blob: eabfab184e8fe4c60d10f66d5c75c15af95d3cd7 [file] [log] [blame]
/* coff object file format
Copyright (C) 1989-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GAS.
GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
any later version.
GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA. */
#ifndef OBJ_FORMAT_H
#define OBJ_FORMAT_H
#define OBJ_COFF 1
#include "targ-cpu.h"
/* This internal_lineno crap is to stop namespace pollution from the
bfd internal coff headerfile. */
#define internal_lineno bfd_internal_lineno
#include "coff/internal.h"
#undef internal_lineno
/* CPU-specific setup: */
#ifdef TC_ARM
#include "coff/arm.h"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "coff-arm"
#ifdef TC_PPC
#ifdef TE_PE
#include "coff/powerpc.h"
#include "coff/rs6000.h"
#ifdef TC_SPARC
#include "coff/sparc.h"
#ifdef TC_I386
#ifdef TE_PEP
#include "coff/x86_64.h"
#include "coff/i386.h"
#ifdef TE_PEP
#define TARGET_FORMAT "coff-x86-64"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "coff-i386"
#ifdef TC_M68K
#include "coff/m68k.h"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "coff-m68k"
#ifdef TC_I960
#include "coff/i960.h"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "coff-Intel-little"
#ifdef TC_Z80
#include "coff/z80.h"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "coff-z80"
#ifdef TC_Z8K
#include "coff/z8k.h"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "coff-z8k"
#ifdef TC_H8300
#include "coff/h8300.h"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "coff-h8300"
#ifdef TC_H8500
#include "coff/h8500.h"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "coff-h8500"
#ifdef TC_SH
#ifdef TE_PE
#define COFF_WITH_PE
#include "coff/sh.h"
#ifdef TE_PE
#define TARGET_FORMAT "pe-shl"
(!target_big_endian \
? (sh_small ? "coff-shl-small" : "coff-shl") \
: (sh_small ? "coff-sh-small" : "coff-sh"))
#ifdef TC_MIPS
#define COFF_WITH_PE
#include "coff/mipspe.h"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "pe-mips"
#ifdef TC_TIC30
#include "coff/tic30.h"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "coff-tic30"
#ifdef TC_TIC4X
#include "coff/tic4x.h"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "coff2-tic4x"
#ifdef TC_TIC54X
#include "coff/tic54x.h"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "coff1-c54x"
#ifdef TC_MCORE
#include "coff/mcore.h"
#define TARGET_FORMAT "pe-mcore"
#ifdef TE_PE
#define obj_set_weak_hook pecoff_obj_set_weak_hook
#define obj_clear_weak_hook pecoff_obj_clear_weak_hook
#define obj_symbol_new_hook coff_obj_symbol_new_hook
#define obj_symbol_clone_hook coff_obj_symbol_clone_hook
#define obj_read_begin_hook coff_obj_read_begin_hook
#include "bfd/libcoff.h"
#define OUTPUT_FLAVOR bfd_target_coff_flavour
/* Alter the field names, for now, until we've fixed up the other
references to use the new name. */
#ifdef TC_I960
#define TC_SYMFIELD_TYPE symbolS *
#define sy_tc bal
#define OBJ_SYMFIELD_TYPE unsigned long
#define sy_obj sy_obj_flags
/* We can't use the predefined section symbols in bfd/section.c, as
COFF symbols have extra fields. See bfd/libcoff.h:coff_symbol_type. */
#ifndef obj_sec_sym_ok_for_reloc
#define obj_sec_sym_ok_for_reloc(SEC) ((SEC)->owner != 0)
#define SYM_AUXENT(S) \
(&coffsymbol (symbol_get_bfdsym (S))->native[1].u.auxent)
#define SYM_AUXINFO(S) \
(&coffsymbol (symbol_get_bfdsym (S))->native[1])
/* The number of auxiliary entries. */
(coffsymbol (symbol_get_bfdsym (s))->native->u.syment.n_numaux)
/* The number of auxiliary entries. */
/* True if a symbol name is in the string table, i.e. its length is > 8. */
#define S_IS_STRING(s) (strlen (S_GET_NAME (s)) > 8 ? 1 : 0)
/* Auxiliary entry macros. SA_ stands for symbol auxiliary. */
/* Omit the tv related fields. */
/* Accessors. */
#define SA_GET_SYM_TAGNDX(s) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_sym.x_tagndx.l)
#define SA_GET_SYM_LNNO(s) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno)
#define SA_GET_SYM_SIZE(s) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size)
#define SA_GET_SYM_FSIZE(s) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize)
#define SA_GET_SYM_LNNOPTR(s) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr)
#define SA_GET_SYM_ENDNDX(s) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx)
#define SA_GET_SYM_DIMEN(s,i) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[(i)])
#define SA_GET_FILE_FNAME(s) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_file.x_fname)
#define SA_GET_SCN_SCNLEN(s) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_scn.x_scnlen)
#define SA_GET_SCN_NRELOC(s) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_scn.x_nreloc)
#define SA_GET_SCN_NLINNO(s) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_scn.x_nlinno)
#define SA_SET_SYM_LNNO(s,v) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno = (v))
#define SA_SET_SYM_SIZE(s,v) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size = (v))
#define SA_SET_SYM_FSIZE(s,v) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize = (v))
#define SA_SET_SYM_LNNOPTR(s,v) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr = (v))
#define SA_SET_SYM_DIMEN(s,i,v) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[(i)] = (v))
#define SA_SET_FILE_FNAME(s,v) strncpy (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_file.x_fname, (v), FILNMLEN)
#define SA_SET_SCN_SCNLEN(s,v) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_scn.x_scnlen = (v))
#define SA_SET_SCN_NRELOC(s,v) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_scn.x_nreloc = (v))
#define SA_SET_SCN_NLINNO(s,v) (SYM_AUXENT (s)->x_scn.x_nlinno = (v))
/* Internal use only definitions. SF_ stands for symbol flags.
These values can be assigned to sy_symbol.ost_flags field of a symbolS.
You'll break i960 if you shift the SYSPROC bits anywhere else. for
more on the balname/callname hack, see tc-i960.h. b.out is done
differently. */
#define SF_I960_MASK 0x000001ff /* Bits 0-8 are used by the i960 port. */
#define SF_SYSPROC 0x0000003f /* bits 0-5 are used to store the sysproc number. */
#define SF_IS_SYSPROC 0x00000040 /* bit 6 marks symbols that are sysprocs. */
#define SF_BALNAME 0x00000080 /* bit 7 marks BALNAME symbols. */
#define SF_CALLNAME 0x00000100 /* bit 8 marks CALLNAME symbols. */
#define SF_NORMAL_MASK 0x0000ffff /* bits 12-15 are general purpose. */
#define SF_STATICS 0x00001000 /* Mark the .text & all symbols. */
#define SF_DEFINED 0x00002000 /* Symbol is defined in this file. */
#define SF_STRING 0x00004000 /* Symbol name length > 8. */
#define SF_LOCAL 0x00008000 /* Symbol must not be emitted. */
#define SF_DEBUG_MASK 0xffff0000 /* bits 16-31 are debug info. */
#define SF_FUNCTION 0x00010000 /* The symbol is a function. */
#define SF_PROCESS 0x00020000 /* Process symbol before write. */
#define SF_TAGGED 0x00040000 /* Is associated with a tag. */
#define SF_TAG 0x00080000 /* Is a tag. */
#define SF_DEBUG 0x00100000 /* Is in debug or abs section. */
#define SF_GET_SEGMENT 0x00200000 /* Get the section of the forward symbol. */
/* All other bits are unused. */
/* Accessors. */
#define SF_GET(s) (* symbol_get_obj (s))
#define SF_GET_DEBUG(s) (symbol_get_bfdsym (s)->flags & BSF_DEBUGGING)
#define SF_SET_DEBUG(s) (symbol_get_bfdsym (s)->flags |= BSF_DEBUGGING)
#define SF_GET_FILE(s) (SF_GET (s) & SF_FILE)
#define SF_GET_STRING(s) (SF_GET (s) & SF_STRING)
#define SF_GET_LOCAL(s) (SF_GET (s) & SF_LOCAL)
#define SF_GET_TAGGED(s) (SF_GET (s) & SF_TAGGED)
#define SF_GET_TAG(s) (SF_GET (s) & SF_TAG)
#define SF_GET_I960(s) (SF_GET (s) & SF_I960_MASK) /* Used by i960. */
#define SF_GET_BALNAME(s) (SF_GET (s) & SF_BALNAME) /* Used by i960. */
#define SF_GET_CALLNAME(s) (SF_GET (s) & SF_CALLNAME) /* Used by i960. */
#define SF_GET_IS_SYSPROC(s) (SF_GET (s) & SF_IS_SYSPROC) /* Used by i960. */
#define SF_GET_SYSPROC(s) (SF_GET (s) & SF_SYSPROC) /* Used by i960. */
/* Modifiers. */
#define SF_SET(s,v) (SF_GET (s) = (v))
#define SF_SET_NORMAL_FIELD(s,v)(SF_GET (s) |= ((v) & SF_NORMAL_MASK))
#define SF_SET_DEBUG_FIELD(s,v) (SF_GET (s) |= ((v) & SF_DEBUG_MASK))
#define SF_SET_FILE(s) (SF_GET (s) |= SF_FILE)
#define SF_SET_STATICS(s) (SF_GET (s) |= SF_STATICS)
#define SF_SET_DEFINED(s) (SF_GET (s) |= SF_DEFINED)
#define SF_SET_STRING(s) (SF_GET (s) |= SF_STRING)
#define SF_SET_LOCAL(s) (SF_GET (s) |= SF_LOCAL)
#define SF_CLEAR_LOCAL(s) (SF_GET (s) &= ~SF_LOCAL)
#define SF_SET_PROCESS(s) (SF_GET (s) |= SF_PROCESS)
#define SF_SET_TAGGED(s) (SF_GET (s) |= SF_TAGGED)
#define SF_SET_TAG(s) (SF_GET (s) |= SF_TAG)
#define SF_SET_I960(s,v) (SF_GET (s) |= ((v) & SF_I960_MASK)) /* Used by i960. */
#define SF_SET_BALNAME(s) (SF_GET (s) |= SF_BALNAME) /* Used by i960. */
#define SF_SET_CALLNAME(s) (SF_GET (s) |= SF_CALLNAME) /* Used by i960. */
#define SF_SET_IS_SYSPROC(s) (SF_GET (s) |= SF_IS_SYSPROC) /* Used by i960. */
#define SF_SET_SYSPROC(s,v) (SF_GET (s) |= ((v) & SF_SYSPROC)) /* Used by i960. */
/* Line number handling. */
extern int text_lineno_number;
extern int coff_line_base;
extern int coff_n_line_nos;
extern symbolS *coff_last_function;
#define obj_emit_lineno(WHERE, LINE, FILE_START) abort ()
#define obj_app_file(name, app) c_dot_file_symbol (name, app)
#define obj_frob_symbol(S,P) coff_frob_symbol (S, & P)
#define obj_frob_section(S) coff_frob_section (S)
#define obj_frob_file_after_relocs() coff_frob_file_after_relocs ()
#ifndef obj_adjust_symtab
#define obj_adjust_symtab() coff_adjust_symtab ()
/* Forward the segment of a forwarded symbol, handle assignments that
just copy symbol values, etc. */
#ifndef TE_I386AIX
#define OBJ_COPY_SYMBOL_ATTRIBUTES(dest, src) \
? (S_SET_SEGMENT (dest, S_GET_SEGMENT (src)), 0) \
: 0)
#define OBJ_COPY_SYMBOL_ATTRIBUTES(dest, src) \
? (S_SET_SEGMENT (dest, S_GET_SEGMENT (src)), 0) \
: 0)
/* Sanity check. */
#ifdef TC_I960
#ifndef C_LEAFSTAT
hey ! Where is the C_LEAFSTAT definition ? i960 - coff support is depending on it.
#endif /* no C_LEAFSTAT */
#endif /* TC_I960 */
extern const pseudo_typeS coff_pseudo_table[];
#ifndef obj_pop_insert
#define obj_pop_insert() pop_insert (coff_pseudo_table)
/* In COFF, if a symbol is defined using .def/.val SYM/.endef, it's OK
to redefine the symbol later on. This can happen if C symbols use
a prefix, and a symbol is defined both with and without the prefix,
as in start/_start/__start in gcc/libgcc1-test.c. */
? (sym->sy_frag = frag_now, \
S_SET_VALUE (sym, frag_now_fix ()), \
S_SET_SEGMENT (sym, now_seg), \
0) \
: 0)
/* Stabs in a coff file go into their own section. */
/* We need 12 bytes at the start of the section to hold some initial
information. */
#define INIT_STAB_SECTION(seg) obj_coff_init_stab_section (seg)
/* Store the number of relocations in the section aux entry. */
#define SET_SECTION_RELOCS(sec, relocs, n) \
SA_SET_SCN_NRELOC (section_symbol (sec), n)
#define obj_app_file(name, app) c_dot_file_symbol (name, app)
extern int S_SET_DATA_TYPE (symbolS *, int);
extern int S_SET_STORAGE_CLASS (symbolS *, int);
extern int S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS (symbolS *);
extern void SA_SET_SYM_ENDNDX (symbolS *, symbolS *);
extern void coff_add_linesym (symbolS *);
extern void c_dot_file_symbol (const char *, int);
extern void coff_frob_symbol (symbolS *, int *);
extern void coff_adjust_symtab (void);
extern void coff_frob_section (segT);
extern void coff_adjust_section_syms (bfd *, asection *, void *);
extern void coff_frob_file_after_relocs (void);
extern void coff_obj_symbol_new_hook (symbolS *);
extern void coff_obj_symbol_clone_hook (symbolS *, symbolS *);
extern void coff_obj_read_begin_hook (void);
#ifdef TE_PE
extern void pecoff_obj_set_weak_hook (symbolS *);
extern void pecoff_obj_clear_weak_hook (symbolS *);
extern void obj_coff_section (int);
extern segT obj_coff_add_segment (const char *);
extern void obj_coff_section (int);
extern void c_dot_file_symbol (const char *, int);
extern segT s_get_segment (symbolS *);
#ifndef tc_coff_symbol_emit_hook
extern void tc_coff_symbol_emit_hook (symbolS *);
extern void obj_coff_pe_handle_link_once (void);
extern void obj_coff_init_stab_section (segT);
extern void c_section_header (struct internal_scnhdr *,
char *, long, long, long, long,
long, long, long, long);
extern void obj_coff_seh_do_final (void);
#ifndef obj_coff_generate_pdata
#define obj_coff_generate_pdata obj_coff_seh_do_final
#endif /* OBJ_FORMAT_H */