blob: 8d3160a81509943fe70d38de5658bc12c04cc95e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <binder/IBinder.h>
#include <binder/IInterface.h>
#include <gui/ITransactionCompletedListener.h>
#include <math/vec4.h>
#include <ui/ConfigStoreTypes.h>
#include <ui/DisplayedFrameStats.h>
#include <ui/FrameStats.h>
#include <ui/GraphicBuffer.h>
#include <ui/GraphicTypes.h>
#include <ui/PhysicalDisplayId.h>
#include <ui/PixelFormat.h>
#include <ui/Rotation.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace android {
struct client_cache_t;
struct ComposerState;
struct DisplayConfig;
struct DisplayInfo;
struct DisplayStatInfo;
struct DisplayState;
struct InputWindowCommands;
class LayerDebugInfo;
class HdrCapabilities;
class IDisplayEventConnection;
class IGraphicBufferProducer;
class ISurfaceComposerClient;
class IRegionSamplingListener;
class Rect;
enum class FrameEvent;
namespace ui {
struct DisplayState;
} // namespace ui
* This class defines the Binder IPC interface for accessing various
* SurfaceFlinger features.
class ISurfaceComposer: public IInterface {
static constexpr size_t MAX_LAYERS = 4096;
// flags for setTransactionState()
enum {
eSynchronous = 0x01,
eAnimation = 0x02,
// DEPRECATED - use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
eEarlyWakeup = 0x04,
// Explicit indication that this transaction and others to follow will likely result in a
// lot of layers being composed, and thus, SurfaceFlinger should wake-up earlier to avoid
// missing frame deadlines. In this case SurfaceFlinger will wake up at
// (sf vsync offset - debug.sf.early_phase_offset_ns). SurfaceFlinger will continue to be
// in the early configuration until it receives eExplicitEarlyWakeupEnd. These flags are
// expected to be used by WindowManager only and are guarded by
// android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER
eExplicitEarlyWakeupStart = 0x08,
eExplicitEarlyWakeupEnd = 0x10,
enum VsyncSource {
eVsyncSourceApp = 0,
eVsyncSourceSurfaceFlinger = 1
enum ConfigChanged { eConfigChangedSuppress = 0, eConfigChangedDispatch = 1 };
* Create a connection with SurfaceFlinger.
virtual sp<ISurfaceComposerClient> createConnection() = 0;
/* return an IDisplayEventConnection */
virtual sp<IDisplayEventConnection> createDisplayEventConnection(
VsyncSource vsyncSource = eVsyncSourceApp,
ConfigChanged configChanged = eConfigChangedSuppress) = 0;
/* create a virtual display
* requires ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual sp<IBinder> createDisplay(const String8& displayName,
bool secure) = 0;
/* destroy a virtual display
* requires ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual void destroyDisplay(const sp<IBinder>& display) = 0;
/* get stable IDs for connected physical displays.
virtual std::vector<PhysicalDisplayId> getPhysicalDisplayIds() const = 0;
// TODO(b/74619554): Remove this stopgap once the framework is display-agnostic.
std::optional<PhysicalDisplayId> getInternalDisplayId() const {
const auto displayIds = getPhysicalDisplayIds();
return displayIds.empty() ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(displayIds.front());
/* get token for a physical display given its stable ID obtained via getPhysicalDisplayIds or a
* DisplayEventReceiver hotplug event.
virtual sp<IBinder> getPhysicalDisplayToken(PhysicalDisplayId displayId) const = 0;
// TODO(b/74619554): Remove this stopgap once the framework is display-agnostic.
sp<IBinder> getInternalDisplayToken() const {
const auto displayId = getInternalDisplayId();
return displayId ? getPhysicalDisplayToken(*displayId) : nullptr;
/* open/close transactions. requires ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission */
virtual void setTransactionState(const Vector<ComposerState>& state,
const Vector<DisplayState>& displays, uint32_t flags,
const sp<IBinder>& applyToken,
const InputWindowCommands& inputWindowCommands,
int64_t desiredPresentTime,
const client_cache_t& uncacheBuffer, bool hasListenerCallbacks,
const std::vector<ListenerCallbacks>& listenerCallbacks) = 0;
/* signal that we're done booting.
* Requires ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission
virtual void bootFinished() = 0;
/* verify that an IGraphicBufferProducer was created by SurfaceFlinger.
virtual bool authenticateSurfaceTexture(
const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& surface) const = 0;
/* Returns the frame timestamps supported by SurfaceFlinger.
virtual status_t getSupportedFrameTimestamps(
std::vector<FrameEvent>* outSupported) const = 0;
/* set display power mode. depending on the mode, it can either trigger
* screen on, off or low power mode and wait for it to complete.
* requires ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual void setPowerMode(const sp<IBinder>& display, int mode) = 0;
/* returns display statistics for a given display
* intended to be used by the media framework to properly schedule
* video frames */
virtual status_t getDisplayStats(const sp<IBinder>& display,
DisplayStatInfo* stats) = 0;
* Get transactional state of given display.
virtual status_t getDisplayState(const sp<IBinder>& display, ui::DisplayState*) = 0;
* Get immutable information about given physical display.
virtual status_t getDisplayInfo(const sp<IBinder>& display, DisplayInfo*) = 0;
* Get configurations supported by given physical display.
virtual status_t getDisplayConfigs(const sp<IBinder>& display, Vector<DisplayConfig>*) = 0;
* Get the index into configurations returned by getDisplayConfigs,
* corresponding to the active configuration.
virtual int getActiveConfig(const sp<IBinder>& display) = 0;
virtual status_t getDisplayColorModes(const sp<IBinder>& display,
Vector<ui::ColorMode>* outColorModes) = 0;
virtual status_t getDisplayNativePrimaries(const sp<IBinder>& display,
ui::DisplayPrimaries& primaries) = 0;
virtual ui::ColorMode getActiveColorMode(const sp<IBinder>& display) = 0;
virtual status_t setActiveColorMode(const sp<IBinder>& display,
ui::ColorMode colorMode) = 0;
* Returns true if the connected display reports support for HDMI 2.1 Auto
* Low Latency Mode.
* For more information, see the HDMI 2.1 specification.
virtual status_t getAutoLowLatencyModeSupport(const sp<IBinder>& display,
bool* outSupport) const = 0;
* Switches Auto Low Latency Mode on/off on the connected display, if it is
* available. This should only be called if #getAutoLowLatencyMode returns
* true.
* For more information, see the HDMI 2.1 specification.
virtual void setAutoLowLatencyMode(const sp<IBinder>& display, bool on) = 0;
* Returns true if the connected display reports support for Game Content Type.
* For more information, see the HDMI 1.4 specification.
virtual status_t getGameContentTypeSupport(const sp<IBinder>& display,
bool* outSupport) const = 0;
* This will start sending infoframes to the connected display with
* ContentType=Game (if on=true). This will switch the disply to Game mode.
* This should only be called if #getGameContentTypeSupport returns true.
* For more information, see the HDMI 1.4 specification.
virtual void setGameContentType(const sp<IBinder>& display, bool on) = 0;
* Capture the specified screen. This requires READ_FRAME_BUFFER
* permission. This function will fail if there is a secure window on
* screen.
* This function can capture a subregion (the source crop) of the screen.
* The subregion can be optionally rotated. It will also be scaled to
* match the size of the output buffer.
* reqDataspace and reqPixelFormat specify the data space and pixel format
* of the buffer. The caller should pick the data space and pixel format
* that it can consume.
* sourceCrop is the crop on the logical display.
* reqWidth and reqHeight specifies the size of the buffer. When either
* of them is 0, they are set to the size of the logical display viewport.
* When useIdentityTransform is true, layer transformations are disabled.
* rotation specifies the rotation of the source crop (and the pixels in
* it) around its center.
virtual status_t captureScreen(const sp<IBinder>& display, sp<GraphicBuffer>* outBuffer,
bool& outCapturedSecureLayers, ui::Dataspace reqDataspace,
ui::PixelFormat reqPixelFormat, const Rect& sourceCrop,
uint32_t reqWidth, uint32_t reqHeight, bool useIdentityTransform,
ui::Rotation rotation = ui::ROTATION_0,
bool captureSecureLayers = false) = 0;
* Capture the specified screen. This requires READ_FRAME_BUFFER
* permission. This function will fail if there is a secure window on
* screen.
* This function can capture a subregion (the source crop) of the screen
* into an sRGB buffer with RGBA_8888 pixel format.
* The subregion can be optionally rotated. It will also be scaled to
* match the size of the output buffer.
* At the moment, sourceCrop is ignored and is always set to the visible
* region (projected display viewport) of the screen.
* reqWidth and reqHeight specifies the size of the buffer. When either
* of them is 0, they are set to the size of the logical display viewport.
* When useIdentityTransform is true, layer transformations are disabled.
* rotation specifies the rotation of the source crop (and the pixels in
* it) around its center.
virtual status_t captureScreen(const sp<IBinder>& display, sp<GraphicBuffer>* outBuffer,
const Rect& sourceCrop, uint32_t reqWidth, uint32_t reqHeight,
bool useIdentityTransform,
ui::Rotation rotation = ui::ROTATION_0) {
bool outIgnored;
return captureScreen(display, outBuffer, outIgnored, ui::Dataspace::V0_SRGB,
ui::PixelFormat::RGBA_8888, sourceCrop, reqWidth, reqHeight,
useIdentityTransform, rotation);
virtual status_t captureScreen(uint64_t displayOrLayerStack, ui::Dataspace* outDataspace,
sp<GraphicBuffer>* outBuffer) = 0;
template <class AA>
struct SpHash {
size_t operator()(const sp<AA>& k) const { return std::hash<AA*>()(k.get()); }
* Capture a subtree of the layer hierarchy, potentially ignoring the root node.
* reqDataspace and reqPixelFormat specify the data space and pixel format
* of the buffer. The caller should pick the data space and pixel format
* that it can consume.
virtual status_t captureLayers(
const sp<IBinder>& layerHandleBinder, sp<GraphicBuffer>* outBuffer,
ui::Dataspace reqDataspace, ui::PixelFormat reqPixelFormat, const Rect& sourceCrop,
const std::unordered_set<sp<IBinder>, SpHash<IBinder>>& excludeHandles,
float frameScale = 1.0, bool childrenOnly = false) = 0;
* Capture a subtree of the layer hierarchy into an sRGB buffer with RGBA_8888 pixel format,
* potentially ignoring the root node.
status_t captureLayers(const sp<IBinder>& layerHandleBinder, sp<GraphicBuffer>* outBuffer,
const Rect& sourceCrop, float frameScale = 1.0,
bool childrenOnly = false) {
return captureLayers(layerHandleBinder, outBuffer, ui::Dataspace::V0_SRGB,
ui::PixelFormat::RGBA_8888, sourceCrop, {}, frameScale, childrenOnly);
/* Clears the frame statistics for animations.
* Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual status_t clearAnimationFrameStats() = 0;
/* Gets the frame statistics for animations.
* Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual status_t getAnimationFrameStats(FrameStats* outStats) const = 0;
/* Gets the supported HDR capabilities of the given display.
* Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual status_t getHdrCapabilities(const sp<IBinder>& display,
HdrCapabilities* outCapabilities) const = 0;
virtual status_t enableVSyncInjections(bool enable) = 0;
virtual status_t injectVSync(nsecs_t when) = 0;
/* Gets the list of active layers in Z order for debugging purposes
* Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual status_t getLayerDebugInfo(std::vector<LayerDebugInfo>* outLayers) = 0;
virtual status_t getColorManagement(bool* outGetColorManagement) const = 0;
/* Gets the composition preference of the default data space and default pixel format,
* as well as the wide color gamut data space and wide color gamut pixel format.
* If the wide color gamut data space is V0_SRGB, then it implies that the platform
* has no wide color gamut support.
* Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual status_t getCompositionPreference(ui::Dataspace* defaultDataspace,
ui::PixelFormat* defaultPixelFormat,
ui::Dataspace* wideColorGamutDataspace,
ui::PixelFormat* wideColorGamutPixelFormat) const = 0;
* Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual status_t getDisplayedContentSamplingAttributes(const sp<IBinder>& display,
ui::PixelFormat* outFormat,
ui::Dataspace* outDataspace,
uint8_t* outComponentMask) const = 0;
/* Turns on the color sampling engine on the display.
* Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual status_t setDisplayContentSamplingEnabled(const sp<IBinder>& display, bool enable,
uint8_t componentMask,
uint64_t maxFrames) = 0;
/* Returns statistics on the color profile of the last frame displayed for a given display
* Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual status_t getDisplayedContentSample(const sp<IBinder>& display, uint64_t maxFrames,
uint64_t timestamp,
DisplayedFrameStats* outStats) const = 0;
* Gets whether SurfaceFlinger can support protected content in GPU composition.
* Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual status_t getProtectedContentSupport(bool* outSupported) const = 0;
* Queries whether the given display is a wide color display.
* Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission.
virtual status_t isWideColorDisplay(const sp<IBinder>& token,
bool* outIsWideColorDisplay) const = 0;
/* Registers a listener to stream median luma updates from SurfaceFlinger.
* The sampling area is bounded by both samplingArea and the given stopLayerHandle
* (i.e., only layers behind the stop layer will be captured and sampled).
* Multiple listeners may be provided so long as they have independent listeners.
* If multiple listeners are provided, the effective sampling region for each listener will
* be bounded by whichever stop layer has a lower Z value.
* Requires the same permissions as captureLayers and captureScreen.
virtual status_t addRegionSamplingListener(const Rect& samplingArea,
const sp<IBinder>& stopLayerHandle,
const sp<IRegionSamplingListener>& listener) = 0;
* Removes a listener that was streaming median luma updates from SurfaceFlinger.
virtual status_t removeRegionSamplingListener(const sp<IRegionSamplingListener>& listener) = 0;
/* Sets the refresh rate boundaries for the display.
* The primary refresh rate range represents display manager's general guidance on the display
* configs we'll consider when switching refresh rates. Unless we get an explicit signal from an
* app, we should stay within this range.
* The app request refresh rate range allows us to consider more display configs when switching
* refresh rates. Although we should generally stay within the primary range, specific
* considerations, such as layer frame rate settings specified via the setFrameRate() api, may
* cause us to go outside the primary range. We never go outside the app request range. The app
* request range will be greater than or equal to the primary refresh rate range, never smaller.
* defaultConfig is used to narrow the list of display configs SurfaceFlinger will consider
* switching between. Only configs with a config group and resolution matching defaultConfig
* will be considered for switching. The defaultConfig index corresponds to the list of configs
* returned from getDisplayConfigs().
virtual status_t setDesiredDisplayConfigSpecs(const sp<IBinder>& displayToken,
int32_t defaultConfig,
float primaryRefreshRateMin,
float primaryRefreshRateMax,
float appRequestRefreshRateMin,
float appRequestRefreshRateMax) = 0;
virtual status_t getDesiredDisplayConfigSpecs(const sp<IBinder>& displayToken,
int32_t* outDefaultConfig,
float* outPrimaryRefreshRateMin,
float* outPrimaryRefreshRateMax,
float* outAppRequestRefreshRateMin,
float* outAppRequestRefreshRateMax) = 0;
* Gets whether brightness operations are supported on a display.
* displayToken
* The token of the display.
* outSupport
* An output parameter for whether brightness operations are supported.
* Returns NO_ERROR upon success. Otherwise,
* NAME_NOT_FOUND if the display is invalid, or
* BAD_VALUE if the output parameter is invalid.
virtual status_t getDisplayBrightnessSupport(const sp<IBinder>& displayToken,
bool* outSupport) const = 0;
* Sets the brightness of a display.
* displayToken
* The token of the display whose brightness is set.
* brightness
* A number between 0.0f (minimum brightness) and 1.0 (maximum brightness), or -1.0f to
* turn the backlight off.
* Returns NO_ERROR upon success. Otherwise,
* NAME_NOT_FOUND if the display is invalid, or
* BAD_VALUE if the brightness is invalid, or
* INVALID_OPERATION if brightness operations are not supported.
virtual status_t setDisplayBrightness(const sp<IBinder>& displayToken, float brightness) = 0;
* Sends a power hint to the composer. This function is asynchronous.
* hintId
* hint id according to android::hardware::power::V1_0::PowerHint
* Returns NO_ERROR upon success.
virtual status_t notifyPowerHint(int32_t hintId) = 0;
* Sets the global configuration for all the shadows drawn by SurfaceFlinger. Shadow follows
* material design guidelines.
* ambientColor
* Color to the ambient shadow. The alpha is premultiplied.
* spotColor
* Color to the spot shadow. The alpha is premultiplied. The position of the spot shadow
* depends on the light position.
* lightPosY/lightPosZ
* Position of the light used to cast the spot shadow. The X value is always the display
* width / 2.
* lightRadius
* Radius of the light casting the shadow.
virtual status_t setGlobalShadowSettings(const half4& ambientColor, const half4& spotColor,
float lightPosY, float lightPosZ,
float lightRadius) = 0;
* Sets the intended frame rate for a surface. See ANativeWindow_setFrameRate() for more info.
virtual status_t setFrameRate(const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& surface, float frameRate,
int8_t compatibility) = 0;
* Acquire a frame rate flexibility token from SurfaceFlinger. While this token is acquired,
* surface flinger will freely switch between frame rates in any way it sees fit, regardless of
* the current restrictions applied by DisplayManager. This is useful to get consistent behavior
* for tests. Release the token by releasing the returned IBinder reference.
virtual status_t acquireFrameRateFlexibilityToken(sp<IBinder>* outToken) = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BnSurfaceComposer: public BnInterface<ISurfaceComposer> {
enum ISurfaceComposerTag {
// Note: BOOT_FINISHED must remain this value, it is called from
// Java by ActivityManagerService.
// Always append new enum to the end.
virtual status_t onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data,
Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags = 0);
} // namespace android