blob: 26faba1186177fc3294022f70fb2755297fb2256 [file] [log] [blame]
* BCMSDH Function Driver for the native SDIO/MMC driver in the Linux Kernel
* Copyright 1999-2016, Broadcom Corporation
* All rights reserved,
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* This software is provided by the copyright holder "as is" and any express or
* implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
* merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event
* shall copyright holder be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special,
* exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement
* of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business
* interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in
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* in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility
* of such damage
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Proprietary,Open:>>
* $Id: bcmsdh_sdmmc.h 591160 2015-10-07 06:01:58Z $
#ifndef __BCMSDH_SDMMC_H__
#define __BCMSDH_SDMMC_H__
#define sd_err(x) do { if (sd_msglevel & SDH_ERROR_VAL) printf x; } while (0)
#define sd_trace(x) do { if (sd_msglevel & SDH_TRACE_VAL) printf x; } while (0)
#define sd_info(x) do { if (sd_msglevel & SDH_INFO_VAL) printf x; } while (0)
#define sd_debug(x) do { if (sd_msglevel & SDH_DEBUG_VAL) printf x; } while (0)
#define sd_data(x) do { if (sd_msglevel & SDH_DATA_VAL) printf x; } while (0)
#define sd_ctrl(x) do { if (sd_msglevel & SDH_CTRL_VAL) printf x; } while (0)
#define sd_cost(x) do { if (sd_msglevel & SDH_COST_VAL) printf x; } while (0)
#define sd_sync_dma(sd, read, nbytes)
#define sd_init_dma(sd)
#define sd_ack_intr(sd)
#define sd_wakeup(sd);
#define sd_log(x)
#define SDIOH_ASSERT(exp) \
do { if (!(exp)) \
printf("!!!ASSERT fail: file %s lines %d", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} while (0)
#define BLOCK_SIZE_4318 64
#define BLOCK_SIZE_4328 512
/* internal return code */
#define SUCCESS 0
#define ERROR 1
/* private bus modes */
#define SDIOH_MODE_SD4 2
#define CLIENT_INTR 0x100 /* Get rid of this! */
#if defined(SWTXGLOM)
typedef struct glom_buf {
void *glom_pkt_head;
void *glom_pkt_tail;
uint32 count; /* Total number of pkts queued */
} glom_buf_t;
#endif /* SWTXGLOM */
struct sdioh_info {
osl_t *osh; /* osh handler */
void *bcmsdh; /* upper layer handle */
bool client_intr_enabled; /* interrupt connnected flag */
bool intr_handler_valid; /* client driver interrupt handler valid */
sdioh_cb_fn_t intr_handler; /* registered interrupt handler */
void *intr_handler_arg; /* argument to call interrupt handler */
uint16 intmask; /* Current active interrupts */
int intrcount; /* Client interrupts */
bool sd_use_dma; /* DMA on CMD53 */
bool sd_blockmode; /* sd_blockmode == FALSE => 64 Byte Cmd 53s. */
/* Must be on for sd_multiblock to be effective */
bool use_client_ints; /* If this is false, make sure to restore */
int sd_mode; /* SD1/SD4/SPI */
int client_block_size[SDIOD_MAX_IOFUNCS]; /* Blocksize */
uint8 num_funcs; /* Supported funcs on client */
uint32 com_cis_ptr;
uint32 func_cis_ptr[SDIOD_MAX_IOFUNCS];
bool use_rxchain;
struct scatterlist sg_list[SDIOH_SDMMC_MAX_SG_ENTRIES];
struct sdio_func fake_func0;
struct sdio_func *func[SDIOD_MAX_IOFUNCS];
uint txglom_mode; /* Txglom mode: 0 - copy, 1 - multi-descriptor */
#if defined(SWTXGLOM)
glom_buf_t glom_info; /* pkt information used for glomming */
* Internal interfaces: per-port references into bcmsdh_sdmmc.c
/* Global message bits */
extern uint sd_msglevel;
/* OS-independent interrupt handler */
extern bool check_client_intr(sdioh_info_t *sd);
/* Core interrupt enable/disable of device interrupts */
extern void sdioh_sdmmc_devintr_on(sdioh_info_t *sd);
extern void sdioh_sdmmc_devintr_off(sdioh_info_t *sd);
* Internal interfaces: bcmsdh_sdmmc.c references to per-port code
/* Register mapping routines */
extern uint32 *sdioh_sdmmc_reg_map(osl_t *osh, int32 addr, int size);
extern void sdioh_sdmmc_reg_unmap(osl_t *osh, int32 addr, int size);
/* Interrupt (de)registration routines */
extern int sdioh_sdmmc_register_irq(sdioh_info_t *sd, uint irq);
extern void sdioh_sdmmc_free_irq(uint irq, sdioh_info_t *sd);
extern sdioh_info_t *sdioh_attach(osl_t *osh, struct sdio_func *func);
extern SDIOH_API_RC sdioh_detach(osl_t *osh, sdioh_info_t *sd);
typedef struct _BCMSDH_SDMMC_INSTANCE {
sdioh_info_t *sd;
struct sdio_func *func[SDIOD_MAX_IOFUNCS];
#endif /* __BCMSDH_SDMMC_H__ */