blob: a00e67ea50a476d74d8bf64125885c0889b94852 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
const Symbol logKey = #buildLog;
final _default = Logger('build.fallback');
/// The log instance for the currently running BuildStep.
/// Will be `null` when not running within a build.
Logger get log => Zone.current[logKey] as Logger ?? _default;
/// Runs [fn] in an error handling [Zone].
/// Any calls to [print] will be logged with `log.warning`, and any errors will
/// be logged with `log.severe`.
/// Completes with the first error or result of `fn`, whichever comes first.
Future<T> scopeLogAsync<T>(Future<T> fn(), Logger log) {
var done = Completer<T>();
ZoneSpecification(print: (self, parent, zone, message) {
zoneValues: {logKey: log},
onError: (Object e, StackTrace s) {
log.severe('', e, s);
if (done.isCompleted) return;
done.completeError(e, s);
}).then((result) {
if (done.isCompleted) return;
return done.future;