blob: 4e01a9eefed2a6cdeeb3fb6753a2bb63c765b2b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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// Copyright 2011-2022 Arm Limited
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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* @brief Functions for computing image error metrics.
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include "astcenccli_internal.h"
* @brief An accumulator for errors.
class error_accum4
/** @brief The running sum. */
double sum_r { 0.0 };
double sum_g { 0.0 };
double sum_b { 0.0 };
double sum_a { 0.0 };
* @brief Incremental addition operator for error accumulators.
* @param val The accumulator to increment
* @param inc The increment to apply
* @return The updated accumulator
static error_accum4& operator+=(
error_accum4 &val,
vfloat4 inc
) {
val.sum_r += static_cast<double>(inc.lane<0>());
val.sum_g += static_cast<double>(inc.lane<1>());
val.sum_b += static_cast<double>(inc.lane<2>());
val.sum_a += static_cast<double>(inc.lane<3>());
return val;
* @brief mPSNR tone-mapping operator for HDR images.
* @param val The color value to tone map
* @param fstop The exposure fstop; should be in range [-125, 125]
* @return The mapped color value in [0.0f, 255.0f] range
static float mpsnr_operator(
float val,
int fstop
) {
if32 p;
p.u = 0x3f800000 + (fstop << 23); // 0x3f800000 is 1.0f
val *= p.f;
val = powf(val, (1.0f / 2.2f));
val *= 255.0f;
return astc::clamp(val, 0.0f, 255.0f);
* @brief mPSNR difference between two values.
* Differences are given as "val1 - val2".
* @param val1 The first color value
* @param val2 The second color value
* @param fstop_lo The low exposure fstop; should be in range [-125, 125]
* @param fstop_hi The high exposure fstop; should be in range [-125, 125]
* @return The summed mPSNR difference across all active fstop levels
static float mpsnr_sumdiff(
float val1,
float val2,
int fstop_lo,
int fstop_hi
) {
float summa = 0.0f;
for (int i = fstop_lo; i <= fstop_hi; i++)
float mval1 = mpsnr_operator(val1, i);
float mval2 = mpsnr_operator(val2, i);
float mdiff = mval1 - mval2;
summa += mdiff * mdiff;
return summa;
/* See header for documentation */
void compute_error_metrics(
bool compute_hdr_metrics,
bool compute_normal_metrics,
int input_components,
const astcenc_image* img1,
const astcenc_image* img2,
int fstop_lo,
int fstop_hi
) {
static const int componentmasks[5] { 0x00, 0x07, 0x0C, 0x07, 0x0F };
int componentmask = componentmasks[input_components];
error_accum4 errorsum;
error_accum4 alpha_scaled_errorsum;
error_accum4 log_errorsum;
error_accum4 mpsnr_errorsum;
double mean_angular_errorsum = 0.0;
double worst_angular_errorsum = 0.0;
unsigned int dim_x = astc::min(img1->dim_x, img2->dim_x);
unsigned int dim_y = astc::min(img1->dim_y, img2->dim_y);
unsigned int dim_z = astc::min(img1->dim_z, img2->dim_z);
if (img1->dim_x != img2->dim_x ||
img1->dim_y != img2->dim_y ||
img1->dim_z != img2->dim_z)
printf("WARNING: Only intersection of images will be compared:\n"
" Image 1: %dx%dx%d\n"
" Image 2: %dx%dx%d\n",
img1->dim_x, img1->dim_y, img1->dim_z,
img2->dim_x, img2->dim_y, img2->dim_z);
double rgb_peak = 0.0;
unsigned int xsize1 = img1->dim_x;
unsigned int xsize2 = img2->dim_x;
for (unsigned int z = 0; z < dim_z; z++)
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < dim_y; y++)
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < dim_x; x++)
vfloat4 color1;
vfloat4 color2;
if (img1->data_type == ASTCENC_TYPE_U8)
uint8_t* data8 = static_cast<uint8_t*>(img1->data[z]);
color1 = vfloat4(
data8[(4 * xsize1 * y) + (4 * x )],
data8[(4 * xsize1 * y) + (4 * x + 1)],
data8[(4 * xsize1 * y) + (4 * x + 2)],
data8[(4 * xsize1 * y) + (4 * x + 3)]);
color1 = color1 / 255.0f;
else if (img1->data_type == ASTCENC_TYPE_F16)
uint16_t* data16 = static_cast<uint16_t*>(img1->data[z]);
vint4 color1i = vint4(
data16[(4 * xsize1 * y) + (4 * x )],
data16[(4 * xsize1 * y) + (4 * x + 1)],
data16[(4 * xsize1 * y) + (4 * x + 2)],
data16[(4 * xsize1 * y) + (4 * x + 3)]);
color1 = float16_to_float(color1i);
color1 = clamp(0, 65504.0f, color1);
else // if (img1->data_type == ASTCENC_TYPE_F32)
assert(img1->data_type == ASTCENC_TYPE_F32);
float* data32 = static_cast<float*>(img1->data[z]);
color1 = vfloat4(
data32[(4 * xsize1 * y) + (4 * x )],
data32[(4 * xsize1 * y) + (4 * x + 1)],
data32[(4 * xsize1 * y) + (4 * x + 2)],
data32[(4 * xsize1 * y) + (4 * x + 3)]);
color1 = clamp(0, 65504.0f, color1);
if (img2->data_type == ASTCENC_TYPE_U8)
uint8_t* data8 = static_cast<uint8_t*>(img2->data[z]);
color2 = vfloat4(
data8[(4 * xsize2 * y) + (4 * x )],
data8[(4 * xsize2 * y) + (4 * x + 1)],
data8[(4 * xsize2 * y) + (4 * x + 2)],
data8[(4 * xsize2 * y) + (4 * x + 3)]);
color2 = color2 / 255.0f;
else if (img2->data_type == ASTCENC_TYPE_F16)
uint16_t* data16 = static_cast<uint16_t*>(img2->data[z]);
vint4 color2i = vint4(
data16[(4 * xsize2 * y) + (4 * x )],
data16[(4 * xsize2 * y) + (4 * x + 1)],
data16[(4 * xsize2 * y) + (4 * x + 2)],
data16[(4 * xsize2 * y) + (4 * x + 3)]);
color2 = float16_to_float(color2i);
color2 = clamp(0, 65504.0f, color2);
else // if (img2->data_type == ASTCENC_TYPE_F32)
assert(img2->data_type == ASTCENC_TYPE_F32);
float* data32 = static_cast<float*>(img2->data[z]);
color2 = vfloat4(
data32[(4 * xsize2 * y) + (4 * x )],
data32[(4 * xsize2 * y) + (4 * x + 1)],
data32[(4 * xsize2 * y) + (4 * x + 2)],
data32[(4 * xsize2 * y) + (4 * x + 3)]);
color2 = clamp(0, 65504.0f, color2);
rgb_peak = astc::max(static_cast<double>(color1.lane<0>()),
vfloat4 diffcolor = color1 - color2;
vfloat4 diffcolor_sq = diffcolor * diffcolor;
errorsum += diffcolor_sq;
vfloat4 alpha_scaled_diffcolor = vfloat4(
diffcolor.lane<0>() * color1.lane<3>(),
diffcolor.lane<1>() * color1.lane<3>(),
diffcolor.lane<2>() * color1.lane<3>(),
vfloat4 alpha_scaled_diffcolor_sq = alpha_scaled_diffcolor * alpha_scaled_diffcolor;
alpha_scaled_errorsum += alpha_scaled_diffcolor_sq;
if (compute_hdr_metrics)
vfloat4 log_input_color1 = log2(color1);
vfloat4 log_input_color2 = log2(color2);
vfloat4 log_diffcolor = log_input_color1 - log_input_color2;
log_errorsum += log_diffcolor * log_diffcolor;
vfloat4 mpsnr_error = vfloat4(
mpsnr_sumdiff(color1.lane<0>(), color2.lane<0>(), fstop_lo, fstop_hi),
mpsnr_sumdiff(color1.lane<1>(), color2.lane<1>(), fstop_lo, fstop_hi),
mpsnr_sumdiff(color1.lane<2>(), color2.lane<2>(), fstop_lo, fstop_hi),
mpsnr_sumdiff(color1.lane<3>(), color2.lane<3>(), fstop_lo, fstop_hi));
mpsnr_errorsum += mpsnr_error;
if (compute_normal_metrics)
// Decode the normal vector
vfloat4 normal1 = (color1 - 0.5f) * 2.0f;
normal1 = normalize_safe(normal1.swz<0, 1, 2>(), unit3());
vfloat4 normal2 = (color2 - 0.5f) * 2.0f;
normal2 = normalize_safe(normal2.swz<0, 1, 2>(), unit3());
// Float error can push this outside of valid range for acos, so clamp to avoid NaN issues
float normal_cos = clamp(-1.0f, 1.0f, dot3(normal1, normal2)).lane<0>();
float rad_to_degrees = 180.0f / astc::PI;
double error_degrees = std::acos(static_cast<double>(normal_cos)) * static_cast<double>(rad_to_degrees);
mean_angular_errorsum += error_degrees / (dim_x * dim_y * dim_z);
worst_angular_errorsum = astc::max(worst_angular_errorsum, error_degrees);
double pixels = static_cast<double>(dim_x * dim_y * dim_z);
double samples = 0.0;
double num = 0.0;
double alpha_num = 0.0;
double log_num = 0.0;
double mpsnr_num = 0.0;
if (componentmask & 1)
num += errorsum.sum_r;
alpha_num += alpha_scaled_errorsum.sum_r;
log_num += log_errorsum.sum_r;
mpsnr_num += mpsnr_errorsum.sum_r;
samples += pixels;
if (componentmask & 2)
num += errorsum.sum_g;
alpha_num += alpha_scaled_errorsum.sum_g;
log_num += log_errorsum.sum_g;
mpsnr_num += mpsnr_errorsum.sum_g;
samples += pixels;
if (componentmask & 4)
num += errorsum.sum_b;
alpha_num += alpha_scaled_errorsum.sum_b;
log_num += log_errorsum.sum_b;
mpsnr_num += mpsnr_errorsum.sum_b;
samples += pixels;
if (componentmask & 8)
num += errorsum.sum_a;
alpha_num += alpha_scaled_errorsum.sum_a;
samples += pixels;
double denom = samples;
double stopcount = static_cast<double>(fstop_hi - fstop_lo + 1);
double mpsnr_denom = pixels * 3.0 * stopcount * 255.0 * 255.0;
double psnr;
if (num == 0.0)
psnr = 999.0;
psnr = 10.0 * log10(denom / num);
double rgb_psnr = psnr;
printf("Quality metrics\n");
if (componentmask & 8)
printf(" PSNR (LDR-RGBA): %9.4f dB\n", psnr);
double alpha_psnr;
if (alpha_num == 0.0)
alpha_psnr = 999.0;
alpha_psnr = 10.0 * log10(denom / alpha_num);
printf(" Alpha-weighted PSNR: %9.4f dB\n", alpha_psnr);
double rgb_num = errorsum.sum_r + errorsum.sum_g + errorsum.sum_b;
if (rgb_num == 0.0)
rgb_psnr = 999.0;
rgb_psnr = 10.0 * log10(pixels * 3.0 / rgb_num);
printf(" PSNR (LDR-RGB): %9.4f dB\n", rgb_psnr);
printf(" PSNR (LDR-RGB): %9.4f dB\n", psnr);
if (compute_hdr_metrics)
printf(" PSNR (RGB norm to peak): %9.4f dB (peak %f)\n",
rgb_psnr + 20.0 * log10(rgb_peak), rgb_peak);
double mpsnr;
if (mpsnr_num == 0.0)
mpsnr = 999.0;
mpsnr = 10.0 * log10(mpsnr_denom / mpsnr_num);
printf(" mPSNR (RGB): %9.4f dB (fstops %+d to %+d)\n",
mpsnr, fstop_lo, fstop_hi);
double logrmse = sqrt(log_num / pixels);
printf(" LogRMSE (RGB): %9.4f\n", logrmse);
if (compute_normal_metrics)
printf(" Mean Angular Error: %9.4f degrees\n", mean_angular_errorsum);
printf(" Worst Angular Error: %9.4f degrees\n", worst_angular_errorsum);