blob: 24e2abf2f0493246b684de1db32c11def7d957a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:bazel_worker/bazel_worker.dart';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:graphs/graphs.dart' show crawlAsync;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:scratch_space/scratch_space.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'errors.dart';
import 'module_builder.dart';
import 'module_cache.dart';
import 'modules.dart';
import 'platform.dart';
import 'scratch_space.dart';
import 'workers.dart';
const multiRootScheme = 'org-dartlang-app';
/// A builder which can output kernel files for a given sdk.
/// This creates kernel files based on [moduleExtension] files, which are what
/// determine the module structure of an application.
class KernelBuilder implements Builder {
final Map<String, List<String>> buildExtensions;
final bool useIncrementalCompiler;
final bool trackUnusedInputs;
final String outputExtension;
final DartPlatform platform;
/// Whether this should create summary kernel files or full kernel files.
/// Summary files only contain the "outline" of the module - you can think of
/// this as everything but the method bodies.
final bool summaryOnly;
/// The sdk kernel file for the current platform.
final String sdkKernelPath;
/// The root directory of the platform's dart SDK.
/// If not provided, defaults to the directory of
/// [Platform.resolvedExecutable].
/// On flutter this is the path to the root of the flutter_patched_sdk
/// directory, which contains the platform kernel files.
final String platformSdk;
/// The absolute path to the libraries file for the current platform.
/// If not provided, defaults to "lib/libraries.json" in the sdk directory.
final String librariesPath;
/// The `--target` argument passed to the kernel worker.
/// Optional. When omitted the [platform] name is used.
final String kernelTargetName;
/// Experiments to pass to kernel (as --enable-experiment=<experiment> args).
final Iterable<String> experiments;
{@required this.platform,
@required this.summaryOnly,
@required this.sdkKernelPath,
@required this.outputExtension,
String librariesPath,
bool useIncrementalCompiler,
bool trackUnusedInputs,
String platformSdk,
String kernelTargetName,
Iterable<String> experiments})
: platformSdk = platformSdk ?? sdkDir,
kernelTargetName = kernelTargetName ??,
librariesPath = librariesPath ??
p.join(platformSdk ?? sdkDir, 'lib', 'libraries.json'),
useIncrementalCompiler = useIncrementalCompiler ?? false,
trackUnusedInputs = trackUnusedInputs ?? false,
buildExtensions = {
moduleExtension(platform): [outputExtension]
experiments = experiments ?? [];
Future build(BuildStep buildStep) async {
var module = Module.fromJson(
json.decode(await buildStep.readAsString(buildStep.inputId))
as Map<String, dynamic>);
// Entrypoints always have a `.module` file for ease of looking them up,
// but they might not be the primary source.
if (module.primarySource.changeExtension(moduleExtension(platform)) !=
buildStep.inputId) {
try {
await _createKernel(
module: module,
buildStep: buildStep,
summaryOnly: summaryOnly,
outputExtension: outputExtension,
targetName: kernelTargetName,
dartSdkDir: platformSdk,
sdkKernelPath: sdkKernelPath,
librariesPath: librariesPath,
useIncrementalCompiler: useIncrementalCompiler,
trackUnusedInputs: trackUnusedInputs,
experiments: experiments);
} on MissingModulesException catch (e) {
} on KernelException catch (e, s) {
'Error creating '
/// Creates a kernel file for [module].
Future<void> _createKernel(
{@required Module module,
@required BuildStep buildStep,
@required bool summaryOnly,
@required String outputExtension,
@required String targetName,
@required String dartSdkDir,
@required String sdkKernelPath,
@required String librariesPath,
@required bool useIncrementalCompiler,
@required bool trackUnusedInputs,
@required Iterable<String> experiments}) async {
var request = WorkRequest();
var scratchSpace = await buildStep.fetchResource(scratchSpaceResource);
var outputId = module.primarySource.changeExtension(outputExtension);
var outputFile = scratchSpace.fileFor(outputId);
File packagesFile;
var kernelDeps = <AssetId>[];
// Maps the inputs paths we provide to the kernel worker to asset ids,
// if `trackUnusedInputs` is `true`.
Map<String, AssetId> kernelInputPathToId;
// If `trackUnusedInputs` is `true`, this is the file we will use to
// communicate the used inputs with the kernel worker.
File usedInputsFile;
await buildStep.trackStage('CollectDeps', () async {
var sourceDeps = <AssetId>[];
await _findModuleDeps(
module, kernelDeps, sourceDeps, buildStep, outputExtension);
var allAssetIds = <AssetId>{
await scratchSpace.ensureAssets(allAssetIds, buildStep);
packagesFile = await createPackagesFile(allAssetIds);
if (trackUnusedInputs) {
usedInputsFile = await File(p.join(
(await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('kernel_builder_')).path,
kernelInputPathToId = {};
await _addRequestArguments(
usedInputsFile: usedInputsFile,
kernelInputPathToId: kernelInputPathToId);
// We need to make sure and clean up the temp dir, even if we fail to compile.
try {
var frontendWorker = await buildStep.fetchResource(frontendDriverResource);
var response = await frontendWorker.doWork(request,
trackWork: (response) => buildStep
.trackStage('Kernel Generate', () => response, isExternal: true));
if (response.exitCode != EXIT_CODE_OK || !await outputFile.exists()) {
throw KernelException(
outputId, '${request.arguments.join(' ')}\n${response.output}');
if (response.output?.isEmpty == false) {;
// Copy the output back using the buildStep.
await scratchSpace.copyOutput(outputId, buildStep, requireContent: true);
// Note that we only want to do this on success, we can't trust the unused
// inputs if there is a failure.
if (usedInputsFile != null) {
await reportUnusedKernelInputs(
usedInputsFile, kernelDeps, kernelInputPathToId, buildStep);
} finally {
await packagesFile.parent.delete(recursive: true);
await usedInputsFile?.parent?.delete(recursive: true);
/// Reports any unused kernel inputs based on the [usedInputsFile] we get
/// back from the kernel/ddk workers.
/// This file logs paths as they were given in the original [WorkRequest],
/// so [inputPathToId] is used to map those paths back to the kernel asset ids.
/// This function will not report any unused dependencies if:
/// - It isn't able to match all reported used dependencies to an asset id (it
/// would be unsafe to do so in that case).
/// - No used dependencies are reported (it is assumed something went wrong
/// or there were zero deps to begin with).
Future<void> reportUnusedKernelInputs(
File usedInputsFile,
Iterable<AssetId> transitiveKernelDeps,
Map<String, AssetId> inputPathToId,
BuildStep buildStep) async {
var usedPaths = await usedInputsFile.readAsLines();
if (usedPaths.isEmpty || usedPaths.first == '') return;
String firstMissingInputPath;
var usedIds = {
var id = inputPathToId[usedPath];
if (id == null) firstMissingInputPath ??= usedPath;
return id;
if (firstMissingInputPath != null) {
log.warning('Error reporting unused kernel deps, unable to map path: '
'`$firstMissingInputPath` back to an asset id.\n\nPlease file an issue '
transitiveKernelDeps.where((id) => !usedIds.contains(id)));
/// Finds the transitive dependencies of [root] and categorizes them as
/// [kernelDeps] or [sourceDeps].
/// A module will have it's kernel file in [kernelDeps] if it and all of it's
/// transitive dependencies have readable kernel files. If any module has no
/// readable kernel file then it, and all of it's dependents will be categorized
/// as [sourceDeps] which will have all of their [Module.sources].
Future<void> _findModuleDeps(
Module root,
List<AssetId> kernelDeps,
List<AssetId> sourceDeps,
BuildStep buildStep,
String outputExtension) async {
final resolvedModules = await _resolveTransitiveModules(root, buildStep);
final sourceOnly = await _parentsOfMissingKernelFiles(
resolvedModules, buildStep, outputExtension);
for (final module in resolvedModules) {
if (sourceOnly.contains(module.primarySource)) {
} else {
/// The transitive dependencies of [root], not including [root] itself.
Future<List<Module>> _resolveTransitiveModules(
Module root, BuildStep buildStep) async {
var missing = <AssetId>{};
var modules = await crawlAsync<AssetId, Module>(
(id) => buildStep.fetchResource(moduleCache).then((c) async {
var moduleId =
var module = await c.find(moduleId, buildStep);
if (module == null) {
} else if (module.isMissing) {
return module;
(id, module) => module.directDependencies)
.skip(1) // Skip the root.
if (missing.isNotEmpty) {
throw await MissingModulesException.create(
missing, [...modules, root], buildStep);
return modules;
/// Finds the primary source of all transitive parents of any module which does
/// not have a readable kernel file.
/// Inverts the direction of the graph and then crawls to all reachables nodes
/// from the modules which do not have a readable kernel file
Future<Set<AssetId>> _parentsOfMissingKernelFiles(
List<Module> modules, BuildStep buildStep, String outputExtension) async {
final sourceOnly = <AssetId>{};
final parents = <AssetId, Set<AssetId>>{};
for (final module in modules) {
for (final dep in module.directDependencies) {
parents.putIfAbsent(dep, () => <AssetId>{}).add(module.primarySource);
if (!await buildStep
.canRead(module.primarySource.changeExtension(outputExtension))) {
final toCrawl = Queue.of(sourceOnly);
while (toCrawl.isNotEmpty) {
final current = toCrawl.removeFirst();
if (!parents.containsKey(current)) continue;
for (final next in parents[current]) {
if (!sourceOnly.add(next)) {
return sourceOnly;
/// Fills in all the required arguments for [request] in order to compile the
/// kernel file for [module].
Future<void> _addRequestArguments(
WorkRequest request,
Module module,
Iterable<AssetId> transitiveKernelDeps,
String targetName,
String sdkDir,
String sdkKernelPath,
String librariesPath,
File outputFile,
File packagesFile,
bool summaryOnly,
bool useIncrementalCompiler,
AssetReader reader,
Iterable<String> experiments, {
File usedInputsFile,
Map<String, AssetId> kernelInputPathToId,
}) async {
// Add all kernel outlines as summary inputs, with digests.
var inputs = await Future.wait( async {
var relativePath = p.url.relative(scratchSpace.fileFor(id).uri.path,
from: scratchSpace.tempDir.uri.path);
var path = '$multiRootScheme:///$relativePath';
if (kernelInputPathToId != null) {
kernelInputPathToId[path] = id;
return Input()
..path = path
..digest = (await reader.digest(id)).bytes;
'--dart-sdk-summary=${Uri.file(p.join(sdkDir, sdkKernelPath))}',
summaryOnly ? '--summary-only' : '--no-summary-only',
if (useIncrementalCompiler) ...[
if (usedInputsFile != null)
for (var input in inputs)
'--input-${summaryOnly ? 'summary' : 'linked'}=${input.path}',
for (var experiment in experiments) '--enable-experiment=$experiment',
for (var source in module.sources) _sourceArg(source),
..path = '${Uri.file(p.join(sdkDir, sdkKernelPath))}'
// Sdk updates fully invalidate the build anyways.
..digest = md5.convert(utf8.encode(targetName)).bytes,
String _sourceArg(AssetId id) {
var uri = id.path.startsWith('lib')
? canonicalUriFor(id)
: '$multiRootScheme:///${id.path}';
return '--source=$uri';