blob: f2e50348791f4cd85e3f976d09892e5d3d9c526a [file] [log] [blame]
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <limits>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "android-base/logging.h"
#error "This file requires lock free atomic uint32_t and long"
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
struct DefaultRingTraits {
// Set this to false to allow compatibly expanding the record size.
static constexpr bool kUseStaticRecordSize = false;
// Set this to a nonzero value to fix the number of records in the ring.
static constexpr uint32_t kStaticRecordCount = 0;
// Set this to the max number of records that can be written simultaneously.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxReservedRecords = 1;
// Set this to the min number of records that must be readable.
static constexpr uint32_t kMinAvailableRecords = 1;
// Nonblocking ring suitable for concurrent single-writer, multi-reader access.
// Readers never block the writer and thus this is a nondeterministically lossy
// transport in the absence of external synchronization. Don't use this as a
// transport when deterministic behavior is required.
// Readers may have a read-only mapping; each reader's state is a single local
// sequence number.
// The implementation takes care to avoid data races on record access.
// Inconsistent data can only be returned if at least 2^32 records are written
// during the read-side critical section.
// In addition, both readers and the writer are careful to avoid accesses
// outside the bounds of the mmap area passed in during initialization even if
// there is a misbehaving or malicious task with write access to the mmap area.
// When dynamic record size is enabled, readers use the record size in the ring
// header when indexing the ring, so that it is possible to extend the record
// type without breaking the read-side ABI.
// Avoid calling Put() in a tight loop; there should be significantly more time
// between successive puts than it takes to read one record from memory to
// ensure Get() completes quickly. This requirement should not be difficult to
// achieve for most practical uses; 4kB puts at 10,000Hz is well below the
// scaling limit on current mobile chips.
// Example Writer Usage:
// using Record = MyRecordType;
// using Ring = BroadcastRing<Record>;
// uint32_t record_count = kMyDesiredCount;
// uint32_t ring_size = Ring::MemorySize(record_count);
// size_t page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
// uint32_t mmap_size = (ring_size + (page_size - 1)) & ~(page_size - 1);
// // Allocate & map via your preferred mechanism, e.g.
// int fd = open("/dev/shm/ring_test", O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC, 0600);
// CHECK(fd >= 0);
// CHECK(!ftruncate(fd, ring_size));
// void *mmap_base = mmap(nullptr, mmap_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
// MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
// CHECK(mmap_base != MAP_FAILED);
// close(fd);
// Ring ring = Ring::Create(mmap_base, mmap_size, record_count);
// while (!done)
// ring.Put(BuildNextRecordBlocking());
// CHECK(!munmap(mmap_base, mmap_size));
// Example Reader Usage:
// using Record = MyRecordType;
// using Ring = BroadcastRing<Record>;
// // Map via your preferred mechanism, e.g.
// int fd = open("/dev/shm/ring_test", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
// CHECK(fd >= 0);
// struct stat st;
// CHECK(!fstat(fd, &st));
// size_t mmap_size = st.st_size;
// void *mmap_base = mmap(nullptr, mmap_size, PROT_READ,
// MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
// CHECK(mmap_base != MAP_FAILED);
// close(fd);
// Ring ring;
// bool import_ok;
// std::tie(ring, import_ok) = Ring::Import(mmap_base, mmap_size);
// CHECK(import_ok);
// uint32_t sequence;
// // Choose starting point (using "0" is unpredictable but not dangerous)
// sequence = ring.GetOldestSequence(); // The oldest available
// sequence = ring.GetNewestSequence(); // The newest available
// sequence = ring.GetNextSequence(); // The next one produced
// while (!done) {
// Record record;
// if (you_want_to_process_all_available_records) {
// while (ring.Get(&sequence, &record)) {
// ProcessRecord(sequence, record);
// sequence++;
// }
// } else if (you_want_to_skip_to_the_newest_record) {
// if (ring.GetNewest(&sequence, &record)) {
// ProcessRecord(sequence, record);
// sequence++;
// }
// }
// DoSomethingExpensiveOrBlocking();
// }
// CHECK(!munmap(mmap_base, mmap_size));
template <typename RecordType, typename BaseTraits = DefaultRingTraits>
class BroadcastRing {
using Record = RecordType;
struct Traits : public BaseTraits {
// Must have enough space for writers, plus enough space for readers.
static constexpr int kMinRecordCount =
BaseTraits::kMaxReservedRecords + BaseTraits::kMinAvailableRecords;
// Count of zero means dynamic, non-zero means static.
static constexpr bool kUseStaticRecordCount =
(BaseTraits::kStaticRecordCount != 0);
// If both record size and count are static then the overall size is too.
static constexpr bool kIsStaticSize =
BaseTraits::kUseStaticRecordSize && kUseStaticRecordCount;
static constexpr bool IsPowerOfTwo(uint32_t size) {
return (size & (size - 1)) == 0;
// Sanity check the options provided in Traits.
static_assert(Traits::kMinRecordCount >= 1, "Min record count too small");
static_assert(!Traits::kUseStaticRecordCount ||
Traits::kStaticRecordCount >= Traits::kMinRecordCount,
"Static record count is too small");
static_assert(!Traits::kStaticRecordCount ||
"Static record count is not a power of two");
"Record type must be standard layout");
BroadcastRing() {}
// Creates a new ring at |mmap| with |record_count| records.
// There must be at least |MemorySize(record_count)| bytes of space already
// allocated at |mmap|. The ring does not take ownership.
static BroadcastRing Create(void* mmap, size_t mmap_size,
uint32_t record_count) {
BroadcastRing ring(mmap);
CHECK(ring.ValidateGeometry(mmap_size, sizeof(Record), record_count));
ring.InitializeHeader(sizeof(Record), record_count);
return ring;
// Creates a new ring at |mmap|.
// There must be at least |MemorySize()| bytes of space already allocated at
// |mmap|. The ring does not take ownership.
static BroadcastRing Create(void* mmap, size_t mmap_size) {
return Create(mmap, mmap_size,
? Traits::kStaticRecordCount
: BroadcastRing::GetRecordCount(mmap_size));
// Imports an existing ring at |mmap|.
// Import may fail if the ring parameters in the mmap header are not sensible.
// In this case the returned boolean is false; make sure to check this value.
static std::tuple<BroadcastRing, bool> Import(void* mmap, size_t mmap_size) {
BroadcastRing ring(mmap);
uint32_t record_size = 0;
uint32_t record_count = 0;
if (mmap_size >= sizeof(Header)) {
record_size = std::atomic_load_explicit(&ring.header_mmap()->record_size,
record_count = std::atomic_load_explicit(
&ring.header_mmap()->record_count, std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool ok = ring.ValidateGeometry(mmap_size, record_size, record_count);
return std::make_tuple(ring, ok);
~BroadcastRing() {}
// Calculates the space necessary for a ring of size |record_count|.
// Use this function for dynamically sized rings.
static constexpr size_t MemorySize(uint32_t record_count) {
return sizeof(Header) + sizeof(Record) * record_count;
// Calculates the space necessary for a statically sized ring.
// Use this function for statically sized rings.
static constexpr size_t MemorySize() {
"Wrong MemorySize() function called for dynamic record count");
return MemorySize(Traits::kStaticRecordCount);
static uint32_t NextPowerOf2(uint32_t n) {
if (n == 0)
return 0;
n -= 1;
n |= n >> 16;
n |= n >> 8;
n |= n >> 4;
n |= n >> 2;
n |= n >> 1;
return n + 1;
// Gets the biggest power of 2 record count that can fit into this mmap.
// The header size has been taken into account.
static uint32_t GetRecordCount(size_t mmap_size) {
if (mmap_size <= sizeof(Header)) {
return 0;
uint32_t count =
static_cast<uint32_t>((mmap_size - sizeof(Header)) / sizeof(Record));
return IsPowerOfTwo(count) ? count : (NextPowerOf2(count) / 2);
// Writes a record to the ring.
// The oldest record is overwritten unless the ring is not already full.
void Put(const Record& record) {
const int kRecordCount = 1;
Geometry geometry = GetGeometry();
PutRecordInternal(&record, record_mmap_writer(geometry.tail_index));
// Gets sequence number of the oldest currently available record.
uint32_t GetOldestSequence() const {
return std::atomic_load_explicit(&header_mmap()->head,
// Gets sequence number of the first future record.
// If the returned value is passed to Get() and there is no concurrent Put(),
// Get() will return false.
uint32_t GetNextSequence() const {
return std::atomic_load_explicit(&header_mmap()->tail,
// Gets sequence number of the newest currently available record.
uint32_t GetNewestSequence() const { return GetNextSequence() - 1; }
// Copies the oldest available record with sequence at least |*sequence| to
// |record|.
// Returns false if there is no recent enough record available.
// Updates |*sequence| with the sequence number of the record returned. To get
// the following record, increment this number by one.
// This function synchronizes with two other operations:
// (1) Load-Acquire of |tail|
// Together with the store-release in Publish(), this load-acquire
// ensures each store to a record in PutRecordInternal() happens-before
// any corresponding load in GetRecordInternal().
// i.e. the stores for the records with sequence numbers < |tail| have
// completed from our perspective
// (2) Acquire Fence between record access & final load of |head|
// Together with the release fence in Reserve(), this ensures that if
// GetRecordInternal() loads a value stored in some execution of
// PutRecordInternal(), then the store of |head| in the Reserve() that
// preceeded it happens-before our final load of |head|.
// i.e. if we read a record with sequence number >= |final_head| then
// no later store to that record has completed from our perspective
bool Get(uint32_t* sequence /*inout*/, Record* record /*out*/) const {
for (;;) {
uint32_t tail = std::atomic_load_explicit(&header_mmap()->tail,
uint32_t head = std::atomic_load_explicit(&header_mmap()->head,
if (tail - head > record_count())
continue; // Concurrent modification; re-try.
if (*sequence - head > tail - head)
*sequence = head; // Out of window, skip forward to first available.
if (*sequence == tail) return false; // No new records available.
Geometry geometry =
CalculateGeometry(record_count(), record_size(), *sequence, tail);
// Compute address explicitly in case record_size > sizeof(Record).
RecordStorage* record_storage = record_mmap_reader(geometry.head_index);
GetRecordInternal(record_storage, record);
// NB: It is not sufficient to change this to a load-acquire of |head|.
uint32_t final_head = std::atomic_load_explicit(
&header_mmap()->head, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (final_head - head > *sequence - head)
continue; // Concurrent modification; re-try.
// Note: Combining the above 4 comparisons gives:
// 0 <= final_head - head <= sequence - head < tail - head <= record_count
// We can also write this as:
// head <=* final_head <=* sequence <* tail <=* head + record_count
// where <* orders by difference from head: x <* y if x - head < y - head.
// This agrees with the order of sequence updates during "put" operations.
return true;
// Copies the newest available record with sequence at least |*sequence| to
// |record|.
// Returns false if there is no recent enough record available.
// Updates |*sequence| with the sequence number of the record returned. To get
// the following record, increment this number by one.
bool GetNewest(uint32_t* sequence, Record* record) const {
uint32_t newest_sequence = GetNewestSequence();
if (*sequence == newest_sequence + 1) return false;
*sequence = newest_sequence;
return Get(sequence, record);
// Returns true if this instance has been created or imported.
bool is_valid() const { return !!data_.mmap; }
uint32_t record_count() const { return record_count_internal(); }
uint32_t record_size() const { return record_size_internal(); }
static constexpr uint32_t mmap_alignment() { return alignof(Mmap); }
struct Header {
// Record size for reading out of the ring. Writers always write the full
// length; readers may need to read a prefix of each record.
std::atomic<uint32_t> record_size;
// Number of records in the ring.
std::atomic<uint32_t> record_count;
// Readable region is [head % record_count, tail % record_count).
// The region in [tail % record_count, head % record_count) was either never
// populated or is being updated.
// These are sequences numbers, not indexes - indexes should be computed
// with a modulus.
// To ensure consistency:
// (1) Writes advance |head| past any updated records before writing to
// them, and advance |tail| after they are written.
// (2) Readers check |tail| before reading data and |head| after,
// making sure to discard any data that was written to concurrently.
std::atomic<uint32_t> head;
std::atomic<uint32_t> tail;
// Store using the standard word size.
using StorageType = long; // NOLINT
// Always require 8 byte alignment so that the same record sizes are legal on
// 32 and 64 bit builds.
static constexpr size_t kRecordAlignment = 8;
static_assert(kRecordAlignment % sizeof(StorageType) == 0,
"Bad record alignment");
struct RecordStorage {
// This is accessed with relaxed atomics to prevent data races on the
// contained data, which would be undefined behavior.
std::atomic<StorageType> data[sizeof(Record) / sizeof(StorageType)];
static_assert(sizeof(StorageType) *
std::extent<decltype(RecordStorage::data)>() ==
"Record length must be a multiple of sizeof(StorageType)");
struct Geometry {
// Static geometry.
uint32_t record_count;
uint32_t record_size;
// Copy of atomic sequence counts.
uint32_t head;
uint32_t tail;
// First index of readable region.
uint32_t head_index;
// First index of writable region.
uint32_t tail_index;
// Number of records in readable region.
uint32_t count;
// Number of records in writable region.
uint32_t space;
// Mmap area layout.
// Readers should not index directly into |records| as this is not valid when
// dynamic record sizes are used; use record_mmap_reader() instead.
struct Mmap {
Header header;
RecordStorage records[];
"Mmap must be standard layout");
static_assert(sizeof(std::atomic<uint32_t>) == sizeof(uint32_t),
"Lockless atomics contain extra state");
static_assert(sizeof(std::atomic<StorageType>) == sizeof(StorageType),
"Lockless atomics contain extra state");
explicit BroadcastRing(void* mmap) {
CHECK_EQ(0U, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(mmap) % alignof(Mmap));
data_.mmap = reinterpret_cast<Mmap*>(mmap);
// Initializes the mmap area header for a new ring.
void InitializeHeader(uint32_t record_size, uint32_t record_count) {
constexpr uint32_t kInitialSequence = -256; // Force an early wrap.
std::atomic_store_explicit(&header_mmap()->record_size, record_size,
std::atomic_store_explicit(&header_mmap()->record_count, record_count,
std::atomic_store_explicit(&header_mmap()->head, kInitialSequence,
std::atomic_store_explicit(&header_mmap()->tail, kInitialSequence,
// Validates ring geometry.
// Ring geometry is validated carefully on import and then cached. This allows
// us to avoid out-of-range accesses even if the parameters in the header are
// later changed.
bool ValidateGeometry(size_t mmap_size, uint32_t header_record_size,
uint32_t header_record_count) {
if (record_size() != header_record_size) return false;
if (record_count() != header_record_count) return false;
if (record_count() < Traits::kMinRecordCount) return false;
if (record_size() < sizeof(Record)) return false;
if (record_size() % kRecordAlignment != 0) return false;
if (!IsPowerOfTwo(record_count())) return false;
size_t memory_size = record_count() * record_size();
if (memory_size / record_size() != record_count()) return false;
if (memory_size + sizeof(Header) < memory_size) return false;
if (memory_size + sizeof(Header) > mmap_size) return false;
return true;
// Copies a record into the ring.
// This is done with relaxed atomics because otherwise it is racy according to
// the C++ memory model. This is very low overhead once optimized.
static inline void PutRecordInternal(const Record* in, RecordStorage* out) {
StorageType data[sizeof(Record) / sizeof(StorageType)];
memcpy(data, in, sizeof(*in));
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::extent<decltype(data)>(); ++i) {
std::atomic_store_explicit(&out->data[i], data[i],
// Copies a record out of the ring.
// This is done with relaxed atomics because otherwise it is racy according to
// the C++ memory model. This is very low overhead once optimized.
static inline void GetRecordInternal(RecordStorage* in, Record* out) {
StorageType data[sizeof(Record) / sizeof(StorageType)];
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::extent<decltype(data)>(); ++i) {
data[i] =
std::atomic_load_explicit(&in->data[i], std::memory_order_relaxed);
memcpy(out, &data, sizeof(*out));
// Converts a record's sequence number into a storage index.
static uint32_t SequenceToIndex(uint32_t sequence, uint32_t record_count) {
return sequence & (record_count - 1);
// Computes readable & writable ranges from ring parameters.
static Geometry CalculateGeometry(uint32_t record_count, uint32_t record_size,
uint32_t head, uint32_t tail) {
Geometry geometry;
geometry.record_count = record_count;
geometry.record_size = record_size;
DCHECK_EQ(0U, geometry.record_size % kRecordAlignment);
geometry.head = head;
geometry.tail = tail;
geometry.head_index = SequenceToIndex(head, record_count);
geometry.tail_index = SequenceToIndex(tail, record_count);
geometry.count = geometry.tail - geometry.head;
DCHECK_LE(geometry.count, record_count); = geometry.record_count - geometry.count;
return geometry;
// Gets the current ring readable & writable regions.
// This this is always safe from the writing thread since it is the only
// thread allowed to update the header.
Geometry GetGeometry() const {
return CalculateGeometry(
record_count(), record_size(),
// Makes space for at least |reserve_count| records.
// There is nothing to prevent overwriting records that have concurrent
// readers. We do however ensure that this situation can be detected: the
// fence ensures the |head| update will be the first update seen by readers,
// and readers check this value after reading and discard data that may have
// been concurrently modified.
void Reserve(uint32_t reserve_count) {
Geometry geometry = GetGeometry();
DCHECK_LE(reserve_count, Traits::kMaxReservedRecords);
uint32_t needed =
( >= reserve_count ? 0 : reserve_count -;
std::atomic_store_explicit(&header_mmap()->head, geometry.head + needed,
// NB: It is not sufficient to change this to a store-release of |head|.
// Makes |publish_count| records visible to readers.
// Space must have been reserved by a previous call to Reserve().
void Publish(uint32_t publish_count) {
Geometry geometry = GetGeometry();
geometry.tail + publish_count,
// Helpers to compute addresses in mmap area.
Mmap* mmap() const { return data_.mmap; }
Header* header_mmap() const { return &data_.mmap->header; }
RecordStorage* record_mmap_writer(uint32_t index) const {
DCHECK_EQ(sizeof(Record), record_size());
return &data_.mmap->records[index];
RecordStorage* record_mmap_reader(uint32_t index) const {
if (Traits::kUseStaticRecordSize) {
return &data_.mmap->records[index];
} else {
// Calculate the location of a record in the ring without assuming that
// sizeof(Record) == record_size.
return reinterpret_cast<RecordStorage*>(
reinterpret_cast<char*>(data_.mmap->records) + index * record_size());
// The following horrifying template gunk enables us to store just the mmap
// base pointer for compile-time statically sized rings. Dynamically sized
// rings also store the validated copy of the record size & count.
// This boils down to: use a compile time constant if available, and otherwise
// load the value that was validated on import from a member variable.
template <typename T = Traits>
typename std::enable_if<T::kUseStaticRecordSize, uint32_t>::type
record_size_internal() const {
return sizeof(Record);
template <typename T = Traits>
typename std::enable_if<!T::kUseStaticRecordSize, uint32_t>::type
record_size_internal() const {
return data_.record_size;
template <typename T = Traits>
typename std::enable_if<T::kUseStaticRecordSize, void>::type set_record_size(
uint32_t /*record_size*/) {}
template <typename T = Traits>
typename std::enable_if<!T::kUseStaticRecordSize, void>::type set_record_size(
uint32_t record_size) {
data_.record_size = record_size;
template <typename T = Traits>
typename std::enable_if<T::kUseStaticRecordCount, uint32_t>::type
record_count_internal() const {
return Traits::kStaticRecordCount;
template <typename T = Traits>
typename std::enable_if<!T::kUseStaticRecordCount, uint32_t>::type
record_count_internal() const {
return data_.record_count;
template <typename T = Traits>
typename std::enable_if<T::kUseStaticRecordCount, void>::type
set_record_count(uint32_t /*record_count*/) const {}
template <typename T = Traits>
typename std::enable_if<!T::kUseStaticRecordCount, void>::type
set_record_count(uint32_t record_count) {
data_.record_count = record_count;
// Data we need to store for statically sized rings.
struct DataStaticSize {
Mmap* mmap = nullptr;
// Data we need to store for dynamically sized rings.
struct DataDynamicSize {
Mmap* mmap = nullptr;
// These are cached to make sure misbehaving writers cannot cause
// out-of-bounds memory accesses by updating the values in the mmap header.
uint32_t record_size = 0;
uint32_t record_count = 0;
using DataStaticOrDynamic =
typename std::conditional<Traits::kIsStaticSize, DataStaticSize,
DataStaticOrDynamic data_;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android