blob: 42f2b86b190959e6db7f919349f45a9fa03b3cc0 [file] [log] [blame]
.syntax unified
.arch armv8-a
@ Wide instruction in IT block is deprecated.
it eq
ldrdeq r0, [r1]
@ This IT block is not deprecated.
it eq
moveq r2, r3
@ IT block of more than one instruction is deprecated.
itt eq
moveq r0, r1
moveq r2, r3
@ Even for auto IT blocks
moveq r2, r3
movne r2, r3
adds r0, r1
@ This automatic IT block is valid
moveq r2,r3
add r0, r1, r2
@ This one is too wide.
ldrdeq r0, [r1]
add r0, r1, r2
@ Test automatic IT block generation at end of a file.
movne r0, r1
moveq r1, r0
@ Test the various classes of 16-bit instructions that are deprecated.
it eq
svceq 0
it eq
uxtheq r0, r1
it eq
addeq r0, pc, #0
it eq
ldreq r0, [pc, #4]
it eq
bxeq pc
it eq
addeq r0, pc, pc
it eq
addeq pc, r0, r0