blob: 9032c6193a7b79a48998f4dfbc0ef1b81170ad24 [file] [log] [blame]
.*: file format elf32-.*arm
architecture: arm, flags 0x00000150:
start address 0x.*
Disassembly of section .plt:
00008198 <.plt>:
8198: e52de004 push {lr} ; .*
819c: e59fe004 ldr lr, \[pc, #4\] ; .*
81a0: e08fe00e add lr, pc, lr
81a4: e5bef008 ldr pc, \[lr, #8\]!
81a8: 000080e0 .word 0x000080e0
81ac: e08e0000 add r0, lr, r0
81b0: e5901004 ldr r1, \[r0, #4\]
81b4: e12fff11 bx r1
81b8: e52d2004 push {r2} ; .*
81bc: e59f200c ldr r2, \[pc, #12\] ; .*
81c0: e59f100c ldr r1, \[pc, #12\] ; .*
81c4: e79f2002 ldr r2, \[pc, r2\]
81c8: e081100f add r1, r1, pc
81cc: e12fff12 bx r2
81d0: 000080d8 .word 0x000080d8
81d4: 000080b8 .word 0x000080b8
Disassembly of section .text:
000081d8 <text>:
81d8: e59f0004 ldr r0, \[pc, #4\] ; .*
81dc: fafffff2 blx 81ac .*
81e0: e1a00000 nop ; .*
81e4: 000080b4 .word 0x000080b4
81e8: 4801 ldr r0, \[pc, #4\] ; .*
81ea: f7ff efe0 blx 81ac <.*>
81ee: 46c0 nop ; .*
81f0: 000080a5 .word 0x000080a5
Disassembly of section .foo:
04001000 <foo>:
4001000: e59f0004 ldr r0, \[pc, #4\] ; .*
4001004: fa000009 blx 4001030 .*
4001008: e1a00000 nop ; .*
400100c: fc00f28c .word 0xfc00f28c
4001010: e59f0004 ldr r0, \[pc, #4\] ; .*
4001014: fa000005 blx 4001030 .*
4001018: e1a00000 nop ; .*
400101c: fc00f284 .word 0xfc00f284
4001020: 4801 ldr r0, \[pc, #4\] ; .*
4001022: f000 e806 blx 4001030 .*
4001026: 46c0 nop ; .*
4001028: fc00f26d .word 0xfc00f26d
400102c: 00000000 .word 0x00000000
04001030 <__unnamed_veneer>:
4001030: e59f1000 ldr r1, \[pc, #0\] ; .*
4001034: e08ff001 add pc, pc, r1
4001038: fc007170 .word 0xfc007170
400103c: 00000000 .word 0x00000000