blob: 516deb004cda2545f60dcb6eb15c2d023af6539e [file] [log] [blame]
/* Target dependent code for ARC700, for GDB, the GNU debugger.
Contributed by ARC International (
Richard Stuckey <>
This file is part of GDB.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/* */
/* Outline: */
/* This module implements an interface which the simulator can use to map */
/* register numbers as known to gdb to hardware register numbers. */
/* */
#include "arc-sim-registers.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* local data */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* GDB register numbers */
/* N.B. these numbers seem very strange!
* If the gdb numbers for the core registers are 0 (R0) .. 63 (PCL), and
* the numbers for the aux registers follow on from that range, then surely
* we should have PC_REGNUM = 70 and STATUS32_REGNUM = 71?
* And where does 2111 for the last auxiliary register come from???!!!
* In the code below, PC is correctly recognized as AUX_FIRST_REGNUM + 6
* (i.e. 70), and STATUS32 will be handled by the AUX_FIRST_REGNUM ..
* AUX_LAST_REGNUM range - so why are there special cases to map R61
* (reserved) and R63 (PCL) onto STATUS32 and PC, respectively?
* It might be the case that PCL is being treated the same as PC (although
* the ARC documentation says that for the ARCcompact "the PCL register
* returns the current instruction address, whereas the PC register returns
* the next instruction in sequence") - but then why does the calling code
* not just use the *_h_pcl_get / *_h_pcl_set functions?
* In any case, PCL is read-only, so mapping it onto the PC would allow
* the debugger user to change the value of PCL, which is surely not what
* is wanted!
#define STATUS32_REGNUM 61
#define PC_REGNUM 63 /* should this be PCL_REGNUM? */
#define AUX_LAST_REGNUM 2111
static ARC_RegisterMappingFunction map = 0;
static ARC_AuxRegisterConversionFunction convert = 0;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* externally visible functions */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void arc_hw_register_mapping(int gdb_regno,
int* hw_regno,
ARC_RegisterClass* reg_class)
/* do we have a mapping? */
if (map != 0)
(*map)(gdb_regno, hw_regno, reg_class);
/* OK, do it ourselves ... */
*hw_regno = -1;
if (gdb_regno < 61)
*hw_regno = gdb_regno;
*reg_class = ARC_CORE_REGISTER;
else if (gdb_regno == AUX_FIRST_REGNUM + 6)
else if (AUX_FIRST_REGNUM <= gdb_regno && gdb_regno <= AUX_LAST_REGNUM)
/* N.B. this assumes that the aux registers are contiguous in the
* auxiliary register space, i.e. that there are no gaps, but
* that is not the case!
*hw_regno = gdb_regno - AUX_FIRST_REGNUM;
*reg_class = ARC_AUX_REGISTER;
else /* see comment above */
switch (gdb_regno)
*hw_regno = 0xA;
*reg_class = ARC_AUX_REGISTER;
default :
void arc_aux_register_conversion(int gdb_regno, void *buffer)
if (convert != 0)
convert(gdb_regno, buffer);
/* this function allows the debugger to provide a mapping */
void arc_set_register_mapping(ARC_RegisterMappingFunction function)
map = function;
void arc_set_aux_register_conversion(ARC_AuxRegisterConversionFunction function)
convert = function;