Khronos Vulkan

Best Practices Validation

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Best Practices Validation

Best Practices Validation is implemented in the VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation layer. When enabled, the Best Practices Object is intended to highlight potential performance issues, questionable usage patterns, common mistakes, and items not specifically prohibited by the Vulkan specification but that may lead to application problems.

Best Practices will ideally be run periodically along with normal validation checks so that issues may be addressed in early stages of development.

Best Practices can easily be enabled and configured using the Vulkan Configurator included with the Vulkan SDK. Or you can manually enable and configure the Best Practices by following the directions below.

The specific areas covered by this layer are currently tracked in Github Issue #24: Best Practices/Assistant/Performance Layer. Requests for additional checks can be posted through the same issue, or by creating a new Github issue.

Enabling Best Practices Validation

Best Practices Validation is disabled by default. To turn on Best Practices validation, add the following to your layer settings file, vk_layer_settings.txt:


To enable using environment variables, set the following variable:


Some platforms do not support configuration of the validation layers with this configuration file. Programs running on these platforms must then use the programmatic interface.

Enabling and Specifying Options with the Programmatic Interface

The VK_EXT_validation_features extension can be used to enable Best Practices Validation at CreateInstance time.

Here is sample code illustrating how to enable it:

VkValidationFeaturesEXT features = {};
features.enabledValidationFeatureCount = 1;
features.pEnabledValidationFeatures = enables;

VkInstanceCreateInfo info = {};
info.pNext = &features;