blob: 8636e2af790171d5b35cdee0cb926782ac0c343e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "Transform.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef USE_HWC2
#include <ui/PixelFormat.h>
#include <ui/Region.h>
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>
#ifdef USE_HWC2
#include <binder/IBinder.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include <hardware/hwcomposer_defs.h>
#ifdef USE_HWC2
#include <memory>
struct ANativeWindow;
namespace android {
struct DisplayInfo;
class DisplaySurface;
class Fence;
class IGraphicBufferProducer;
class Layer;
class SurfaceFlinger;
class HWComposer;
class DisplayDevice : public LightRefBase<DisplayDevice>
// region in layer-stack space
mutable Region dirtyRegion;
// region in screen space
mutable Region swapRegion;
// region in screen space
Region undefinedRegion;
bool lastCompositionHadVisibleLayers;
enum DisplayType {
enum {
PARTIAL_UPDATES = 0x00020000, // video driver feature
SWAP_RECTANGLE = 0x00080000,
enum {
// clang-format off
const sp<SurfaceFlinger>& flinger,
DisplayType type,
int32_t hwcId,
#ifndef USE_HWC2
int format,
bool isSecure,
const wp<IBinder>& displayToken,
const sp<DisplaySurface>& displaySurface,
const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& producer,
EGLConfig config,
bool supportWideColor);
// clang-format on
// whether this is a valid object. An invalid DisplayDevice is returned
// when an non existing id is requested
bool isValid() const;
// isSecure indicates whether this display can be trusted to display
// secure surfaces.
bool isSecure() const { return mIsSecure; }
// Flip the front and back buffers if the back buffer is "dirty". Might
// be instantaneous, might involve copying the frame buffer around.
void flip(const Region& dirty) const;
int getWidth() const;
int getHeight() const;
#ifndef USE_HWC2
PixelFormat getFormat() const;
uint32_t getFlags() const;
EGLSurface getEGLSurface() const;
void setVisibleLayersSortedByZ(const Vector< sp<Layer> >& layers);
const Vector< sp<Layer> >& getVisibleLayersSortedByZ() const;
Region getDirtyRegion(bool repaintEverything) const;
void setLayerStack(uint32_t stack);
void setDisplaySize(const int newWidth, const int newHeight);
void setProjection(int orientation, const Rect& viewport, const Rect& frame);
int getOrientation() const { return mOrientation; }
uint32_t getOrientationTransform() const;
static uint32_t getPrimaryDisplayOrientationTransform();
const Transform& getTransform() const { return mGlobalTransform; }
const Rect getViewport() const { return mViewport; }
const Rect getFrame() const { return mFrame; }
const Rect& getScissor() const { return mScissor; }
bool needsFiltering() const { return mNeedsFiltering; }
uint32_t getLayerStack() const { return mLayerStack; }
int32_t getDisplayType() const { return mType; }
bool isPrimary() const { return mType == DISPLAY_PRIMARY; }
int32_t getHwcDisplayId() const { return mHwcDisplayId; }
const wp<IBinder>& getDisplayToken() const { return mDisplayToken; }
// We pass in mustRecompose so we can keep VirtualDisplaySurface's state
// machine happy without actually queueing a buffer if nothing has changed
status_t beginFrame(bool mustRecompose) const;
#ifdef USE_HWC2
status_t prepareFrame(HWComposer& hwc);
bool getWideColorSupport() const { return mDisplayHasWideColor; }
status_t prepareFrame(const HWComposer& hwc) const;
void swapBuffers(HWComposer& hwc) const;
#ifndef USE_HWC2
status_t compositionComplete() const;
// called after h/w composer has completed its set() call
#ifdef USE_HWC2
void onSwapBuffersCompleted() const;
void onSwapBuffersCompleted(HWComposer& hwc) const;
Rect getBounds() const {
return Rect(mDisplayWidth, mDisplayHeight);
inline Rect bounds() const { return getBounds(); }
void setDisplayName(const String8& displayName);
const String8& getDisplayName() const { return mDisplayName; }
EGLBoolean makeCurrent(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx) const;
void setViewportAndProjection() const;
const sp<Fence>& getClientTargetAcquireFence() const;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Display power mode management.
int getPowerMode() const;
void setPowerMode(int mode);
bool isDisplayOn() const;
#ifdef USE_HWC2
android_color_mode_t getActiveColorMode() const;
void setActiveColorMode(android_color_mode_t mode);
void setCompositionDataSpace(android_dataspace dataspace);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Display active config management.
int getActiveConfig() const;
void setActiveConfig(int mode);
// release HWC resources (if any) for removable displays
void disconnect(HWComposer& hwc);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Debugging
uint32_t getPageFlipCount() const;
void dump(String8& result) const;
* Constants, set during initialization
sp<SurfaceFlinger> mFlinger;
DisplayType mType;
int32_t mHwcDisplayId;
wp<IBinder> mDisplayToken;
// ANativeWindow this display is rendering into
sp<ANativeWindow> mNativeWindow;
sp<DisplaySurface> mDisplaySurface;
EGLConfig mConfig;
EGLDisplay mDisplay;
EGLSurface mSurface;
int mDisplayWidth;
int mDisplayHeight;
#ifndef USE_HWC2
PixelFormat mFormat;
uint32_t mFlags;
mutable uint32_t mPageFlipCount;
String8 mDisplayName;
bool mIsSecure;
* Can only accessed from the main thread, these members
* don't need synchronization.
// list of visible layers on that display
Vector< sp<Layer> > mVisibleLayersSortedByZ;
* Transaction state
static status_t orientationToTransfrom(int orientation,
int w, int h, Transform* tr);
// The identifier of the active layer stack for this display. Several displays
// can use the same layer stack: A z-ordered group of layers (sometimes called
// "surfaces"). Any given layer can only be on a single layer stack.
uint32_t mLayerStack;
int mOrientation;
static uint32_t sPrimaryDisplayOrientation;
// user-provided visible area of the layer stack
Rect mViewport;
// user-provided rectangle where mViewport gets mapped to
Rect mFrame;
// pre-computed scissor to apply to the display
Rect mScissor;
Transform mGlobalTransform;
bool mNeedsFiltering;
// Current power mode
int mPowerMode;
// Current active config
int mActiveConfig;
#ifdef USE_HWC2
// current active color mode
android_color_mode_t mActiveColorMode;
// Need to know if display is wide-color capable or not.
// Initialized by SurfaceFlinger when the DisplayDevice is created.
// Fed to RenderEngine during composition.
bool mDisplayHasWideColor;
struct DisplayDeviceState {
DisplayDeviceState() = default;
DisplayDeviceState(DisplayDevice::DisplayType type, bool isSecure);
bool isValid() const { return type >= 0; }
bool isMainDisplay() const { return type == DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_PRIMARY; }
bool isVirtualDisplay() const { return type >= DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_VIRTUAL; }
static std::atomic<int32_t> nextDisplayId;
int32_t displayId = nextDisplayId++;
DisplayDevice::DisplayType type = DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_ID_INVALID;
sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> surface;
uint32_t layerStack = DisplayDevice::NO_LAYER_STACK;
Rect viewport;
Rect frame;
uint8_t orientation = 0;
uint32_t width = 0;
uint32_t height = 0;
String8 displayName;
bool isSecure = false;
}; // namespace android