| // Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| package { |
| default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"], |
| } |
| |
| cc_library { |
| name: "libfmq", |
| shared_libs: [ |
| "libbase", |
| "liblog", |
| "libcutils", |
| "libutils", |
| ], |
| export_shared_lib_headers: [ |
| "libcutils", |
| "libutils", |
| ], |
| apex_available: [ |
| "//apex_available:platform", |
| "//apex_available:anyapex", |
| ], |
| export_include_dirs: ["include"], |
| local_include_dirs: ["include"], |
| header_libs: [ |
| "libfmq-base", |
| ], |
| export_header_lib_headers: [ |
| "libfmq-base", |
| ], |
| srcs: [ |
| "EventFlag.cpp", |
| "FmqInternal.cpp", |
| ], |
| cflags: [ |
| "-Wall", |
| "-Werror", |
| ], |
| vendor_available: true, |
| product_available: true, |
| // TODO(b/153609531): remove when no longer needed. |
| native_bridge_supported: true, |
| double_loadable: true, |
| min_sdk_version: "29", |
| host_supported: true, |
| } |
| |
| // Header only lib to share type between HIDL and AIDL MQDescriptor |
| cc_library_headers { |
| name: "libfmq-base", |
| host_supported: true, |
| vendor_available: true, |
| product_available: true, |
| native_bridge_supported: true, |
| recovery_available: true, |
| apex_available: [ |
| "//apex_available:anyapex", |
| "//apex_available:platform", |
| ], |
| export_include_dirs: ["base"], |
| min_sdk_version: "29", |
| } |
| |
| cc_library { |
| name: "libfmq_erased", |
| shared_libs: [ |
| "libbase", |
| "liblog", |
| "libcutils", |
| "libfmq", |
| "android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk", |
| ], |
| srcs: [ |
| "ErasedMessageQueue.cpp", |
| ], |
| cflags: [ |
| "-Wall", |
| "-Werror", |
| ], |
| vendor_available: true, |
| product_available: true, |
| min_sdk_version: "29", |
| host_supported: true, |
| } |
| |
| rust_bindgen { |
| name: "libfmq_bindgen", |
| wrapper_src: "ErasedMessageQueue.hpp", |
| crate_name: "fmq_bindgen", |
| edition: "2021", |
| host_supported: true, |
| vendor_available: true, |
| product_available: true, |
| visibility: [":__subpackages__"], |
| source_stem: "fmq", |
| bindgen_flags: [ |
| "--no-recursive-allowlist", |
| "--use-core", |
| "--ctypes-prefix=core::ffi", |
| "--raw-line=#![no_std]", |
| "--raw-line=pub use android_hardware_common_fmq::aidl::android::hardware::common::fmq::{MQDescriptor::MQDescriptor, UnsynchronizedWrite::UnsynchronizedWrite, SynchronizedReadWrite::SynchronizedReadWrite, GrantorDescriptor::GrantorDescriptor};", |
| "--raw-line=pub use android_hardware_common::{aidl::android::hardware::common::NativeHandle::NativeHandle, binder::ParcelFileDescriptor};", |
| "--raw-line=pub enum android_MQErased {}", |
| "--raw-line=#[repr(C)]", |
| "--raw-line=pub struct aidl_android_hardware_common_fmq_GrantorDescriptor {", |
| "--raw-line= pub fdIndex: i32,", |
| "--raw-line= pub offset: i32,", |
| "--raw-line= pub extent: i64,", |
| "--raw-line=}", |
| "--opaque-type=ErasedMessageQueueDesc", |
| "--opaque-type=.*AidlMessageQueue", |
| "--with-derive-default", |
| "--no-default=MessageQueueDesc", |
| "--no-default=ErasedMessageQueue", |
| "--allowlist-function=convertGrantor", |
| "--allowlist-function=convertDesc", |
| "--allowlist-function=freeDesc", |
| "--allowlist-type=ndk::ScopedFileDescriptor", |
| "--allowlist-function=descGrantors", |
| "--allowlist-function=descNumGrantors", |
| "--allowlist-function=descHandleFDs", |
| "--allowlist-function=descHandleNumFDs", |
| "--allowlist-function=descHandleInts", |
| "--allowlist-function=descHandleNumInts", |
| "--allowlist-function=descQuantum", |
| "--allowlist-function=descFlags", |
| "--allowlist-type=\\bErasedMessageQueue", |
| "--allowlist-type=\\bErasedMessageQueueDesc", |
| "--allowlist-type=\\bMemTransaction", |
| "--allowlist-type=.*MemTransaction.*MemRegion.*", |
| "--blocklist-type=std::.+", |
| "--allowlist-function=.*ErasedMessageQueue.*", |
| "--allowlist-function=.*beginWrite", |
| "--allowlist-function=.*beginRead", |
| "--allowlist-function=.*commitWrite", |
| "--allowlist-function=.*commitRead", |
| "--allowlist-function=getAddress", |
| "--allowlist-function=getLength.*", |
| "--allowlist-function=get(First|Second)Region", |
| ], |
| rustlibs: [ |
| "android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-rust", |
| "android.hardware.common-V2-rust", |
| ], |
| static_libs: [ |
| "libfmq", |
| ], |
| whole_static_libs: [ |
| "libfmq_erased", |
| ], |
| shared_libs: [ |
| "libc++", |
| "liblog", |
| "android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk", |
| ], |
| apex_available: [ |
| ], |
| } |
| |
| rust_test { |
| host_supported: true, |
| name: "libfmq_bindgen_test", |
| srcs: [":libfmq_bindgen"], |
| crate_name: "fmq_bindgen_test", |
| test_suites: ["general-tests"], |
| auto_gen_config: true, |
| clippy_lints: "none", |
| lints: "none", |
| rustlibs: [ |
| "android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-rust", |
| "android.hardware.common-V2-rust", |
| ], |
| } |
| |
| rust_defaults { |
| name: "libfmq_rust_defaults", |
| host_supported: true, |
| vendor_available: true, |
| product_available: true, |
| visibility: [ |
| ":__subpackages__", |
| "//system/software_defined_vehicle/core_services/sdv_comms:__subpackages__", |
| ], |
| crate_name: "fmq", |
| srcs: ["libfmq.rs"], |
| edition: "2021", |
| rustlibs: [ |
| "libfmq_bindgen", |
| "liblog_rust", |
| "libzerocopy", |
| ], |
| proc_macros: [], |
| } |
| |
| rust_library { |
| name: "libfmq_rust", |
| defaults: ["libfmq_rust_defaults"], |
| } |
| |
| rust_test { |
| name: "libfmq_rust_unit_test", |
| defaults: ["libfmq_rust_defaults"], |
| test_options: { |
| unit_test: true, |
| }, |
| } |