blob: 69ebdf271c0ae5764d6aaf9bb95a4e34331ee8a7 [file] [log] [blame]
#objdump: -dr --prefix-addresses --show-raw-insn
#name: SH DSP basic instructions
#as: -dsp
# Test the SH DSP instructions:
.*: +file format .*sh.*
Disassembly of section .text:
0+000 <[^>]*> f6 80 [ ]*movs.w @-r2,x0
0+002 <[^>]*> f7 94 [ ]*movs.w @r3,x1
0+004 <[^>]*> f4 a8 [ ]*movs.w @r4\+,y0
0+006 <[^>]*> f5 bc [ ]*movs.w @r5\+r8,y1
0+008 <[^>]*> f5 c1 [ ]*movs.w m0,@-r5
0+00a <[^>]*> f4 e5 [ ]*movs.w m1,@r4
0+00c <[^>]*> f7 79 [ ]*movs.w a0,@r3\+
0+00e <[^>]*> f6 5d [ ]*movs.w a1,@r2\+r8
0+010 <[^>]*> f6 f2 [ ]*movs.l @-r2,a0g
0+012 <[^>]*> f7 d6 [ ]*movs.l @r3,a1g
0+014 <[^>]*> f4 8a [ ]*movs.l @r4\+,x0
0+016 <[^>]*> f5 9e [ ]*movs.l @r5\+r8,x1
0+018 <[^>]*> f5 a3 [ ]*movs.l y0,@-r5
0+01a <[^>]*> f4 b7 [ ]*movs.l y1,@r4
0+01c <[^>]*> f7 cb [ ]*movs.l m0,@r3\+
0+01e <[^>]*> f6 ef [ ]*movs.l m1,@r2\+r8