blob: 368891ce05582665fb525433748b1e8ec0a565e5 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <pdx/service.h>
#include <pdx/service_endpoint.h>
#include <uds/channel_event_set.h>
#include <uds/service_dispatcher.h>
namespace android {
namespace pdx {
namespace uds {
class Endpoint : public pdx::Endpoint {
enum {
kIpcTag = 0x00736674, // 'uds'
// Blocking modes for service endpoint. Controls whether the epoll set is in
// blocking mode or not for message receive.
enum {
kBlocking = true,
kNonBlocking = false,
kDefaultBlocking = kNonBlocking,
enum : mode_t {
kDefaultMode = 0,
~Endpoint() override = default;
uint32_t GetIpcTag() const override { return kIpcTag; }
Status<void> SetService(Service* service) override;
Status<void> SetChannel(int channel_id, Channel* channel) override;
Status<void> CloseChannel(int channel_id) override;
Status<void> ModifyChannelEvents(int channel_id, int clear_mask,
int set_mask) override;
Status<RemoteChannelHandle> PushChannel(Message* message, int flags,
Channel* channel,
int* channel_id) override;
Status<int> CheckChannel(const Message* message, ChannelReference ref,
Channel** channel) override;
Status<void> MessageReceive(Message* message) override;
Status<void> MessageReply(Message* message, int return_code) override;
Status<void> MessageReplyFd(Message* message, unsigned int push_fd) override;
Status<void> MessageReplyChannelHandle(
Message* message, const LocalChannelHandle& handle) override;
Status<void> MessageReplyChannelHandle(
Message* message, const BorrowedChannelHandle& handle) override;
Status<void> MessageReplyChannelHandle(
Message* message, const RemoteChannelHandle& handle) override;
Status<size_t> ReadMessageData(Message* message, const iovec* vector,
size_t vector_length) override;
Status<size_t> WriteMessageData(Message* message, const iovec* vector,
size_t vector_length) override;
Status<FileReference> PushFileHandle(Message* message,
const LocalHandle& handle) override;
Status<FileReference> PushFileHandle(Message* message,
const BorrowedHandle& handle) override;
Status<FileReference> PushFileHandle(Message* message,
const RemoteHandle& handle) override;
Status<ChannelReference> PushChannelHandle(
Message* message, const LocalChannelHandle& handle) override;
Status<ChannelReference> PushChannelHandle(
Message* message, const BorrowedChannelHandle& handle) override;
Status<ChannelReference> PushChannelHandle(
Message* message, const RemoteChannelHandle& handle) override;
LocalHandle GetFileHandle(Message* message, FileReference ref) const override;
LocalChannelHandle GetChannelHandle(Message* message,
ChannelReference ref) const override;
void* AllocateMessageState() override;
void FreeMessageState(void* state) override;
Status<void> Cancel() override;
// Open an endpoint at the given path.
// Second parameter is unused for UDS, but we have it here for compatibility
// in signature with servicefs::Endpoint::Create().
// This method uses |endpoint_path| as a relative path to endpoint socket
// created by init process.
static std::unique_ptr<Endpoint> Create(const std::string& endpoint_path,
mode_t /*unused_mode*/ = kDefaultMode,
bool blocking = kDefaultBlocking);
// Helper method to create an endpoint at the given UDS socket path. This
// method physically creates and binds a socket at that path.
static std::unique_ptr<Endpoint> CreateAndBindSocket(
const std::string& endpoint_path, bool blocking = kDefaultBlocking);
// Helper method to create an endpoint from an existing socket FD.
// Mostly helpful for tests.
static std::unique_ptr<Endpoint> CreateFromSocketFd(LocalHandle socket_fd);
// Test helper method to register a new channel identified by |channel_fd|
// socket file descriptor.
Status<void> RegisterNewChannelForTests(LocalHandle channel_fd);
int epoll_fd() const { return epoll_fd_.Get(); }
struct ChannelData {
LocalHandle data_fd;
ChannelEventSet event_set;
Channel* channel_state{nullptr};
// This class must be instantiated using Create() static methods above.
Endpoint(const std::string& endpoint_path, bool blocking,
bool use_init_socket_fd = true);
Endpoint(LocalHandle socket_fd);
void Init(LocalHandle socket_fd);
Endpoint(const Endpoint&) = delete;
void operator=(const Endpoint&) = delete;
uint32_t GetNextAvailableMessageId() {
return next_message_id_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
void BuildCloseMessage(int32_t channel_id, Message* message);
Status<void> AcceptConnection(Message* message);
Status<void> ReceiveMessageForChannel(const BorrowedHandle& channel_fd,
Message* message);
Status<void> OnNewChannel(LocalHandle channel_fd);
Status<std::pair<int32_t, ChannelData*>> OnNewChannelLocked(
LocalHandle channel_fd, Channel* channel_state);
Status<void> CloseChannelLocked(int32_t channel_id);
Status<void> ReenableEpollEvent(const BorrowedHandle& channel_fd);
Channel* GetChannelState(int32_t channel_id);
BorrowedHandle GetChannelSocketFd(int32_t channel_id);
BorrowedHandle GetChannelEventFd(int32_t channel_id);
int32_t GetChannelId(const BorrowedHandle& channel_fd);
Status<void> CreateChannelSocketPair(LocalHandle* local_socket,
LocalHandle* remote_socket);
std::string endpoint_path_;
bool is_blocking_;
LocalHandle socket_fd_;
LocalHandle cancel_event_fd_;
LocalHandle epoll_fd_;
mutable std::mutex channel_mutex_;
std::map<int32_t, ChannelData> channels_;
std::map<int, int32_t> channel_fd_to_id_;
int32_t last_channel_id_{0};
Service* service_{nullptr};
std::atomic<uint32_t> next_message_id_;
} // namespace uds
} // namespace pdx
} // namespace android