blob: d91f8b262e8d16eba0bec504e9dfc8325e7210e5 [file] [log] [blame]
# source file to test assembly of mips32r2 *non-fp* instructions
.set noreorder
.set noat
# unprivileged CPU instructions
ext $4, $5, 6, 8
ins $4, $5, 6, 8
jalr.hb $8
jalr.hb $20, $9
jr.hb $8
# Note, further testing of rdhwr is done in hwr-names-mips32r2.d
rdhwr $10, $0
rdhwr $11, $1
rdhwr $12, $2
rdhwr $13, $3
rdhwr $14, $4
rdhwr $15, $5
# This file checks that in fact HW rotate will
# be used for this arch, and checks assembly
# of the official MIPS mnemonics. (Note that disassembly
# uses the traditional "ror" and "rorv" mnemonics.)
# Additional rotate tests are done by rol-hw.d.
rotl $25, $10, 4
rotr $25, $10, 4
rotl $25, $10, $4
rotr $25, $10, $4
rotrv $25, $10, $4
seb $7
seb $8, $10
seh $7
seh $8, $10
synci 0x5555($10)
wsbh $7
wsbh $8, $10
# cp0 instructions
di $0
di $10
ei $0
ei $10
rdpgpr $10, $25
wrpgpr $10, $25
# cp2 instructions
mfhc2 $17, 0x5555
mthc2 $17, 0x5555
# Force at least 8 (non-delay-slot) zero bytes, to make 'objdump' print ...
.space 8