blob: 13642f6615ba58e76369fc6f47607793bb24ddd8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# complex relocations testsuite
proc ld_test { objects ldflags dest test } {
set ld_output [target_link $objects $dest $ldflags]
if [string match "" $ld_output] then { pass $test } else { fail $test }
proc ld_test_error { objects ldflags dest test } {
set ld_output [target_link $objects $dest $ldflags]
if [string match "" $ld_output] then { fail $test } else { pass $test }
proc objdump_test { exec flags dest test } {
set objdump [find_binutils_prog objdump]
verbose -log "$objdump $flags $exec > $dest"
catch "exec $objdump $flags $exec > $dest" objdump_output
if [string match "" $objdump_output] then { pass $test } else { fail $test }
proc regexp_test { file1 file2 test } {
if [regexp_diff $file1 $file2] then { fail $test } else { pass $test }
global srcdir subdir
if [istarget mep*-*-*] {
# test that complex relocs between files work, generally
gas_test relocs-junk1.s {-mconfig=default -o relocs-junk1.o} {} {assembling relocs-junk1}
gas_test relocs-syms.s {-mconfig=default -o relocs-syms.o} {} {assembling relocs-syms}
gas_test relocs-junk2.s {-mconfig=default -o relocs-junk2.o} {} {assembling relocs-junk2}
gas_test relocs-refs.s {-mconfig=default -o relocs-refs.o} {} {assembling relocs-refs}
ld_test {relocs-junk1.o relocs-syms.o relocs-junk2.o relocs-refs.o} {--defsym __stack=0x1ffff0 --defsym __sbss_end=0x1000 -e 1233 -EL} {relocs.x} {linking relocs.x}
objdump_test {relocs.x} {-dzs} {relocs.dump} {disassembling relocs.x}
regexp_test {relocs.dump} "$srcdir/$subdir/relocs.d" {matching disassembly for relocs.x}
foreach test {3} {
# perform specific negative boundary tests
gas_test "relocs-bad$test.s" [list -mconfig=default -o "relocs-bad$test.o"] {} [list assembling "relocs-bad$test"]
ld_test_error "relocs-bad$test.o" {-e 1233 -EL} "relocs-bad$test.x" [list linking "relocs-bad$test"]