[openwrt_authentication] Fix some readability issues.. am: f7368c6421

Original change: https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/tools/test/connectivity/+/2845240

Change-Id: I37a4e3e96ce10426775187305f1a7f42e72ff551
Signed-off-by: Automerger Merge Worker <android-build-automerger-merge-worker@system.gserviceaccount.com>
diff --git a/acts/framework/acts/controllers/openwrt_lib/openwrt_authentication.py b/acts/framework/acts/controllers/openwrt_lib/openwrt_authentication.py
index a300fff..5cab36f 100644
--- a/acts/framework/acts/controllers/openwrt_lib/openwrt_authentication.py
+++ b/acts/framework/acts/controllers/openwrt_lib/openwrt_authentication.py
@@ -1,20 +1,30 @@
+"""Module for OpenWrt SSH authentication.
+This module provides a class, OpenWrtAuth, for managing SSH authentication for
+OpenWrt devices. It allows you to generate RSA key pairs, save them in a
+specified directory, and upload the public key to a remote host.
+  1. Create an instance of OpenWrtAuth with the required parameters.
+  2. Call generate_rsa_key() to generate RSA key pairs and save them.
+  3. Call send_public_key_to_remote_host() to upload the public key
+     to the remote host.
 import logging
 import os
 import paramiko
 import scp
-import subprocess
-_REMOTE_PATH = '/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys'
+_REMOTE_PATH = "/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys"
 class OpenWrtAuth:
-  """
-  A class for managing SSH authentication for OpenWrt devices.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, hostname, username='root', password='root', port=22):
-    """
-    Initializes a new instance of the OpenWrtAuth class.
+  """Class for managing SSH authentication for OpenWrt devices."""
+  def __init__(self, hostname, username="root", password="root", port=22):
+    """Initializes a new instance of the OpenWrtAuth class.
       hostname (str): The hostname or IP address of the remote device.
@@ -32,23 +42,30 @@
     self.password = password
     self.port = port
     self.public_key = None
-    self.key_dir = '/tmp/openwrt/'
-    self.public_key_file = f'{self.key_dir}id_rsa_{self.hostname}.pub'
-    self.private_key_file = f'{self.key_dir}id_rsa_{self.hostname}'
+    self.key_dir = "/tmp/openwrt/"
+    self.public_key_file = f"{self.key_dir}id_rsa_{self.hostname}.pub"
+    self.private_key_file = f"{self.key_dir}id_rsa_{self.hostname}"
   def generate_rsa_key(self):
-    """
-    Generates an RSA key pair and saves it to the specified directory.
+    """Generates an RSA key pair and saves it to the specified directory.
-      ValueError: If an error occurs while generating the RSA key pair.
-      paramiko.SSHException: If an error occurs while generating the RSA key pair.
-      FileNotFoundError: If the directory for saving the private or public key does not exist.
-      PermissionError: If there is a permission error while creating the directory for saving the keys.
-      Exception: If an unexpected error occurs while generating the RSA key pair.
+      ValueError:
+        If an error occurs while generating the RSA key pair.
+      paramiko.SSHException:
+        If an error occurs while generating the RSA key pair.
+      FileNotFoundError:
+        If the directory for saving the private or public key does not exist.
+      PermissionError:
+        If there is a permission error while creating the directory
+        for saving the keys.
+      Exception:
+        If an unexpected error occurs while generating the RSA key pair.
     # Checks if the private and public key files already exist.
-    if os.path.exists(self.private_key_file) and os.path.exists(self.public_key_file):
+    if os.path.exists(self.private_key_file) and os.path.exists(
+        self.public_key_file
+    ):
       logging.warning("RSA key pair already exists, skipping key generation.")
@@ -57,38 +74,42 @@
       logging.info("Generating RSA key pair...")
       key = paramiko.RSAKey.generate(bits=2048)
       self.public_key = f"ssh-rsa {key.get_base64()}"
-      logging.debug(f"Public key: {self.public_key}")
+      logging.debug("Public key: %s", self.public_key)
       # Create /tmp/openwrt/ directory if it doesn't exist.
-      logging.info(f"Creating {self.key_dir} directory...")
+      logging.info("Creating %s directory...", self.key_dir)
       os.makedirs(self.key_dir, exist_ok=True)
       # Saves the private key to a file.
-      logging.debug(f"Saved private key to file: {self.private_key_file}")
+      logging.debug("Saved private key to file: %s", self.private_key_file)
       # Saves the public key to a file.
       with open(self.public_key_file, "w") as f:
-          f.write(self.public_key)
-      logging.debug(f"Saved public key to file: {self.public_key_file}")
+        f.write(self.public_key)
+      logging.debug("Saved public key to file: %s", self.public_key_file)
     except (ValueError, paramiko.SSHException, PermissionError) as e:
-      logging.error(f"An error occurred while generating the RSA key pair: {e}")
+      logging.error("An error occurred while generating "
+                    "the RSA key pair: %s", e)
     except Exception as e:
-      logging.error(f"An unexpected error occurred while generating the RSA key pair: {e}")
+      logging.error("An unexpected error occurred while generating "
+                    "the RSA key pair: %s", e)
   def send_public_key_to_remote_host(self):
-    """
-    Uploads the public key to the remote host.
+    """Uploads the public key to the remote host.
-      paramiko.AuthenticationException: If authentication to the remote host fails.
-      paramiko.SSHException: If an SSH-related error occurs during the connection.
-      FileNotFoundError: If the public key file or the private key file does not exist.
+      paramiko.AuthenticationException:
+        If authentication to the remote host fails.
+      paramiko.SSHException:
+        If an SSH-related error occurs during the connection.
+      FileNotFoundError:
+        If the public key file or the private key file does not exist.
       Exception: If an unexpected error occurs while sending the public key.
       # Connects to the remote host and uploads the public key.
-      logging.info(f"Uploading public key to remote host {self.hostname}...")
+      logging.info("Uploading public key to remote host %s...", self.hostname)
       with paramiko.SSHClient() as ssh:
@@ -97,11 +118,11 @@
         scp_client = scp.SCPClient(ssh.get_transport())
         scp_client.put(self.public_key_file, _REMOTE_PATH)
-      logging.info('Public key uploaded successfully.')
+      logging.info("Public key uploaded successfully.")
     except (paramiko.AuthenticationException,
             FileNotFoundError) as e:
-      logging.error(f"An error occurred while sending the public key: {e}")
+      logging.error("An error occurred while sending the public key: %s", e)
     except Exception as e:
-      logging.error(f"An unexpected error occurred while "
-                    f"sending the public key: {e}")
+      logging.error("An unexpected error occurred while "
+                    "sending the public key: %s", e)