Merge "Make ro.product.cpu.abilist* to be fetched dynamically" into android10-gsi
diff --git a/init/property_service.cpp b/init/property_service.cpp
index 8c95296..6ef355f 100644
--- a/init/property_service.cpp
+++ b/init/property_service.cpp
@@ -891,6 +891,69 @@
+// If the ro.product.cpu.abilist* properties have not been explicitly
+// set, derive them from ro.${partition}.product.cpu.abilist* properties.
+static void property_initialize_ro_cpu_abilist() {
+    // From high to low priority.
+    const char* kAbilistSources[] = {
+            "product",
+            "odm",
+            "vendor",
+            "system",
+    };
+    const std::string EMPTY = "";
+    const char* kAbilistProp = "ro.product.cpu.abilist";
+    const char* kAbilist32Prop = "ro.product.cpu.abilist32";
+    const char* kAbilist64Prop = "ro.product.cpu.abilist64";
+    // If the properties are defined explicitly, just use them.
+    if (GetProperty(kAbilistProp, EMPTY) != EMPTY) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Find the first source defining these properties by order.
+    std::string abilist32_prop_val;
+    std::string abilist64_prop_val;
+    for (const auto& source : kAbilistSources) {
+        const auto abilist32_prop = std::string("ro.") + source + ".product.cpu.abilist32";
+        const auto abilist64_prop = std::string("ro.") + source + ".product.cpu.abilist64";
+        abilist32_prop_val = GetProperty(abilist32_prop, EMPTY);
+        abilist64_prop_val = GetProperty(abilist64_prop, EMPTY);
+        // The properties could be empty on 32-bit-only or 64-bit-only devices,
+        // but we cannot identify a property is empty or undefined by GetProperty().
+        // So, we assume both of these 2 properties are empty as undefined.
+        if (abilist32_prop_val != EMPTY || abilist64_prop_val != EMPTY) {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    // Merge ABI lists for ro.product.cpu.abilist
+    auto abilist_prop_val = abilist64_prop_val;
+    if (abilist32_prop_val != EMPTY) {
+        if (abilist_prop_val != EMPTY) {
+            abilist_prop_val += ",";
+        }
+        abilist_prop_val += abilist32_prop_val;
+    }
+    // Set these properties
+    const std::pair<const char*, const std::string&> set_prop_list[] = {
+            {kAbilistProp, abilist_prop_val},
+            {kAbilist32Prop, abilist32_prop_val},
+            {kAbilist64Prop, abilist64_prop_val},
+    };
+    for (const auto& [prop, prop_val] : set_prop_list) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Setting property '" << prop << "' to '" << prop_val << "'";
+        std::string error;
+        uint32_t res = PropertySet(prop, prop_val, &error);
+        if (res != PROP_SUCCESS) {
+            LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting property '" << prop << "': err=" << res << " (" << error
+                       << ")";
+        }
+    }
 void property_load_boot_defaults(bool load_debug_prop) {
     // TODO(b/117892318): merge prop.default and build.prop files into one
     // We read the properties and their values into a map, in order to always allow properties
@@ -932,6 +995,7 @@
+    property_initialize_ro_cpu_abilist();