blob: 1eea3d9133f07010b7f5751fa741edbbe0fe3dcb [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
typedef struct DvrVSyncClient DvrVSyncClient;
// Creates a new client to the system vsync service.
int dvrVSyncClientCreate(DvrVSyncClient** client_out);
// Destroys the vsync client.
void dvrVSyncClientDestroy(DvrVSyncClient* client);
// Get the estimated timestamp of the next GPU lens warp preemption event in/
// ns. Also returns the corresponding vsync count that the next lens warp
// operation will target.
int dvrVSyncClientGetSchedInfo(DvrVSyncClient* client, int64_t* vsync_period_ns,
int64_t* next_timestamp_ns,
uint32_t* next_vsync_count);