blob: 6c42a4c20ec7f6f5fd6a63ad3267d866a92b1b13 [file] [log] [blame]
Runtime requirements:
cygwin-1.5.21(0.156/4/2) or newer
Build requirements
cygwin-1.5.21(0.156/4/2) or newer
Canonical homepage:
Canonical download:
Build instructions:
if you use setup to install this src package, it will be
unpacked under /usr/src automatically
cd /usr/src
./ all
This will create:
Port Notes:
The directory /usr/share/@CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME@/include is purposely not
located at /usr/include/@CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME@ or /usr/include/cmake. The
files it contains are not meant for inclusion in any C or C++ program.
They are used for compiling dynamically loadable CMake commands inside
projects that provide them. CMake will automatically provide the
proper include path when the files are needed.
Cygwin port maintained by: CMake Developers <>