Merge "DO NOT MERGE: Eliminate redundant changes to hardware vsync state." into cw-f-dev
am: 9e5585930a

Change-Id: I3b534f26c60bd8d6cf0736da7de807cf339a1cdd
diff --git a/cmds/atrace/atrace.rc b/cmds/atrace/atrace.rc
index e3cc9da..747cc69 100644
--- a/cmds/atrace/atrace.rc
+++ b/cmds/atrace/atrace.rc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Permissions to allow system-wide tracing to the kernel trace buffer.
-on fs
+on post-fs
 # Allow writing to the kernel trace log.
     chmod 0222 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker
diff --git a/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.cpp b/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.cpp
index 60460e0..0929d9b 100644
--- a/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.cpp
+++ b/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.cpp
@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
-#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
 #include <android-base/file.h>
+#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
+#include <android-base/strings.h>
 #include <cutils/properties.h>
 #include "private/android_filesystem_config.h"
@@ -385,6 +386,83 @@
+ * Finds the last modified file in the directory dir whose name starts with file_prefix
+ * Function returns empty string when it does not find a file
+ */
+static std::string get_last_modified_file_matching_prefix(const std::string& dir,
+                                                          const std::string& file_prefix) {
+    std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(&closedir)> d(opendir(dir.c_str()), closedir);
+    if (d == nullptr) {
+        MYLOGD("Error %d opening %s\n", errno, dir.c_str());
+        return "";
+    }
+    // Find the newest file matching the file_prefix in dir
+    struct dirent *de;
+    time_t last_modified = 0;
+    std::string last_modified_file = "";
+    struct stat s;
+    while ((de = readdir(d.get()))) {
+        std::string file = std::string(de->d_name);
+        if (!file_prefix.empty()) {
+            if (!android::base::StartsWith(file, file_prefix.c_str())) continue;
+        }
+        file = dir + "/" + file;
+        int ret = stat(file.c_str(), &s);
+        if ((ret == 0) && (s.st_mtime > last_modified)) {
+            last_modified_file = file;
+            last_modified = s.st_mtime;
+        }
+    }
+    return last_modified_file;
+void dump_modem_logs() {
+    DurationReporter duration_reporter("dump_modem_logs");
+    if (is_user_build()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!is_zipping()) {
+        MYLOGD("Not dumping modem logs. dumpstate is not generating a zipping bugreport\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
+    property_get("", property, "");
+    std::string file_prefix = std::string(property);
+    if(file_prefix.empty()) {
+        MYLOGD("No modem log : file_prefix is empty\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    MYLOGD("dump_modem_logs: directory is %s and file_prefix is %s\n",
+           bugreport_dir.c_str(), file_prefix.c_str());
+    std::string modem_log_file =
+        get_last_modified_file_matching_prefix(bugreport_dir, file_prefix);
+    struct stat s;
+    if (modem_log_file.empty() || stat(modem_log_file.c_str(), &s) != 0) {
+        MYLOGD("Modem log %s does not exist\n", modem_log_file.c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    std::string filename = basename(modem_log_file.c_str());
+    if (!add_zip_entry(filename, modem_log_file)) {
+        MYLOGE("Unable to add modem log %s to zip file\n", modem_log_file.c_str());
+    } else {
+        MYLOGD("Modem Log %s is added to zip\n", modem_log_file.c_str());
+        if (remove(modem_log_file.c_str())) {
+            MYLOGE("Error removing modem log %s\n", modem_log_file.c_str());
+        }
+    }
 static bool skip_not_stat(const char *path) {
     static const char stat[] = "/stat";
     size_t len = strlen(path);
@@ -830,9 +908,63 @@
     run_command("IP6TABLES RAW", 10, "ip6tables", "-t", "raw", "-L", "-nvx", NULL);
+static void do_kmsg() {
+    struct stat st;
+    if (!stat(PSTORE_LAST_KMSG, &st)) {
+        /* Also TODO: Make console-ramoops CAP_SYSLOG protected. */
+        dump_file("LAST KMSG", PSTORE_LAST_KMSG);
+    } else if (!stat(ALT_PSTORE_LAST_KMSG, &st)) {
+        dump_file("LAST KMSG", ALT_PSTORE_LAST_KMSG);
+    } else {
+        /* TODO: Make last_kmsg CAP_SYSLOG protected. b/5555691 */
+        dump_file("LAST KMSG", "/proc/last_kmsg");
+    }
+static void do_logcat() {
+    unsigned long timeout;
+    // dump_file("EVENT LOG TAGS", "/etc/event-log-tags");
+    // calculate timeout
+    timeout = logcat_timeout("main") + logcat_timeout("system") + logcat_timeout("crash");
+    if (timeout < 20000) {
+        timeout = 20000;
+    }
+    run_command("SYSTEM LOG", timeout / 1000, "logcat", "-v", "threadtime",
+                                                        "-v", "printable",
+                                                        "-d",
+                                                        "*:v", NULL);
+    timeout = logcat_timeout("events");
+    if (timeout < 20000) {
+        timeout = 20000;
+    }
+    run_command("EVENT LOG", timeout / 1000, "logcat", "-b", "events",
+                                                       "-v", "threadtime",
+                                                       "-v", "printable",
+                                                       "-d",
+                                                       "*:v", NULL);
+    timeout = logcat_timeout("radio");
+    if (timeout < 20000) {
+        timeout = 20000;
+    }
+    run_command("RADIO LOG", timeout / 1000, "logcat", "-b", "radio",
+                                                       "-v", "threadtime",
+                                                       "-v", "printable",
+                                                       "-d",
+                                                       "*:v", NULL);
+    run_command("LOG STATISTICS", 10, "logcat", "-b", "all", "-S", NULL);
+    /* kernels must set CONFIG_PSTORE_PMSG, slice up pstore with device tree */
+    run_command("LAST LOGCAT", 10, "logcat", "-L",
+                                             "-b", "all",
+                                             "-v", "threadtime",
+                                             "-v", "printable",
+                                             "-d",
+                                             "*:v", NULL);
 static void dumpstate(const std::string& screenshot_path, const std::string& version) {
     DurationReporter duration_reporter("DUMPSTATE");
-    unsigned long timeout;
     dump_dev_files("TRUSTY VERSION", "/sys/bus/platform/drivers/trusty", "trusty_version");
     run_command("UPTIME", 10, "uptime", NULL);
@@ -867,42 +999,16 @@
     for_each_tid(show_wchan, "BLOCKED PROCESS WAIT-CHANNELS");
     for_each_pid(show_showtime, "PROCESS TIMES (pid cmd user system iowait+percentage)");
+    /* Dump Bluetooth HCI logs */
+    add_dir("/data/misc/bluetooth/logs", true);
     if (!screenshot_path.empty()) {
         MYLOGI("taking late screenshot\n");
         MYLOGI("wrote screenshot: %s\n", screenshot_path.c_str());
-    // dump_file("EVENT LOG TAGS", "/etc/event-log-tags");
-    // calculate timeout
-    timeout = logcat_timeout("main") + logcat_timeout("system") + logcat_timeout("crash");
-    if (timeout < 20000) {
-        timeout = 20000;
-    }
-    run_command("SYSTEM LOG", timeout / 1000, "logcat", "-v", "threadtime",
-                                                        "-v", "printable",
-                                                        "-d",
-                                                        "*:v", NULL);
-    timeout = logcat_timeout("events");
-    if (timeout < 20000) {
-        timeout = 20000;
-    }
-    run_command("EVENT LOG", timeout / 1000, "logcat", "-b", "events",
-                                                       "-v", "threadtime",
-                                                       "-v", "printable",
-                                                       "-d",
-                                                       "*:v", NULL);
-    timeout = logcat_timeout("radio");
-    if (timeout < 20000) {
-        timeout = 20000;
-    }
-    run_command("RADIO LOG", timeout / 1000, "logcat", "-b", "radio",
-                                                       "-v", "threadtime",
-                                                       "-v", "printable",
-                                                       "-d",
-                                                       "*:v", NULL);
-    run_command("LOG STATISTICS", 10, "logcat", "-b", "all", "-S", NULL);
+    do_logcat();
     /* show the traces we collected in main(), if that was done */
     if (dump_traces_path != NULL) {
@@ -970,23 +1076,7 @@
     dump_file("QTAGUID CTRL INFO", "/proc/net/xt_qtaguid/ctrl");
     dump_file("QTAGUID STATS INFO", "/proc/net/xt_qtaguid/stats");
-    if (!stat(PSTORE_LAST_KMSG, &st)) {
-        /* Also TODO: Make console-ramoops CAP_SYSLOG protected. */
-        dump_file("LAST KMSG", PSTORE_LAST_KMSG);
-    } else if (!stat(ALT_PSTORE_LAST_KMSG, &st)) {
-        dump_file("LAST KMSG", ALT_PSTORE_LAST_KMSG);
-    } else {
-        /* TODO: Make last_kmsg CAP_SYSLOG protected. b/5555691 */
-        dump_file("LAST KMSG", "/proc/last_kmsg");
-    }
-    /* kernels must set CONFIG_PSTORE_PMSG, slice up pstore with device tree */
-    run_command("LAST LOGCAT", 10, "logcat", "-L",
-                                             "-b", "all",
-                                             "-v", "threadtime",
-                                             "-v", "printable",
-                                             "-d",
-                                             "*:v", NULL);
+    do_kmsg();
     /* The following have a tendency to get wedged when wifi drivers/fw goes belly-up. */
@@ -1119,6 +1209,10 @@
     run_command("APP PROVIDERS", 30, "dumpsys", "-t", "30", "activity", "provider", "all", NULL);
+    // dump_modem_logs adds the modem logs if available to the bugreport.
+    // Do this at the end to allow for sufficient time for the modem logs to be
+    // collected.
+    dump_modem_logs();
     printf("== Final progress (pid %d): %d/%d (originally %d)\n",
@@ -1130,14 +1224,15 @@
 static void usage() {
-          "usage: dumpstate [-h] [-b soundfile] [-e soundfile] [-o file [-d] [-p] "
-          "[-z]] [-s] [-S] [-q] [-B] [-P] [-R] [-V version]\n"
+          "usage: dumpstate [-h] [-b soundfile] [-e soundfile] [-o file [-d] [-p] [-t]"
+          "[-z] [-s] [-S] [-q] [-B] [-P] [-R] [-V version]\n"
           "  -h: display this help message\n"
           "  -b: play sound file instead of vibrate, at beginning of job\n"
           "  -e: play sound file instead of vibrate, at end of job\n"
           "  -o: write to file (instead of stdout)\n"
           "  -d: append date to filename (requires -o)\n"
           "  -p: capture screenshot to filename.png (requires -o)\n"
+          "  -t: only captures telephony sections\n"
           "  -z: generate zipped file (requires -o)\n"
           "  -s: write output to control socket (for init)\n"
           "  -S: write file location to control socket (for init; requires -o and -z)"
@@ -1234,6 +1329,8 @@
     int do_broadcast = 0;
     int do_early_screenshot = 0;
     int is_remote_mode = 0;
+    bool telephony_only = false;
     std::string version = VERSION_DEFAULT;
     now = time(NULL);
@@ -1274,9 +1371,10 @@
     format_args(argc, const_cast<const char **>(argv), &args);
     MYLOGD("Dumpstate command line: %s\n", args.c_str());
     int c;
-    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "dho:svqzpPBRSV:")) != -1) {
+    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "dho:svqzptPBRSV:")) != -1) {
         switch (c) {
             case 'd': do_add_date = 1;          break;
+            case 't': telephony_only = true;    break;
             case 'z': do_zip_file = 1;          break;
             case 'o': use_outfile = optarg;     break;
             case 's': use_socket = 1;           break;
@@ -1373,6 +1471,9 @@
         char build_id[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
         property_get("", build_id, "UNKNOWN_BUILD");
         base_name = base_name + "-" + build_id;
+        if (telephony_only) {
+            base_name = base_name + "-telephony";
+        }
         if (do_fb) {
             // TODO: if dumpstate was an object, the paths could be internal variables and then
             // we could have a function to calculate the derived values, such as:
@@ -1482,48 +1583,60 @@
     // duration is logged into MYLOG instead.
-    // Dumps systrace right away, otherwise it will be filled with unnecessary events.
-    // First try to dump anrd trace if the daemon is running. Otherwise, dump
-    // the raw trace.
-    if (!dump_anrd_trace()) {
-        dump_systrace();
+    if (telephony_only) {
+        dump_iptables();
+        if (!drop_root_user()) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        do_dmesg();
+        do_logcat();
+        do_kmsg();
+        dumpstate_board();
+        dump_modem_logs();
+    } else {
+        // Dumps systrace right away, otherwise it will be filled with unnecessary events.
+        // First try to dump anrd trace if the daemon is running. Otherwise, dump
+        // the raw trace.
+        if (!dump_anrd_trace()) {
+            dump_systrace();
+        }
+        // TODO: Drop root user and move into dumpstate() once b/28633932 is fixed.
+        dump_raft();
+        // Invoking the following dumpsys calls before dump_traces() to try and
+        // keep the system stats as close to its initial state as possible.
+        run_command_as_shell("DUMPSYS MEMINFO", 30, "dumpsys", "-t", "30", "meminfo", "-a", NULL);
+        run_command_as_shell("DUMPSYS CPUINFO", 10, "dumpsys", "-t", "10", "cpuinfo", "-a", NULL);
+        /* collect stack traces from Dalvik and native processes (needs root) */
+        dump_traces_path = dump_traces();
+        /* Run some operations that require root. */
+        get_tombstone_fds(tombstone_data);
+        add_dir(RECOVERY_DIR, true);
+        add_dir(RECOVERY_DATA_DIR, true);
+        add_dir(LOGPERSIST_DATA_DIR, false);
+        if (!is_user_build()) {
+            add_dir(PROFILE_DATA_DIR_CUR, true);
+            add_dir(PROFILE_DATA_DIR_REF, true);
+        }
+        add_mountinfo();
+        dump_iptables();
+        // Capture any IPSec policies in play.  No keys are exposed here.
+        run_command("IP XFRM POLICY", 10, "ip", "xfrm", "policy", nullptr);
+        // Run ss as root so we can see socket marks.
+        run_command("DETAILED SOCKET STATE", 10, "ss", "-eionptu", NULL);
+        if (!drop_root_user()) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        dumpstate(do_early_screenshot ? "": screenshot_path, version);
-    // TODO: Drop root user and move into dumpstate() once b/28633932 is fixed.
-    dump_raft();
-    // Invoking the following dumpsys calls before dump_traces() to try and
-    // keep the system stats as close to its initial state as possible.
-    run_command_as_shell("DUMPSYS MEMINFO", 30, "dumpsys", "-t", "30", "meminfo", "-a", NULL);
-    run_command_as_shell("DUMPSYS CPUINFO", 10, "dumpsys", "-t", "10", "cpuinfo", "-a", NULL);
-    /* collect stack traces from Dalvik and native processes (needs root) */
-    dump_traces_path = dump_traces();
-    /* Run some operations that require root. */
-    get_tombstone_fds(tombstone_data);
-    add_dir(RECOVERY_DIR, true);
-    add_dir(RECOVERY_DATA_DIR, true);
-    add_dir(LOGPERSIST_DATA_DIR, false);
-    if (!is_user_build()) {
-        add_dir(PROFILE_DATA_DIR_CUR, true);
-        add_dir(PROFILE_DATA_DIR_REF, true);
-    }
-    add_mountinfo();
-    dump_iptables();
-    // Capture any IPSec policies in play.  No keys are exposed here.
-    run_command("IP XFRM POLICY", 10, "ip", "xfrm", "policy", nullptr);
-    // Run ss as root so we can see socket marks.
-    run_command("DETAILED SOCKET STATE", 10, "ss", "-eionptu", NULL);
-    if (!drop_root_user()) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    dumpstate(do_early_screenshot ? "": screenshot_path, version);
     /* close output if needed */
     if (is_redirecting) {
diff --git a/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.rc b/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.rc
index 3448e91..336db9f 100644
--- a/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.rc
+++ b/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.rc
@@ -46,3 +46,11 @@
     class main
+# bugreportelefony is a lightweight version of bugreport that only includes a few, urgent
+# sections used to report telephony bugs.
+service bugreportelefony /system/bin/dumpstate -t -d -B -z \
+        -o /data/user_de/0/
+    class main
+    disabled
+    oneshot
diff --git a/cmds/dumpstate/utils.cpp b/cmds/dumpstate/utils.cpp
index fd6413d..af6c666 100644
--- a/cmds/dumpstate/utils.cpp
+++ b/cmds/dumpstate/utils.cpp
@@ -828,7 +828,8 @@
     gid_t groups[] = { AID_LOG, AID_SDCARD_R, AID_SDCARD_RW,
+            AID_BLUETOOTH };
     if (setgroups(sizeof(groups)/sizeof(groups[0]), groups) != 0) {
         MYLOGE("Unable to setgroups, aborting: %s\n", strerror(errno));
         return false;
diff --git a/include/binder/IPCThreadState.h b/include/binder/IPCThreadState.h
index 1853cff..7b826d6 100644
--- a/include/binder/IPCThreadState.h
+++ b/include/binder/IPCThreadState.h
@@ -115,7 +115,6 @@
                                            void* cookie);
     const   sp<ProcessState>    mProcess;
-    const   pid_t               mMyThreadId;
             Vector<BBinder*>    mPendingStrongDerefs;
             Vector<RefBase::weakref_type*> mPendingWeakDerefs;
diff --git a/include/gui/GraphicsEnv.h b/include/gui/GraphicsEnv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c7366f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/gui/GraphicsEnv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <string>
+struct android_namespace_t;
+namespace android {
+class GraphicsEnv {
+    static GraphicsEnv& getInstance();
+    // Set a search path for loading graphics drivers. The path is a list of
+    // directories separated by ':'. A directory can be contained in a zip file
+    // (drivers must be stored uncompressed and page aligned); such elements
+    // in the search path must have a '!' after the zip filename, e.g.
+    //     /data/app/com.example.driver/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a
+    void setDriverPath(const std::string path);
+    android_namespace_t* getDriverNamespace();
+    GraphicsEnv() = default;
+    std::string mDriverPath;
+    android_namespace_t* mDriverNamespace = nullptr;
+} // namespace android
+ * Export an un-mangled function that just does
+ *     return android::GraphicsEnv::getInstance().getDriverNamespace();
+ * This allows libEGL to get the function pointer via dlsym, since it can't
+ * directly link against libgui. In a future release, we'll fix this so that
+ * libgui does not depend on graphics API libraries, and libEGL can link
+ * against it. The current dependencies from libgui -> libEGL are:
+ *  - the GLConsumer class, which should be moved to its own library
+ *  - the EGLsyncKHR synchronization in BufferQueue, which is deprecated and
+ *    will be removed soon.
+ */
+extern "C" android_namespace_t* android_getDriverNamespace();
diff --git a/libs/binder/IPCThreadState.cpp b/libs/binder/IPCThreadState.cpp
index d90798f..eccc400 100644
--- a/libs/binder/IPCThreadState.cpp
+++ b/libs/binder/IPCThreadState.cpp
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 #define IF_LOG_COMMANDS() if (false)
 #define LOG_REMOTEREFS(...) 
 #define IF_LOG_REMOTEREFS() if (false)
 #define LOG_THREADPOOL(...) 
 #define LOG_ONEWAY(...) 
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@
         return cmd;
     out << kReturnStrings[cmdIndex];
     switch (code) {
         case BR_TRANSACTION:
         case BR_REPLY: {
@@ -160,12 +161,12 @@
             cmd = (const int32_t *)printBinderTransactionData(out, cmd);
             out << dedent;
         } break;
         case BR_ACQUIRE_RESULT: {
             const int32_t res = *cmd++;
             out << ": " << res << (res ? " (SUCCESS)" : " (FAILURE)");
         } break;
         case BR_INCREFS:
         case BR_ACQUIRE:
         case BR_RELEASE:
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@
             const int32_t c = *cmd++;
             out << ": target=" << (void*)(long)b << " (cookie " << (void*)(long)c << ")";
         } break;
         case BR_ATTEMPT_ACQUIRE: {
             const int32_t p = *cmd++;
             const int32_t b = *cmd++;
@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@
     out << endl;
     return cmd;
@@ -219,17 +220,17 @@
             cmd = (const int32_t *)printBinderTransactionData(out, cmd);
             out << dedent;
         } break;
         case BC_ACQUIRE_RESULT: {
             const int32_t res = *cmd++;
             out << ": " << res << (res ? " (SUCCESS)" : " (FAILURE)");
         } break;
         case BC_FREE_BUFFER: {
             const int32_t buf = *cmd++;
             out << ": buffer=" << (void*)(long)buf;
         } break;
         case BC_INCREFS:
         case BC_ACQUIRE:
         case BC_RELEASE:
@@ -237,20 +238,20 @@
             const int32_t d = *cmd++;
             out << ": desc=" << d;
         } break;
         case BC_INCREFS_DONE:
         case BC_ACQUIRE_DONE: {
             const int32_t b = *cmd++;
             const int32_t c = *cmd++;
             out << ": target=" << (void*)(long)b << " (cookie " << (void*)(long)c << ")";
         } break;
         case BC_ATTEMPT_ACQUIRE: {
             const int32_t p = *cmd++;
             const int32_t d = *cmd++;
             out << ": desc=" << d << ", pri=" << p;
         } break;
             const int32_t h = *cmd++;
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
             // BC_EXIT_LOOPER
     out << endl;
     return cmd;
@@ -288,12 +289,12 @@
         if (st) return st;
         return new IPCThreadState;
     if (gShutdown) {
         ALOGW("Calling IPCThreadState::self() during shutdown is dangerous, expect a crash.\n");
         return NULL;
     if (!gHaveTLS) {
         int key_create_value = pthread_key_create(&gTLS, threadDestructor);
@@ -322,7 +323,7 @@
 void IPCThreadState::shutdown()
     gShutdown = true;
     if (gHaveTLS) {
         // XXX Need to wait for all thread pool threads to exit!
         IPCThreadState* st = (IPCThreadState*)pthread_getspecific(gTLS);
@@ -457,15 +458,6 @@
-        // After executing the command, ensure that the thread is returned to the
-        // foreground cgroup before rejoining the pool.  The driver takes care of
-        // restoring the priority, but doesn't do anything with cgroups so we
-        // need to take care of that here in userspace.  Note that we do make
-        // sure to go in the foreground after executing a transaction, but
-        // there are other callbacks into user code that could have changed
-        // our group so we want to make absolutely sure it is put back.
-        set_sched_policy(mMyThreadId, SP_FOREGROUND);
     return result;
@@ -500,12 +492,7 @@
     LOG_THREADPOOL("**** THREAD %p (PID %d) IS JOINING THE THREAD POOL\n", (void*)pthread_self(), getpid());
     mOut.writeInt32(isMain ? BC_ENTER_LOOPER : BC_REGISTER_LOOPER);
-    // This thread may have been spawned by a thread that was in the background
-    // scheduling group, so first we will make sure it is in the foreground
-    // one to avoid performing an initial transaction in the background.
-    set_sched_policy(mMyThreadId, SP_FOREGROUND);
     status_t result;
     do {
@@ -517,7 +504,7 @@
                   mProcess->mDriverFD, result);
         // Let this thread exit the thread pool if it is no longer
         // needed and it is not the main process thread.
         if(result == TIMED_OUT && !isMain) {
@@ -580,18 +567,18 @@
             << handle << " / code " << TypeCode(code) << ": "
             << indent << data << dedent << endl;
     if (err == NO_ERROR) {
         LOG_ONEWAY(">>>> SEND from pid %d uid %d %s", getpid(), getuid(),
             (flags & TF_ONE_WAY) == 0 ? "READ REPLY" : "ONE WAY");
         err = writeTransactionData(BC_TRANSACTION, flags, handle, code, data, NULL);
     if (err != NO_ERROR) {
         if (reply) reply->setError(err);
         return (mLastError = err);
     if ((flags & TF_ONE_WAY) == 0) {
         #if 0
         if (code == 4) { // relayout
@@ -613,7 +600,7 @@
             ALOGI("<<<<<< RETURNING transaction %d", code);
             TextOutput::Bundle _b(alog);
             alog << "BR_REPLY thr " << (void*)pthread_self() << " / hand "
@@ -624,7 +611,7 @@
     } else {
         err = waitForResponse(NULL, NULL);
     return err;
@@ -664,14 +651,14 @@
     mOut.writeInt32(0); // xxx was thread priority
     status_t result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
     waitForResponse(NULL, &result);
     printf("IPCThreadState::attemptIncStrongHandle(%ld) = %s\n",
         handle, result == NO_ERROR ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE");
     return result;
@@ -706,7 +693,6 @@
     : mProcess(ProcessState::self()),
-      mMyThreadId(gettid()),
@@ -726,7 +712,7 @@
     status_t statusBuffer;
     err = writeTransactionData(BC_REPLY, flags, -1, 0, reply, &statusBuffer);
     if (err < NO_ERROR) return err;
     return waitForResponse(NULL, NULL);
@@ -740,9 +726,9 @@
         err = mIn.errorCheck();
         if (err < NO_ERROR) break;
         if (mIn.dataAvail() == 0) continue;
         cmd = (uint32_t)mIn.readInt32();
         IF_LOG_COMMANDS() {
             alog << "Processing waitForResponse Command: "
                 << getReturnString(cmd) << endl;
@@ -752,7 +738,7 @@
             if (!reply && !acquireResult) goto finish;
         case BR_DEAD_REPLY:
             err = DEAD_OBJECT;
             goto finish;
@@ -760,7 +746,7 @@
         case BR_FAILED_REPLY:
             err = FAILED_TRANSACTION;
             goto finish;
         case BR_ACQUIRE_RESULT:
                 ALOG_ASSERT(acquireResult != NULL, "Unexpected brACQUIRE_RESULT");
@@ -769,7 +755,7 @@
                 *acquireResult = result ? NO_ERROR : INVALID_OPERATION;
             goto finish;
         case BR_REPLY:
                 binder_transaction_data tr;
@@ -817,7 +803,7 @@
         if (reply) reply->setError(err);
         mLastError = err;
     return err;
@@ -826,17 +812,17 @@
     if (mProcess->mDriverFD <= 0) {
         return -EBADF;
     binder_write_read bwr;
     // Is the read buffer empty?
     const bool needRead = mIn.dataPosition() >= mIn.dataSize();
     // We don't want to write anything if we are still reading
     // from data left in the input buffer and the caller
     // has requested to read the next data.
     const size_t outAvail = (!doReceive || needRead) ? mOut.dataSize() : 0;
     bwr.write_size = outAvail;
     bwr.write_buffer = (uintptr_t);
@@ -862,7 +848,7 @@
         alog << "Size of receive buffer: " << bwr.read_size
             << ", needRead: " << needRead << ", doReceive: " << doReceive << endl;
     // Return immediately if there is nothing to do.
     if ((bwr.write_size == 0) && (bwr.read_size == 0)) return NO_ERROR;
@@ -918,7 +904,7 @@
         return NO_ERROR;
     return err;
@@ -934,7 +920,7 @@
     tr.cookie = 0;
     tr.sender_pid = 0;
     tr.sender_euid = 0;
     const status_t err = data.errorCheck();
     if (err == NO_ERROR) {
         tr.data_size = data.ipcDataSize();
@@ -951,10 +937,10 @@
     } else {
         return (mLastError = err);
     mOut.write(&tr, sizeof(tr));
     return NO_ERROR;
@@ -970,15 +956,15 @@
     BBinder* obj;
     RefBase::weakref_type* refs;
     status_t result = NO_ERROR;
     switch ((uint32_t)cmd) {
     case BR_ERROR:
         result = mIn.readInt32();
     case BR_OK:
     case BR_ACQUIRE:
         refs = (RefBase::weakref_type*)mIn.readPointer();
         obj = (BBinder*)mIn.readPointer();
@@ -994,7 +980,7 @@
     case BR_RELEASE:
         refs = (RefBase::weakref_type*)mIn.readPointer();
         obj = (BBinder*)mIn.readPointer();
@@ -1007,7 +993,7 @@
     case BR_INCREFS:
         refs = (RefBase::weakref_type*)mIn.readPointer();
         obj = (BBinder*)mIn.readPointer();
@@ -1016,7 +1002,7 @@
     case BR_DECREFS:
         refs = (RefBase::weakref_type*)mIn.readPointer();
         obj = (BBinder*)mIn.readPointer();
@@ -1028,22 +1014,22 @@
         //           refs, obj, refs->refBase());
         refs = (RefBase::weakref_type*)mIn.readPointer();
         obj = (BBinder*)mIn.readPointer();
             const bool success = refs->attemptIncStrong(mProcess.get());
             ALOG_ASSERT(success && refs->refBase() == obj,
                        "BR_ATTEMPT_ACQUIRE: object %p does not match cookie %p (expected %p)",
                        refs, obj, refs->refBase());
             binder_transaction_data tr;
@@ -1051,14 +1037,14 @@
             ALOG_ASSERT(result == NO_ERROR,
                 "Not enough command data for brTRANSACTION");
             if (result != NO_ERROR) break;
             Parcel buffer;
                 reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
                 reinterpret_cast<const binder_size_t*>(,
                 tr.offsets_size/sizeof(binder_size_t), freeBuffer, this);
             const pid_t origPid = mCallingPid;
             const uid_t origUid = mCallingUid;
             const int32_t origStrictModePolicy = mStrictModePolicy;
@@ -1068,26 +1054,6 @@
             mCallingUid = tr.sender_euid;
             mLastTransactionBinderFlags = tr.flags;
-            int curPrio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, mMyThreadId);
-            if (gDisableBackgroundScheduling) {
-                if (curPrio > ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL) {
-                    // We have inherited a reduced priority from the caller, but do not
-                    // want to run in that state in this process.  The driver set our
-                    // priority already (though not our scheduling class), so bounce
-                    // it back to the default before invoking the transaction.
-                    setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, mMyThreadId, ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (curPrio >= ANDROID_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND) {
-                    // We want to use the inherited priority from the caller.
-                    // Ensure this thread is in the background scheduling class,
-                    // since the driver won't modify scheduling classes for us.
-                    // The scheduling group is reset to default by the caller
-                    // once this method returns after the transaction is complete.
-                    set_sched_policy(mMyThreadId, SP_BACKGROUND);
-                }
-            }
             //ALOGI(">>>> TRANSACT from pid %d uid %d\n", mCallingPid, mCallingUid);
             Parcel reply;
@@ -1121,7 +1087,7 @@
             //ALOGI("<<<< TRANSACT from pid %d restore pid %d uid %d\n",
             //     mCallingPid, origPid, origUid);
             if ((tr.flags & TF_ONE_WAY) == 0) {
                 LOG_ONEWAY("Sending reply to %d!", mCallingPid);
                 if (error < NO_ERROR) reply.setError(error);
@@ -1129,7 +1095,7 @@
             } else {
                 LOG_ONEWAY("NOT sending reply to %d!", mCallingPid);
             mCallingPid = origPid;
             mCallingUid = origUid;
             mStrictModePolicy = origStrictModePolicy;
@@ -1140,10 +1106,10 @@
                 alog << "BC_REPLY thr " << (void*)pthread_self() << " / obj "
                     << << ": " << indent << reply << dedent << endl;
     case BR_DEAD_BINDER:
             BpBinder *proxy = (BpBinder*)mIn.readPointer();
@@ -1151,24 +1117,24 @@
         } break;
             BpBinder *proxy = (BpBinder*)mIn.readPointer();
         } break;
     case BR_FINISHED:
         result = TIMED_OUT;
     case BR_NOOP:
     case BR_SPAWN_LOOPER:
         printf("*** BAD COMMAND %d received from Binder driver\n", cmd);
         result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
@@ -1178,7 +1144,7 @@
     if (result != NO_ERROR) {
         mLastError = result;
     return result;
diff --git a/libs/gui/ b/libs/gui/
index 46feb1c..9e2fc2b 100644
--- a/libs/gui/
+++ b/libs/gui/
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
 	DisplayEventReceiver.cpp \
 	GLConsumer.cpp \
 	GraphicBufferAlloc.cpp \
+	GraphicsEnv.cpp \
 	GuiConfig.cpp \
 	IDisplayEventConnection.cpp \
 	IGraphicBufferAlloc.cpp \
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@
 	SyncFeatures.cpp \
+ 	libnativeloader \
 	libbinder \
 	libcutils \
 	libEGL \
diff --git a/libs/gui/GLConsumer.cpp b/libs/gui/GLConsumer.cpp
index aa0db45..10e999c 100644
--- a/libs/gui/GLConsumer.cpp
+++ b/libs/gui/GLConsumer.cpp
@@ -1228,14 +1228,19 @@
     if (!crop.isValid()) {
-        // No crop rect to set, so terminate the attrib array before the crop.
-        attrs[2] = EGL_NONE;
+        // No crop rect to set, so leave the crop out of the attrib array. Make
+        // sure to propagate the protected content attrs if they are set.
+        attrs[2] = attrs[10];
+        attrs[3] = attrs[11];
+        attrs[4] = EGL_NONE;
     } else if (!isEglImageCroppable(crop)) {
         // The crop rect is not at the origin, so we can't set the crop on the
         // EGLImage because that's not allowed by the EGL_ANDROID_image_crop
         // extension.  In the future we can add a layered extension that
         // removes this restriction if there is hardware that can support it.
-        attrs[2] = EGL_NONE;
+        attrs[2] = attrs[10];
+        attrs[3] = attrs[11];
+        attrs[4] = EGL_NONE;
     eglInitialize(dpy, 0, 0);
     EGLImageKHR image = eglCreateImageKHR(dpy, EGL_NO_CONTEXT,
diff --git a/libs/gui/GraphicsEnv.cpp b/libs/gui/GraphicsEnv.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68f0f98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/gui/GraphicsEnv.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+//#define LOG_NDEBUG 1
+#define LOG_TAG "GraphicsEnv"
+#include <gui/GraphicsEnv.h>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <log/log.h>
+#include <nativeloader/dlext_namespaces.h>
+namespace android {
+/*static*/ GraphicsEnv& GraphicsEnv::getInstance() {
+    static GraphicsEnv env;
+    return env;
+void GraphicsEnv::setDriverPath(const std::string path) {
+    if (!mDriverPath.empty()) {
+        ALOGV("ignoring attempt to change driver path from '%s' to '%s'",
+                mDriverPath.c_str(), path.c_str());
+        return;
+    }
+    ALOGV("setting driver path to '%s'", path.c_str());
+    mDriverPath = path;
+android_namespace_t* GraphicsEnv::getDriverNamespace() {
+    static std::once_flag once;
+    std::call_once(once, [this]() {
+        // TODO; In the next version of Android, all graphics drivers will be
+        // loaded into a custom namespace. To minimize risk for this release,
+        // only updated drivers use a custom namespace.
+        //
+        // Additionally, the custom namespace will be
+        // ANDROID_NAMESPACE_TYPE_ISOLATED, and will only have access to a
+        // subset of the system.
+        if (mDriverPath.empty())
+            return;
+        char defaultPath[PATH_MAX];
+        android_get_LD_LIBRARY_PATH(defaultPath, sizeof(defaultPath));
+        size_t defaultPathLen = strlen(defaultPath);
+        std::string path;
+        path.reserve(mDriverPath.size() + 1 + defaultPathLen);
+        path.append(mDriverPath);
+        path.push_back(':');
+        path.append(defaultPath, defaultPathLen);
+        mDriverNamespace = android_create_namespace(
+                "gfx driver",
+                nullptr,                    // ld_library_path
+                path.c_str(),               // default_library_path
+                nullptr,                    // permitted_when_isolated_path
+                nullptr);                   // parent
+    });
+    return mDriverNamespace;
+} // namespace android
+extern "C" android_namespace_t* android_getDriverNamespace() {
+    return android::GraphicsEnv::getInstance().getDriverNamespace();
diff --git a/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.cpp b/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.cpp
index 49f501d..ca5e6e8 100644
--- a/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.cpp
+++ b/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
  ** limitations under the License.
+//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
+#include <array>
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -23,8 +27,10 @@
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
+#include <android/dlext.h>
 #include <cutils/log.h>
 #include <cutils/properties.h>
+#include <utils/Trace.h>
 #include <EGL/egl.h>
@@ -114,6 +120,11 @@
     return NULL;
+static void* do_dlopen(const char* path, int mode) {
+    return dlopen(path, mode);
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Loader::driver_t::driver_t(void* gles)
@@ -154,14 +165,30 @@
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    : getProcAddress(NULL) {
+    : getProcAddress(NULL),
+      mLibGui(nullptr),
+      mGetDriverNamespace(nullptr)
+    // FIXME: See note in GraphicsEnv.h about android_getDriverNamespace().
+    // libgui should already be loaded in any process that uses libEGL, but
+    // if for some reason it isn't, then we're not going to get a driver
+    // namespace anyway, so don't force it to be loaded.
+    mLibGui = dlopen("", RTLD_NOLOAD | RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_LAZY);
+    if (!mLibGui) {
+        ALOGD("failed to load libgui: %s", dlerror());
+        return;
+    }
+    mGetDriverNamespace = reinterpret_cast<decltype(mGetDriverNamespace)>(
+            dlsym(mLibGui, "android_getDriverNamespace"));
 Loader::~Loader() {
+    if (mLibGui)
+        dlclose(mLibGui);
 static void* load_wrapper(const char* path) {
-    void* so = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
+    void* so = do_dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
     ALOGE_IF(!so, "dlopen(\"%s\") failed: %s", path, dlerror());
     return so;
@@ -208,6 +235,8 @@
 void* Loader::open(egl_connection_t* cnx)
     void* dso;
     driver_t* hnd = 0;
@@ -253,6 +282,8 @@
         __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType* curr,
         getProcAddressType getProcAddress)
     const ssize_t SIZE = 256;
     char scrap[SIZE];
     while (*api) {
@@ -304,9 +335,8 @@
-void *Loader::load_driver(const char* kind,
-        egl_connection_t* cnx, uint32_t mask)
+static void* load_system_driver(const char* kind) {
     class MatchFile {
         static String8 find(const char* kind) {
@@ -422,7 +452,7 @@
     const char* const driver_absolute_path = absolutePath.string();
-    void* dso = dlopen(driver_absolute_path, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
+    void* dso = do_dlopen(driver_absolute_path, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
     if (dso == 0) {
         const char* err = dlerror();
         ALOGE("load_driver(%s): %s", driver_absolute_path, err?err:"unknown");
@@ -431,11 +461,63 @@
     ALOGD("loaded %s", driver_absolute_path);
+    return dso;
+static void* do_android_dlopen_ext(const char* path, int mode, const android_dlextinfo* info) {
+    return android_dlopen_ext(path, mode, info);
+static const std::array<const char*, 2> HAL_SUBNAME_KEY_PROPERTIES = {{
+    "ro.hardware.egl",
+    "ro.board.platform",
+static void* load_updated_driver(const char* kind, android_namespace_t* ns) {
+    const android_dlextinfo dlextinfo = {
+        .library_namespace = ns,
+    };
+    void* so = nullptr;
+    char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX + 1];
+    for (auto key : HAL_SUBNAME_KEY_PROPERTIES) {
+        if (property_get(key, prop, nullptr) > 0) {
+            String8 name;
+            name.appendFormat("", kind, prop);
+            so = do_android_dlopen_ext(name.string(), RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_NOW,
+                    &dlextinfo);
+            if (so)
+                return so;
+        }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+void *Loader::load_driver(const char* kind,
+        egl_connection_t* cnx, uint32_t mask)
+    void* dso = nullptr;
+    if (mGetDriverNamespace) {
+        android_namespace_t* ns = mGetDriverNamespace();
+        if (ns) {
+            dso = load_updated_driver(kind, ns);
+        }
+    }
+    if (!dso) {
+        dso = load_system_driver(kind);
+        if (!dso)
+            return NULL;
+    }
     if (mask & EGL) {
         getProcAddress = (getProcAddressType)dlsym(dso, "eglGetProcAddress");
-                "can't find eglGetProcAddress() in %s", driver_absolute_path);
+                "can't find eglGetProcAddress() in EGL driver library");
         egl_t* egl = &cnx->egl;
         __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType* curr =
diff --git a/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.h b/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.h
index 8cefe32..04a8e41 100644
--- a/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.h
+++ b/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.h
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 #include <utils/Singleton.h>
 #include <utils/String8.h>
+#include <gui/GraphicsEnv.h>
 #include <EGL/egl.h>
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -53,7 +55,10 @@
     getProcAddressType getProcAddress;
+    void* mLibGui;
+    decltype(android_getDriverNamespace)* mGetDriverNamespace;
diff --git a/opengl/libs/EGL/eglApi.cpp b/opengl/libs/EGL/eglApi.cpp
index f41e6e2..436ea30 100644
--- a/opengl/libs/EGL/eglApi.cpp
+++ b/opengl/libs/EGL/eglApi.cpp
@@ -272,6 +272,7 @@
 EGLDisplay eglGetDisplay(EGLNativeDisplayType display)
     uintptr_t index = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(display);
@@ -1848,12 +1849,6 @@
                     if (value & EGL_NATIVE_BUFFER_USAGE_TEXTURE_BIT_ANDROID) {
                         usage |= GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE;
-                    // The buffer must be used for either a texture or a
-                    // renderbuffer.
-                    if ((value & EGL_NATIVE_BUFFER_USAGE_RENDERBUFFER_BIT_ANDROID) &&
-                        (value & EGL_NATIVE_BUFFER_USAGE_TEXTURE_BIT_ANDROID)) {
-                        return setError(EGL_BAD_PARAMETER, (EGLClientBuffer)0);
-                    }
                     return setError(EGL_BAD_PARAMETER, (EGLClientBuffer)0);
diff --git a/opengl/libs/EGL/egl_display.cpp b/opengl/libs/EGL/egl_display.cpp
index 1e39aae..acd70d1 100644
--- a/opengl/libs/EGL/egl_display.cpp
+++ b/opengl/libs/EGL/egl_display.cpp
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS 1
 #include <string.h>
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
 #include "egl_tls.h"
 #include "Loader.h"
 #include <cutils/properties.h>
+#include <utils/Trace.h>
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 namespace android {
@@ -103,6 +105,7 @@
 EGLDisplay egl_display_t::getDisplay(EGLNativeDisplayType display) {
     Mutex::Autolock _l(lock);
     // get our driver loader
     Loader& loader(Loader::getInstance());
diff --git a/opengl/specs/EGL_ANDROID_create_native_client_buffer.txt b/opengl/specs/EGL_ANDROID_create_native_client_buffer.txt
index a6fae80..51c6c61 100644
--- a/opengl/specs/EGL_ANDROID_create_native_client_buffer.txt
+++ b/opengl/specs/EGL_ANDROID_create_native_client_buffer.txt
@@ -124,12 +124,10 @@
         desirable) do not route the entire composition to the external sink.
-        used to create a renderbuffer. This flag must not be set if
+        used to create a color-renderable texture.
         EGL_NATIVE_BUFFER_USAGE_TEXTURE_BIT_ANDROID: The buffer will be used to
-        create a texture. This flag must not be set if
+        create a filterable texture.
@@ -149,11 +147,6 @@
          with the value of EGL_FORMAT, the error EGL_BAD_PARAMETER is
-         EGL_NATIVE_BUFFER_USAGE_TEXTURE_BIT_ANDROID are set in the value of
-         Generated."
     1. Should this extension define what combinations of formats and usage flags
diff --git a/services/sensorservice/BatteryService.cpp b/services/sensorservice/BatteryService.cpp
index 81f32cd..452c8c6 100644
--- a/services/sensorservice/BatteryService.cpp
+++ b/services/sensorservice/BatteryService.cpp
@@ -30,12 +30,7 @@
 namespace android {
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-BatteryService::BatteryService() {
-    const sp<IServiceManager> sm(defaultServiceManager());
-    if (sm != NULL) {
-        const String16 name("batterystats");
-        mBatteryStatService = interface_cast<IBatteryStats>(sm->getService(name));
-    }
+BatteryService::BatteryService() : mBatteryStatService(nullptr) {
 bool BatteryService::addSensor(uid_t uid, int handle) {
@@ -61,7 +56,7 @@
 void BatteryService::enableSensorImpl(uid_t uid, int handle) {
-    if (mBatteryStatService != 0) {
+    if (checkService()) {
         if (addSensor(uid, handle)) {
             int64_t identity = IPCThreadState::self()->clearCallingIdentity();
             mBatteryStatService->noteStartSensor(uid, handle);
@@ -70,7 +65,7 @@
 void BatteryService::disableSensorImpl(uid_t uid, int handle) {
-    if (mBatteryStatService != 0) {
+    if (checkService()) {
         if (removeSensor(uid, handle)) {
             int64_t identity = IPCThreadState::self()->clearCallingIdentity();
             mBatteryStatService->noteStopSensor(uid, handle);
@@ -80,7 +75,7 @@
 void BatteryService::cleanupImpl(uid_t uid) {
-    if (mBatteryStatService != 0) {
+    if (checkService()) {
         Mutex::Autolock _l(mActivationsLock);
         int64_t identity = IPCThreadState::self()->clearCallingIdentity();
         for (size_t i=0 ; i<mActivations.size() ; i++) {
@@ -95,6 +90,17 @@
+bool BatteryService::checkService() {
+    if (mBatteryStatService == nullptr) {
+        const sp<IServiceManager> sm(defaultServiceManager());
+        if (sm != NULL) {
+            const String16 name("batterystats");
+            mBatteryStatService = interface_cast<IBatteryStats>(sm->getService(name));
+        }
+    }
+    return mBatteryStatService != nullptr;
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/services/sensorservice/BatteryService.h b/services/sensorservice/BatteryService.h
index 08ba857..43a750c 100644
--- a/services/sensorservice/BatteryService.h
+++ b/services/sensorservice/BatteryService.h
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
     SortedVector<Info> mActivations;
     bool addSensor(uid_t uid, int handle);
     bool removeSensor(uid_t uid, int handle);
+    bool checkService();
     static void enableSensor(uid_t uid, int handle) {
diff --git a/services/sensorservice/SensorService.cpp b/services/sensorservice/SensorService.cpp
index 614a9b1..99da2c4 100644
--- a/services/sensorservice/SensorService.cpp
+++ b/services/sensorservice/SensorService.cpp
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@
-Vector<Sensor> SensorService::getSensorList(const String16& /* opPackageName */) {
+Vector<Sensor> SensorService::getSensorList(const String16& opPackageName) {
     char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
     property_get("debug.sensors", value, "0");
     const Vector<Sensor>& initialSensorList = (atoi(value)) ?
@@ -876,7 +876,14 @@
     Vector<Sensor> accessibleSensorList;
     for (size_t i = 0; i < initialSensorList.size(); i++) {
         Sensor sensor = initialSensorList[i];
-        accessibleSensorList.add(sensor);
+        if (canAccessSensor(sensor, "getSensorList", opPackageName)) {
+            accessibleSensorList.add(sensor);
+        } else {
+            ALOGI("Skipped sensor %s because it requires permission %s and app op %d",
+                  sensor.getName().string(),
+                  sensor.getRequiredPermission().string(),
+                  sensor.getRequiredAppOp());
+        }
     return accessibleSensorList;
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp
index dfece93..3ffa655 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp
@@ -1364,6 +1364,7 @@
         // Wake us up to check if the frame has been received
+        mFlinger->setTransactionFlags(eTraversalNeeded);
diff --git a/vulkan/libvulkan/ b/vulkan/libvulkan/
index d2e28ff..b7d6791 100644
--- a/vulkan/libvulkan/
+++ b/vulkan/libvulkan/
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libziparchive
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libhardware libsync libbase liblog libutils libcutils libz
+LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libgui libhardware libsync libbase liblog libutils libcutils libz
 LOCAL_MODULE := libvulkan
diff --git a/vulkan/libvulkan/driver.cpp b/vulkan/libvulkan/driver.cpp
index 2555272..741a0ce 100644
--- a/vulkan/libvulkan/driver.cpp
+++ b/vulkan/libvulkan/driver.cpp
@@ -18,10 +18,15 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <array>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
 #include <new>
 #include <malloc.h>
 #include <sys/prctl.h>
+#include <android/dlext.h>
+#include <cutils/properties.h>
+#include <gui/GraphicsEnv.h>
 #include "driver.h"
 #include "stubhal.h"
@@ -123,17 +128,74 @@
 Hal Hal::hal_;
+void* LoadLibrary(const android_dlextinfo& dlextinfo,
+                  const char* subname,
+                  int subname_len) {
+    const char kLibFormat[] = "vulkan.%*";
+    char* name = static_cast<char*>(
+        alloca(sizeof(kLibFormat) + static_cast<size_t>(subname_len)));
+    sprintf(name, kLibFormat, subname_len, subname);
+    return android_dlopen_ext(name, RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_NOW, &dlextinfo);
+const std::array<const char*, 2> HAL_SUBNAME_KEY_PROPERTIES = {{
+    "ro.hardware." HWVULKAN_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
+    "ro.board.platform",
+int LoadUpdatedDriver(const hw_module_t** module) {
+    const android_dlextinfo dlextinfo = {
+        .library_namespace = android::GraphicsEnv::getInstance().getDriverNamespace(),
+    };
+    if (!dlextinfo.library_namespace)
+        return -ENOENT;
+    void* so = nullptr;
+    char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
+    for (auto key : HAL_SUBNAME_KEY_PROPERTIES) {
+        int prop_len = property_get(key, prop, nullptr);
+        if (prop_len > 0) {
+            so = LoadLibrary(dlextinfo, prop, prop_len);
+            if (so)
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!so)
+        return -ENOENT;
+    hw_module_t* hmi = static_cast<hw_module_t*>(dlsym(so, HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM_AS_STR));
+    if (!hmi) {
+        ALOGE("couldn't find symbol '%s' in HAL library: %s", HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM_AS_STR, dlerror());
+        dlclose(so);
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    if (strcmp(hmi->id, HWVULKAN_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID) != 0) {
+        ALOGE("HAL id '%s' != '%s'", hmi->id, HWVULKAN_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID);
+        dlclose(so);
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    hmi->dso = so;
+    *module = hmi;
+    ALOGD("loaded updated driver");
+    return 0;
 bool Hal::Open() {
     ALOG_ASSERT(!hal_.dev_, "OpenHAL called more than once");
     // Use a stub device unless we successfully open a real HAL device.
     hal_.dev_ = &stubhal::kDevice;
-    const hwvulkan_module_t* module;
-    int result =
-        hw_get_module("vulkan", reinterpret_cast<const hw_module_t**>(&module));
+    int result;
+    const hwvulkan_module_t* module = nullptr;
+    result = LoadUpdatedDriver(reinterpret_cast<const hw_module_t**>(&module));
+    if (result == -ENOENT) {
+        result = hw_get_module(HWVULKAN_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, reinterpret_cast<const hw_module_t**>(&module));
+    }
     if (result != 0) {
-        ALOGI("no Vulkan HAL present, using stub HAL");
+        ALOGV("unable to load Vulkan HAL, using stub HAL (result=%d)", result);
         return true;
diff --git a/vulkan/libvulkan/swapchain.cpp b/vulkan/libvulkan/swapchain.cpp
index adc7d5c..03d37fa 100644
--- a/vulkan/libvulkan/swapchain.cpp
+++ b/vulkan/libvulkan/swapchain.cpp
@@ -719,6 +719,8 @@
                          const VkAllocationCallbacks* allocator) {
     const auto& dispatch = GetData(device).driver;
     Swapchain* swapchain = SwapchainFromHandle(swapchain_handle);
+    if (!swapchain)
+        return;
     bool active = swapchain->surface.swapchain_handle == swapchain_handle;
     ANativeWindow* window = active ? swapchain->surface.window.get() : nullptr;