Merge topic 'doc-buildsystem'

835f34949e Help: Update cmake-buildsystem(7) build and usage requirements
f19949db77 Help: Document when AUTOUIC_OPTIONS properties were added

Acked-by: Kitware Robot <>
Merge-request: !9454
diff --git a/Modules/FindCUDAToolkit.cmake b/Modules/FindCUDAToolkit.cmake
index bc17f19..44d09f5 100644
--- a/Modules/FindCUDAToolkit.cmake
+++ b/Modules/FindCUDAToolkit.cmake
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
-The `NVIDIA Management Library <>`_.
+The `NVIDIA Management Library <>`_.
 This is a shared library only.
 Targets Created:
diff --git a/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake b/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake
index b457ec4..0dc7d96 100644
--- a/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake
+++ b/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # CMake version number components.
 set(CMake_VERSION_MINOR 29)
-set(CMake_VERSION_PATCH 20240423)
+set(CMake_VERSION_PATCH 20240424)
 #set(CMake_VERSION_RC 0)
diff --git a/Source/cmGlobalXCodeGenerator.cxx b/Source/cmGlobalXCodeGenerator.cxx
index 7dd5ffa..8067694 100644
--- a/Source/cmGlobalXCodeGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmGlobalXCodeGenerator.cxx
@@ -1095,7 +1095,7 @@
   bool& keepLastKnownFileType, const std::vector<std::string>& enabled_langs)
   std::string ext = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(_ext);
-  std::string sourcecode = "sourcecode";
+  std::string sourcecode = "default";
   if (ext == "o"_s) {
     keepLastKnownFileType = true;
@@ -1110,42 +1110,42 @@
     sourcecode = "file.storyboard";
     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-branch-clone)
   } else if (ext == "mm"_s && !cm::contains(enabled_langs, "OBJCXX")) {
-    sourcecode += ".cpp.objcpp";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.cpp.objcpp";
     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-branch-clone)
   } else if (ext == "m"_s && !cm::contains(enabled_langs, "OBJC")) {
-    sourcecode += ".c.objc";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.c.objc";
   } else if (ext == "swift"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".swift";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.swift";
   } else if (ext == "plist"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".text.plist";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.text.plist";
   } else if (ext == "h"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".c.h";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.c.h";
   } else if (ext == "hxx"_s || ext == "hpp"_s || ext == "txx"_s ||
              ext == "pch"_s || ext == "hh"_s || ext == "inl"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".cpp.h";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.cpp.h";
   } else if (ext == "png"_s || ext == "gif"_s || ext == "jpg"_s) {
     keepLastKnownFileType = true;
     sourcecode = "image";
   } else if (ext == "txt"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".text";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.text";
   } else if (lang == "CXX"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".cpp.cpp";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.cpp.cpp";
   } else if (lang == "C"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".c.c";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.c.c";
   } else if (lang == "OBJCXX"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".cpp.objcpp";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.cpp.objcpp";
   } else if (lang == "OBJC"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".c.objc";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.c.objc";
   } else if (lang == "Fortran"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".fortran.f90";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.fortran.f90";
   } else if (lang == "ASM"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".asm";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.asm";
   } else if (ext == "metal"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".metal";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.metal";
   } else if (ext == "mig"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".mig";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.mig";
   } else if (ext == "tbd"_s) {
-    sourcecode += ".text-based-dylib-definition";
+    sourcecode = "sourcecode.text-based-dylib-definition";
   } else if (ext == "a"_s) {
     keepLastKnownFileType = true;
     sourcecode = "";
diff --git a/Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx b/Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx
index e2642b2..c52a012 100644
--- a/Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx
@@ -1992,6 +1992,11 @@
   std::string const moduleFilepath =
     this->ConvertToNinjaPath(cmStrCat(moduleDirectory, '/', moduleFilename));
+  vars.emplace("description",
+               cmStrCat("Building Swift Module '", moduleName, "' with ",
+                        sources.size(),
+                        sources.size() == 1 ? " source" : " sources"));
   bool const isSingleOutput = [this, compileMode]() -> bool {
     bool isMultiThread = false;
     if (cmValue numThreadStr =
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Swift/IncrementalSwift-second-stdout.txt b/Tests/RunCMake/Swift/IncrementalSwift-second-stdout.txt
index 8e5b97c..ccd8aee 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Swift/IncrementalSwift-second-stdout.txt
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Swift/IncrementalSwift-second-stdout.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-.*Building Swift object A.swiftmodule CMakeFiles(/|\\)A.dir(/|\\)a.swift.o(bj)?
-.*Building Swift object B.swiftmodule CMakeFiles(/|\\)B.dir(/|\\)b.swift.o(bj)?
+.*Building Swift Module 'A' with 1 source
+.*Building Swift Module 'B' with 1 source
 FAILED: B.swiftmodule CMakeFiles(/|\\)B.dir(/|\\)b.swift.o(bj)?
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/XcodeProject/XcodeFileType-check.cmake b/Tests/RunCMake/XcodeProject/XcodeFileType-check.cmake
index 1847bc9..48b4680 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/XcodeProject/XcodeFileType-check.cmake
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/XcodeProject/XcodeFileType-check.cmake
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-set(expect-default "explicitFileType = sourcecode")
+set(expect-default "explicitFileType = default")
 set(expect-explicit "explicitFileType = sourcecode.c.h")
 set(expect-lastKnown "lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h")
 foreach(src default explicit lastKnown)