests[id] = digest;
final dependencies =
_cachedAssetDependencies[id] = _parseDirectives(content, id);
if (isChange) {
resourceProvider.updateFile(path, content);
return _AssetState.changed(path, dependencies);
} else {
resourceProvider.newFile(path, content);
return _AssetState.newAsset(path, dependencies);
}, (id, state) => state.directives.where(notCrawled))
.where((state) => state.isAssetUpdate)
.map((state) => state.path)
/// Attempts to parse [uri] into an [AssetId].
/// Handles 'package:' or 'asset:' URIs, as well as 'file:' URIs that have the
/// same pattern used by [assetPath].
/// Returns null if the Uri cannot be parsed.
AssetId parseAsset(Uri uri) {
if (_ignoredSchemes.any(uri.isScheme)) return null;
if (uri.isScheme('package') || uri.isScheme('asset')) {
return AssetId.resolve('$uri');
if (uri.isScheme('file')) {
final parts = p.split(uri.path);
return AssetId(parts[1], p.posix.joinAll(parts.skip(2)));
return null;
/// Attempts to parse [uri] into an [AssetId] and returns it if it is cached.
/// Handles 'package:' or 'asset:' URIs, as well as 'file:' URIs that have the
/// same pattern used by [assetPath].
/// Returns null if the Uri cannot be parsed or is not cached.
AssetId lookupCachedAsset(Uri uri) {
final assetId = parseAsset(uri);
if (assetId == null || !_cachedAssetDigests.containsKey(assetId)) {
return null;
return assetId;
void notifyComplete(BuildStep step) {
/// Clear cached information specific to an individual build.
void reset() {
'Reset was called before all build steps completed');
Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri, [Uri actualUri]) {
final assetId = parseAsset(uri);
if (assetId == null) return null;
return resourceProvider
Uri restoreAbsolute(Source source) =>
lookupCachedAsset(source.uri)?.uri ?? source.uri;
String assetPath(AssetId assetId) =>
p.posix.join('/${assetId.package}', assetId.path);
/// Returns all the directives from a Dart library that can be resolved to an
/// [AssetId].
Set<AssetId> _parseDirectives(String content, AssetId from) =>
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
HashSet.of(parseDirectives(content, suppressErrors: true)
.where((directive) {
var uri = Uri.parse(directive.uri.stringValue);
return !_ignoredSchemes.any(uri.isScheme);
.map((d) => AssetId.resolve(d.uri.stringValue, from: from))
.where((id) => id != null));
class _AssetState {
final String path;
final bool isAssetUpdate;
final Iterable<AssetId> directives;
: isAssetUpdate = false,
directives = const [];
_AssetState.changed(this.path, this.directives) : isAssetUpdate = true;
_AssetState.unchanged(this.path, this.directives) : isAssetUpdate = false;
_AssetState.newAsset(this.path, this.directives) : isAssetUpdate = true;