Merge "Do not umount /vendor, /system, and /oem even if they are R/W."
diff --git a/init/reboot.cpp b/init/reboot.cpp
index 969caec..8196d58 100644
--- a/init/reboot.cpp
+++ b/init/reboot.cpp
@@ -234,7 +234,12 @@
             LOG(INFO) << "mount entry " << mentry->mnt_fsname << ":" << mentry->mnt_dir << " opts "
                       << mentry->mnt_opts << " type " << mentry->mnt_type;
         } else if (MountEntry::IsBlockDevice(*mentry) && hasmntopt(mentry, "rw")) {
-            blockDevPartitions->emplace(blockDevPartitions->begin(), *mentry);
+            std::string mount_dir(mentry->mnt_dir);
+            // These are R/O partitions changed to R/W after adb remount.
+            // Do not umount them as shutdown critical services may rely on them.
+            if (mount_dir != "/system" && mount_dir != "/vendor" && mount_dir != "/oem") {
+                blockDevPartitions->emplace(blockDevPartitions->begin(), *mentry);
+            }
         } else if (MountEntry::IsEmulatedDevice(*mentry)) {
             emulatedPartitions->emplace(emulatedPartitions->begin(), *mentry);