layers: More efficient cb_bindings to object_bindings linking

Previously this code did a hash table lookup (and insertion if not
present) followed by a second hash table lookup and insertion. Swap
the order of the checks and check the smaller table (cb_bindings)
first, and use a small_unordered_map for it. This makes there
usually be no hash lookup on the first table. Then replace the
second table with a vector, and just push_back instead of doing a
hash table insertion (each object can only be in this table once).
So now, the majority of the time, no hashing and no memory allocation.

Store a BASE_NODE pointer in VulkanTypedHandle, which can be used to
skip the hash table lookup if it's present.

Change-Id: Id6dcc03947268189762023aaf830a5f7880fa809
11 files changed
tree: 14bffc192b751762685dbffcffb583ca2ae294c9
  1. build-android/
  2. build-gn/
  3. cmake/
  4. docs/
  5. external/
  6. layers/
  7. scripts/
  8. tests/
  9. .appveyor.yml
  10. .clang-format
  11. .gitattributes
  12. .gitignore
  13. .gn
  14. .travis.yml
  17. CMakeLists.txt
  21. LICENSE.txt

Vulkan Ecosystem Components

This project provides the Khronos official Vulkan validation layers for Windows, Linux, Android, and MacOS.

CI Build Status

PlatformBuild Status
Linux/AndroidBuild Status
WindowsBuild status


Vulkan is an Explicit API, enabling direct control over how GPUs actually work. By design, minimal error checking is done inside a Vulkan driver. Applications have full control and responsibility for correct operation. Any errors in how Vulkan is used can result in a crash. This project provides Vulkan validation layers that can be enabled to assist development by enabling developers to verify their applications correct use of the Vulkan API.

The following components are available in this repository:

Contact Information

Information for Developing or Contributing:

Please see the file in this repository for more details. Please see the file in this repository for repository management details.

How to Build and Run Includes directions for building all components as well as running validation tests.

Information on how to enable the various Validation layers is in layers/

Version Tagging Scheme

Updates to the Vulkan-ValidationLayers repository which correspond to a new Vulkan specification release are tagged using the following format: v<version> (e.g., v1.1.96).

Note: Marked version releases have undergone thorough testing but do not imply the same quality level as SDK tags. SDK tags follow the sdk-<version>.<patch> format (e.g., sdk-

This scheme was adopted following the 1.1.96 Vulkan specification release.


This work is released as open source under a Apache-style license from Khronos including a Khronos copyright.

See COPYRIGHT.txt for a full list of licenses used in this repository.


While this project has been developed primarily by LunarG, Inc., there are many other companies and individuals making this possible: Valve Corporation, funding project development; Google providing significant contributions to the validation layers; Khronos providing oversight and hosting of the project.