blob: 47c5c15ef7c5aa789321f5674c51028454976f43 [file] [log] [blame]
//! libfmq Rust wrapper
* Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
use fmq_bindgen::{
convertDesc, convertGrantor, descFlags, descGrantors, descHandleFDs, descHandleInts,
descHandleNumFDs, descHandleNumInts, descNumGrantors, descQuantum, freeDesc,
ndk_ScopedFileDescriptor, ErasedMessageQueue, ErasedMessageQueueDesc, GrantorDescriptor,
MQDescriptor, MemTransaction, NativeHandle, ParcelFileDescriptor, SynchronizedReadWrite,
use std::ptr::addr_of_mut;
use log::error;
/// A trait indicating that a type is safe to pass through shared memory.
/// # Safety
/// This requires that the type must not contain any capabilities such as file
/// descriptors or heap allocations, and that it must be permitted to access
/// all bytes of its representation (so it must not contain any padding bytes).
/// Because being stored in shared memory the allows the type to be accessed
/// from different processes, it may also be accessed from different threads in
/// the same process. As such, `Share` is a supertrait of `Sync`.
pub unsafe trait Share: Sync {}
// SAFETY: All types implementing the `zerocopy::AsBytes` trait implement `Share`.
unsafe impl<T: zerocopy::AsBytes + zerocopy::FromBytes + Send + Sync> Share for T {}
/// An IPC message queue for values of type T.
pub struct MessageQueue<T> {
inner: ErasedMessageQueue,
ty: core::marker::PhantomData<T>,
/** A write completion from the MessageQueue::write() method.
This completion mutably borrows the MessageQueue to prevent concurrent writes;
these must be forbidden because the underlying AidlMessageQueue only stores the
number of outstanding writes, not which have and have not completed, so they
must complete in order. */
pub struct WriteCompletion<'a, T: Share> {
inner: MemTransaction,
queue: &'a mut MessageQueue<T>,
n_elems: usize,
n_written: usize,
impl<'a, T: Share> WriteCompletion<'a, T> {
/// Obtain a pointer to the location at which the idx'th item should be
/// stored.
/// The returned pointer is only valid while `self` has not been dropped and
/// is invalidated by any call to `self.write`. The pointer should be used
/// with `std::ptr::write` or a DMA API to initialize the underlying storage
/// before calling `assume_written` to indicate how many elements were
/// written.
/// It is only permitted to access at most `contiguous_count(idx)` items
/// via offsets from the returned address.
/// Calling this method with a greater `idx` may return a pointer to another
/// memory region of different size than the first.
pub fn ptr(&self, idx: usize) -> *mut T {
if idx >= self.n_elems {
"indexing out of bound: ReadCompletion for {} elements but idx {} accessed",
self.n_elems, idx
ptr(&self.inner, idx)
/// Return the number of contiguous elements that may be stored starting at
/// the given index in the backing buffer corresponding to the given index.
/// Intended for use with the `ptr` method.
/// Returns 0 if `idx` is greater than or equal to the completion's element
/// count.
pub fn contiguous_count(&self, idx: usize) -> usize {
contiguous_count(&self.inner, idx, self.n_elems)
/// Returns how many elements still must be written to this WriteCompletion
/// before dropping it.
pub fn required_elements(&self) -> usize {
assert!(self.n_written <= self.n_elems);
self.n_elems - self.n_written
/// Write one item to `self`. Fails and returns the item if `self` is full.
pub fn write(&mut self, data: T) -> Result<(), T> {
if self.required_elements() > 0 {
// SAFETY: `self.ptr(self.n_written)` is known to be uninitialized.
// The dtor of data, if any, will not run because `data` is moved
// out of here.
unsafe { self.ptr(self.n_written).write(data) };
self.n_written += 1;
} else {
/// Promise to the `WriteCompletion` that `n_newly_written` elements have
/// been written with unsafe code or DMA to the pointer returned by the
/// `ptr` method.
/// Panics if `n_newly_written` exceeds the number of elements yet required.
/// # Safety
/// It is UB to call this method except after calling the `ptr` method and
/// writing the specified number of values of type T to that location.
pub unsafe fn assume_written(&mut self, n_newly_written: usize) {
assert!(n_newly_written < self.required_elements());
self.n_written += n_newly_written;
impl<'a, T: Share> Drop for WriteCompletion<'a, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.n_written < self.n_elems {
"WriteCompletion dropped without writing to all elements ({}/{} written)",
self.n_written, self.n_elems
let txn = std::mem::take(&mut self.inner);
impl<T: Share> MessageQueue<T> {
const fn type_size() -> usize {
/// Create a new MessageQueue with capacity for `elems` elements.
pub fn new(elems: usize, event_word: bool) -> Self {
Self {
// SAFETY: Calling bindgen'd constructor. The only argument that
// can't be validated by the implementation is the quantum, which
// must equal the element size.
inner: unsafe { ErasedMessageQueue::new1(elems, event_word, Self::type_size()) },
ty: core::marker::PhantomData,
/// Create a MessageQueue connected to another existing instance from its
/// descriptor.
pub fn from_desc(desc: &MQDescriptor<T, SynchronizedReadWrite>, reset_pointers: bool) -> Self {
let mut grantors = desc
// SAFETY: this just forwards the integers to the GrantorDescriptor
// constructor; GrantorDescriptor is POD.
.map(|g| unsafe { convertGrantor(g.fdIndex, g.offset, g.extent) })
// SAFETY: These pointer/length pairs come from Vecs that will outlive
// this function call, and the call itself copies all data it needs out
// of them.
let cpp_desc = unsafe {
// SAFETY: Calling bindgen'd constructor which does not store cpp_desc,
// but just passes it to the initializer of AidlMQDescriptorShim, which
// deep-copies it.
let inner = unsafe { ErasedMessageQueue::new(cpp_desc, reset_pointers) };
// SAFETY: we must free the desc returned by convertDesc; the pointer
// was just returned above so we know it is valid.
unsafe { freeDesc(cpp_desc) };
Self { inner, ty: core::marker::PhantomData }
/// Obtain a copy of the MessageQueue's descriptor, which may be used to
/// access it remotely.
pub fn dupe_desc(&self) -> MQDescriptor<T, SynchronizedReadWrite> {
// SAFETY: dupeDesc may be called on any valid ErasedMessageQueue; it
// simply forwards to dupeDesc on the inner AidlMessageQueue and wraps
// in a heap allocation.
let erased_desc: *mut ErasedMessageQueueDesc = unsafe { self.inner.dupeDesc() };
let grantor_to_rust =
|g: &fmq_bindgen::aidl_android_hardware_common_fmq_GrantorDescriptor| {
GrantorDescriptor { fdIndex: g.fdIndex, offset: g.offset, extent: g.extent }
let scoped_to_parcel_fd = |fd: &ndk_ScopedFileDescriptor| {
use std::os::fd::{BorrowedFd, FromRawFd, OwnedFd};
// SAFETY: the fd is already open as an invariant of ndk::ScopedFileDescriptor, so
// it will not be -1, as required by BorrowedFd.
let borrowed = unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(fd._base as i32) };
ParcelFileDescriptor::new(match borrowed.try_clone_to_owned() {
Ok(fd) => fd,
Err(e) => {
error!("could not dup NativeHandle fd {}: {}", fd._base, e);
// SAFETY: OwnedFd requires the fd is not -1. If we failed to dup the fd,
// other code downstream will fail, but we can do no better than pass it on.
unsafe { OwnedFd::from_raw_fd(fd._base as i32) }
// First, we create a desc with the wrong type, because we cannot create one whole cloth of
// our desired return type unless T implements Default. This Default requirement is
// superfluous (T::default() is never called), so we then transmute to our desired type.
let desc = MQDescriptor::<(), SynchronizedReadWrite>::default();
// SAFETY: This transmute changes only the element type parameter of the MQDescriptor. The
// layout of an MQDescriptor does not depend on T as T appears in it only in PhantomData.
let mut desc: MQDescriptor<T, SynchronizedReadWrite> = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(desc) };
// SAFETY: These slices are created out of the pointer and length pairs exposed by the
// individual descFoo accessors, so we know they are valid pointer/lengths and point to
// data that will continue to exist as long as the desc does.
// Calls to the descFoo accessors on erased_desc are sound because we know inner.dupeDesc
// returns a valid pointer to a new heap-allocated ErasedMessageQueueDesc.
let (grantors, fds, ints, quantum, flags) = unsafe {
let grantors = slice_from_raw_parts_or_empty(
let fds = slice_from_raw_parts_or_empty(
let ints = slice_from_raw_parts_or_empty(
let quantum = descQuantum(erased_desc);
let flags = descFlags(erased_desc);
(grantors, fds, ints, quantum, flags)
let fds = fds.iter().map(scoped_to_parcel_fd).collect();
let ints = ints.to_vec();
desc.grantors = grantors.iter().map(grantor_to_rust).collect();
desc.handle = NativeHandle { fds, ints };
desc.quantum = quantum;
desc.flags = flags;
// SAFETY: we must free the desc returned by dupeDesc; the pointer was
// just returned above so we know it is valid.
unsafe { freeDesc(erased_desc) };
/// Begin a write transaction. The returned WriteCompletion can be used to
/// write into the region allocated for the transaction.
pub fn write(&mut self) -> Option<WriteCompletion<T>> {
/// Begin a write transaction for multiple items. See `MessageQueue::write`.
pub fn write_many(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<WriteCompletion<T>> {
let txn = self.begin_write(n)?;
Some(WriteCompletion { inner: txn, queue: self, n_elems: n, n_written: 0 })
fn commit_write(&mut self, txn: MemTransaction) -> bool {
// SAFETY: simply calls commitWrite with the txn length. The txn must
// only use its first MemRegion.
unsafe { self.inner.commitWrite(txn.first.length + txn.second.length) }
fn begin_write(&self, n: usize) -> Option<MemTransaction> {
let mut txn: MemTransaction = Default::default();
// SAFETY: we pass a raw pointer to txn, which is used only during the
// call to beginWrite to write the txn's MemRegion fields, which are raw
// pointers and lengths pointing into the queue. The pointer to txn is
// not stored.
unsafe { self.inner.beginWrite(n, addr_of_mut!(txn)) }.then_some(txn)
/// Forms a slice from a pointer and a length.
/// Returns an empty slice when `data` is a null pointer and `len` is zero.
/// # Safety
/// This function has the same safety requirements as [`std::slice::from_raw_parts`],
/// but unlike that function, does not exhibit undefined behavior when `data` is a
/// null pointer and `len` is zero. In this case, it returns an empty slice.
unsafe fn slice_from_raw_parts_or_empty<'a, T>(data: *const T, len: usize) -> &'a [T] {
if data.is_null() && len == 0 {
} else {
// SAFETY: The caller must guarantee to satisfy the safety requirements
// of the standard library function [`std::slice::from_raw_parts`].
unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(data, len) }
fn ptr<T: Share>(txn: &MemTransaction, idx: usize) -> *mut T {
let (base, region_idx) = if idx < txn.first.length {
(txn.first.address, idx)
} else {
(txn.second.address, idx - txn.first.length)
let byte_count: usize = region_idx.checked_mul(MessageQueue::<T>::type_size()).unwrap();
base.wrapping_byte_offset(byte_count.try_into().unwrap()) as *mut T
fn contiguous_count(txn: &MemTransaction, idx: usize, n_elems: usize) -> usize {
if idx > n_elems {
return 0;
let region_len = if idx < txn.first.length { txn.first.length } else { txn.second.length };
region_len - idx
/** A read completion from the MessageQueue::read() method.
This completion mutably borrows the MessageQueue to prevent concurrent reads;
these must be forbidden because the underlying AidlMessageQueue only stores the
number of outstanding reads, not which have and have not completed, so they
must complete in order. */
pub struct ReadCompletion<'a, T: Share> {
inner: MemTransaction,
queue: &'a mut MessageQueue<T>,
n_elems: usize,
n_read: usize,
impl<'a, T: Share> ReadCompletion<'a, T> {
/// Obtain a pointer to the location at which the idx'th item is located.
/// The returned pointer is only valid while `self` has not been dropped and
/// is invalidated by any call to ``. The pointer should be used
/// with `std::ptr::read` or a DMA API before calling `assume_read` to
/// indicate how many elements were read.
/// It is only permitted to access at most `contiguous_count(idx)` items
/// via offsets from the returned address.
/// Calling this method with a greater `idx` may return a pointer to another
/// memory region of different size than the first.
pub fn ptr(&self, idx: usize) -> *mut T {
if idx >= self.n_elems {
"indexing out of bound: ReadCompletion for {} elements but idx {} accessed",
self.n_elems, idx
ptr(&self.inner, idx)
/// Return the number of contiguous elements located starting at the given
/// index in the backing buffer corresponding to the given index.
/// Intended for use with the `ptr` method.
/// Returns 0 if `idx` is greater than or equal to the completion's element
/// count.
pub fn contiguous_count(&self, idx: usize) -> usize {
contiguous_count(&self.inner, idx, self.n_elems)
/// Returns how many elements still must be read from `self` before dropping
/// it.
pub fn unread_elements(&self) -> usize {
assert!(self.n_read <= self.n_elems);
self.n_elems - self.n_read
/// Read one item from the `self`. Fails and returns `()` if `self` is empty.
pub fn read(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
if self.unread_elements() > 0 {
// SAFETY: `self.ptr(self.n_read)`is known to be filled with a valid
// instance of type `T`.
let data = unsafe { self.ptr(self.n_read).read() };
self.n_read += 1;
} else {
/// Promise to the `ReadCompletion` that `n_newly_read` elements have
/// been read with unsafe code or DMA from the pointer returned by the
/// `ptr` method.
/// Panics if `n_newly_read` exceeds the number of elements still unread.
/// Calling this method without actually reading the elements will result
/// in them being leaked without destructors (if any) running.
pub fn assume_read(&mut self, n_newly_read: usize) {
assert!(n_newly_read < self.unread_elements());
self.n_read += n_newly_read;
impl<'a, T: Share> Drop for ReadCompletion<'a, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.n_read < self.n_elems {
"ReadCompletion dropped without reading all elements ({}/{} read)",
self.n_read, self.n_elems
let txn = std::mem::take(&mut self.inner);
impl<T: Share> MessageQueue<T> {
/// Begin a read transaction. The returned `ReadCompletion` can be used to
/// write into the region allocated for the transaction.
pub fn read(&mut self) -> Option<ReadCompletion<T>> {
/// Begin a read transaction for multiple items. See `MessageQueue::read`.
pub fn read_many(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<ReadCompletion<T>> {
let txn = self.begin_read(n)?;
Some(ReadCompletion { inner: txn, queue: self, n_elems: n, n_read: 0 })
fn commit_read(&mut self, txn: MemTransaction) -> bool {
// SAFETY: simply calls commitRead with the txn length. The txn must
// only use its first MemRegion.
unsafe { self.inner.commitRead(txn.first.length + txn.second.length) }
fn begin_read(&self, n: usize) -> Option<MemTransaction> {
let mut txn: MemTransaction = Default::default();
// SAFETY: we pass a raw pointer to txn, which is used only during the
// call to beginRead to write the txn's MemRegion fields, which are raw
// pointers and lengths pointing into the queue. The pointer to txn is
// not stored.
unsafe { self.inner.beginRead(n, addr_of_mut!(txn)) }.then_some(txn)
mod test {
use super::*;
fn slice_from_raw_parts_or_empty_with_nonempty() {
const SLICE: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
// SAFETY: We are constructing a slice from the pointer and length of valid slice.
let from_raw_parts = unsafe {
let ptr = SLICE.as_ptr();
let len = SLICE.len();
slice_from_raw_parts_or_empty(ptr, len)
assert_eq!(SLICE, from_raw_parts);
fn slice_from_raw_parts_or_empty_with_null_pointer_zero_length() {
// SAFETY: Calling `slice_from_raw_parts_or_empty` with a null pointer
// and a zero length is explicitly allowed by its safety requirements.
// In this case, `std::slice::from_raw_parts` has undefined behavior.
let empty_from_raw_parts = unsafe {
let ptr: *const u8 = std::ptr::null();
let len = 0;
slice_from_raw_parts_or_empty(ptr, len)
assert_eq!(&[] as &[u8], empty_from_raw_parts);