[codec][aac] Merge AAC changes to pick up -DSUPPRESS_BUILD_DATE_INFO,
some riscv related diffs, and some codec fixes.

Git commands (reconstructed):
git fetch origin
git remote add upstream https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/aac
git fetch upstream
git checkout origin/main
git branch tmp
git checkout tmp
git merge –no-ff upstream/main
git push origin tmp:refs/for/main

(If gerrit complains about dependency commits without change-id, push
a first merge commit hash to a refs/heads/sandbox/<name> branch to get
the dependency commits into git server-side, then re-make a second
merge commit (with different commit hash, but doing the same thing),
and push that new merge commit to refs/for/main.)

BUG: fxbug.dev/128466
Change-Id: Ida31c512e64468c481ea0f6bcf4e5ef6c231555d