blob: 533509be3538b358b13ac51a05d5427f9448c8ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <android/frameworks/vr/composer/1.0/IVrComposerClient.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/composer/2.1/IComposer.h>
#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
#include <IComposerCommandBuffer.h>
namespace android {
namespace Hwc2 {
using android::frameworks::vr::composer::V1_0::IVrComposerClient;
using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_0::ColorMode;
using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_0::ColorTransform;
using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_0::Dataspace;
using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_0::Hdr;
using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_0::PixelFormat;
using android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_0::Transform;
using android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::IComposer;
using android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::IComposerCallback;
using android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::IComposerClient;
using android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::Error;
using android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::Display;
using android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::Layer;
using android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::Config;
using android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::CommandWriterBase;
using android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_1::CommandReaderBase;
using android::hardware::kSynchronizedReadWrite;
using android::hardware::MessageQueue;
using android::hardware::MQDescriptorSync;
using android::hardware::hidl_vec;
using android::hardware::hidl_handle;
class CommandReader : public CommandReaderBase {
// Parse and execute commands from the command queue. The commands are
// actually return values from the server and will be saved in ReturnData.
Error parse();
// Get and clear saved errors.
struct CommandError {
uint32_t location;
Error error;
std::vector<CommandError> takeErrors();
bool hasChanges(Display display, uint32_t* outNumChangedCompositionTypes,
uint32_t* outNumLayerRequestMasks) const;
// Get and clear saved changed composition types.
void takeChangedCompositionTypes(Display display,
std::vector<Layer>* outLayers,
std::vector<IComposerClient::Composition>* outTypes);
// Get and clear saved display requests.
void takeDisplayRequests(Display display,
uint32_t* outDisplayRequestMask, std::vector<Layer>* outLayers,
std::vector<uint32_t>* outLayerRequestMasks);
// Get and clear saved release fences.
void takeReleaseFences(Display display, std::vector<Layer>* outLayers,
std::vector<int>* outReleaseFences);
// Get and clear saved present fence.
void takePresentFence(Display display, int* outPresentFence);
// Get what stage succeeded during PresentOrValidate: Present or Validate
void takePresentOrValidateStage(Display display, uint32_t * state);
void resetData();
bool parseSelectDisplay(uint16_t length);
bool parseSetError(uint16_t length);
bool parseSetChangedCompositionTypes(uint16_t length);
bool parseSetDisplayRequests(uint16_t length);
bool parseSetPresentFence(uint16_t length);
bool parseSetReleaseFences(uint16_t length);
bool parseSetPresentOrValidateDisplayResult(uint16_t length);
struct ReturnData {
uint32_t displayRequests = 0;
std::vector<Layer> changedLayers;
std::vector<IComposerClient::Composition> compositionTypes;
std::vector<Layer> requestedLayers;
std::vector<uint32_t> requestMasks;
int presentFence = -1;
std::vector<Layer> releasedLayers;
std::vector<int> releaseFences;
uint32_t presentOrValidateState;
std::vector<CommandError> mErrors;
std::unordered_map<Display, ReturnData> mReturnData;
// When SELECT_DISPLAY is parsed, this is updated to point to the
// display's return data in mReturnData. We use it to avoid repeated
// map lookups.
ReturnData* mCurrentReturnData;
// Composer is a wrapper to IComposer, a proxy to server-side composer.
class Composer {
Composer(bool useVrComposer);
std::vector<IComposer::Capability> getCapabilities();
std::string dumpDebugInfo();
void registerCallback(const sp<IComposerCallback>& callback);
// Returns true if the connected composer service is running in a remote
// process, false otherwise. This will return false if the service is
// configured in passthrough mode, for example.
bool isRemote();
// Reset all pending commands in the command buffer. Useful if you want to
// skip a frame but have already queued some commands.
void resetCommands();
uint32_t getMaxVirtualDisplayCount();
bool isUsingVrComposer() const { return mIsUsingVrComposer; }
Error createVirtualDisplay(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
PixelFormat* format, Display* outDisplay);
Error destroyVirtualDisplay(Display display);
Error acceptDisplayChanges(Display display);
Error createLayer(Display display, Layer* outLayer);
Error destroyLayer(Display display, Layer layer);
Error getActiveConfig(Display display, Config* outConfig);
Error getChangedCompositionTypes(Display display,
std::vector<Layer>* outLayers,
std::vector<IComposerClient::Composition>* outTypes);
Error getColorModes(Display display, std::vector<ColorMode>* outModes);
Error getDisplayAttribute(Display display, Config config,
IComposerClient::Attribute attribute, int32_t* outValue);
Error getDisplayConfigs(Display display, std::vector<Config>* outConfigs);
Error getDisplayName(Display display, std::string* outName);
Error getDisplayRequests(Display display, uint32_t* outDisplayRequestMask,
std::vector<Layer>* outLayers,
std::vector<uint32_t>* outLayerRequestMasks);
Error getDisplayType(Display display,
IComposerClient::DisplayType* outType);
Error getDozeSupport(Display display, bool* outSupport);
Error getHdrCapabilities(Display display, std::vector<Hdr>* outTypes,
float* outMaxLuminance, float* outMaxAverageLuminance,
float* outMinLuminance);
Error getReleaseFences(Display display, std::vector<Layer>* outLayers,
std::vector<int>* outReleaseFences);
Error presentDisplay(Display display, int* outPresentFence);
Error setActiveConfig(Display display, Config config);
* The composer caches client targets internally. When target is nullptr,
* the composer uses slot to look up the client target from its cache.
* When target is not nullptr, the cache is updated with the new target.
Error setClientTarget(Display display, uint32_t slot,
const sp<GraphicBuffer>& target,
int acquireFence, Dataspace dataspace,
const std::vector<IComposerClient::Rect>& damage);
Error setColorMode(Display display, ColorMode mode);
Error setColorTransform(Display display, const float* matrix,
ColorTransform hint);
Error setOutputBuffer(Display display, const native_handle_t* buffer,
int releaseFence);
Error setPowerMode(Display display, IComposerClient::PowerMode mode);
Error setVsyncEnabled(Display display, IComposerClient::Vsync enabled);
Error setClientTargetSlotCount(Display display);
Error validateDisplay(Display display, uint32_t* outNumTypes,
uint32_t* outNumRequests);
Error presentOrValidateDisplay(Display display, uint32_t* outNumTypes,
uint32_t* outNumRequests,
int* outPresentFence,
uint32_t* state);
Error setCursorPosition(Display display, Layer layer,
int32_t x, int32_t y);
/* see setClientTarget for the purpose of slot */
Error setLayerBuffer(Display display, Layer layer, uint32_t slot,
const sp<GraphicBuffer>& buffer, int acquireFence);
Error setLayerSurfaceDamage(Display display, Layer layer,
const std::vector<IComposerClient::Rect>& damage);
Error setLayerBlendMode(Display display, Layer layer,
IComposerClient::BlendMode mode);
Error setLayerColor(Display display, Layer layer,
const IComposerClient::Color& color);
Error setLayerCompositionType(Display display, Layer layer,
IComposerClient::Composition type);
Error setLayerDataspace(Display display, Layer layer,
Dataspace dataspace);
Error setLayerDisplayFrame(Display display, Layer layer,
const IComposerClient::Rect& frame);
Error setLayerPlaneAlpha(Display display, Layer layer,
float alpha);
Error setLayerSidebandStream(Display display, Layer layer,
const native_handle_t* stream);
Error setLayerSourceCrop(Display display, Layer layer,
const IComposerClient::FRect& crop);
Error setLayerTransform(Display display, Layer layer,
Transform transform);
Error setLayerVisibleRegion(Display display, Layer layer,
const std::vector<IComposerClient::Rect>& visible);
Error setLayerZOrder(Display display, Layer layer, uint32_t z);
Error setLayerInfo(Display display, Layer layer, uint32_t type,
uint32_t appId);
class CommandWriter : public CommandWriterBase {
CommandWriter(uint32_t initialMaxSize);
~CommandWriter() override;
void setLayerInfo(uint32_t type, uint32_t appId);
void setClientTargetMetadata(
const IVrComposerClient::BufferMetadata& metadata);
void setLayerBufferMetadata(
const IVrComposerClient::BufferMetadata& metadata);
void writeBufferMetadata(
const IVrComposerClient::BufferMetadata& metadata);
// Many public functions above simply write a command into the command
// queue to batch the calls. validateDisplay and presentDisplay will call
// this function to execute the command queue.
Error execute();
sp<IComposer> mComposer;
sp<IComposerClient> mClient;
// 64KiB minus a small space for metadata such as read/write pointers
static constexpr size_t kWriterInitialSize =
64 * 1024 / sizeof(uint32_t) - 16;
CommandWriter mWriter;
CommandReader mReader;
// When true, the we attach to the vr_hwcomposer service instead of the
// hwcomposer. This allows us to redirect surfaces to 3d surfaces in vr.
const bool mIsUsingVrComposer;
} // namespace Hwc2
} // namespace android