blob: 79966f4798e3612ccebc289aef352905d7b447ea [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2019-2022 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Valve Corporation
* Copyright (c) 2019-2022 LunarG, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* John Zulauf <>
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include "range_vector.h"
#include "vk_layer_data.h"
#include "vulkan/vulkan.h"
#include "vk_snippets.h"
namespace subresource_adapter {
class RangeEncoder;
using IndexType = uint64_t;
template <typename Element>
using Range = sparse_container::range<Element>;
using IndexRange = Range<IndexType>;
using WritePolicy = sparse_container::value_precedence;
using split_op_keep_both = sparse_container::split_op_keep_both;
using split_op_keep_lower = sparse_container::split_op_keep_lower;
using split_op_keep_upper = sparse_container::split_op_keep_upper;
// Interface for aspect specific traits objects (now isolated in the cpp file)
class AspectParameters {
virtual ~AspectParameters() {}
static const AspectParameters* Get(VkImageAspectFlags);
typedef uint32_t (*MaskIndexFunc)(VkImageAspectFlags);
virtual VkImageAspectFlags AspectMask() const = 0;
virtual MaskIndexFunc MaskToIndexFunction() const = 0;
virtual uint32_t AspectCount() const = 0;
virtual const VkImageAspectFlagBits* AspectBits() const = 0;
struct Subresource : public VkImageSubresource {
uint32_t aspect_index;
Subresource() : VkImageSubresource({0, 0, 0}), aspect_index(0) {}
Subresource(const Subresource& from) = default;
Subresource(const RangeEncoder& encoder, const VkImageSubresource& subres);
Subresource(VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask_, uint32_t mip_level_, uint32_t array_layer_, uint32_t aspect_index_)
: VkImageSubresource({aspect_mask_, mip_level_, array_layer_}), aspect_index(aspect_index_) {}
Subresource(VkImageAspectFlagBits aspect_, uint32_t mip_level_, uint32_t array_layer_, uint32_t aspect_index_)
: Subresource(static_cast<VkImageAspectFlags>(aspect_), mip_level_, array_layer_, aspect_index_) {}
Subresource& operator=(const Subresource&) = default;
// Subresource is encoded in (from slowest varying to fastest)
// aspect_index
// mip_level_index
// array_layer_index
// into continuous index ranges
class RangeEncoder {
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxSupportedAspect = 4;
// The default constructor for default iterators
: limits_(),
aspect_base_{0, 0, 0} {}
// Create the encoder suitable to the full range (aspect mask *must* be canonical)
explicit RangeEncoder(const VkImageSubresourceRange& full_range)
: RangeEncoder(full_range, AspectParameters::Get(full_range.aspectMask)) {}
RangeEncoder(const RangeEncoder& from) = default;
inline bool InRange(const VkImageSubresource& subres) const {
bool in_range = (subres.mipLevel < limits_.mipLevel) && (subres.arrayLayer < limits_.arrayLayer) &&
(subres.aspectMask & limits_.aspectMask);
return in_range;
inline bool InRange(const VkImageSubresourceRange& range) const {
bool in_range = (range.baseMipLevel < limits_.mipLevel) && ((range.baseMipLevel + range.levelCount) <= limits_.mipLevel) &&
(range.baseArrayLayer < limits_.arrayLayer) &&
((range.baseArrayLayer + range.layerCount) <= limits_.arrayLayer) &&
(range.aspectMask & limits_.aspectMask);
return in_range;
inline IndexType Encode(const Subresource& pos) const { return (this->*(encode_function_))(pos); }
inline IndexType Encode(const VkImageSubresource& subres) const { return Encode(Subresource(*this, subres)); }
Subresource Decode(const IndexType& index) const { return (this->*decode_function_)(index); }
inline Subresource BeginSubresource(const VkImageSubresourceRange& range) const {
if (!InRange(range)) {
return limits_;
const auto aspect_index = LowerBoundFromMask(range.aspectMask);
Subresource begin(aspect_bits_[aspect_index], range.baseMipLevel, range.baseArrayLayer, aspect_index);
return begin;
inline Subresource Begin() const {
Subresource begin(aspect_bits_[0], 0, 0, 0);
return begin;
// This version assumes the mask must have at least one bit matching limits_.aspectMask
// Suitable for getting a starting value from a range
inline uint32_t LowerBoundFromMask(VkImageAspectFlags mask) const {
assert(mask & limits_.aspectMask);
return (this->*(lower_bound_function_))(mask);
// This version allows for a mask that can (starting at start) not have any bits set matching limits_.aspectMask
// Suitable for seeking the *next* value for a range
inline uint32_t LowerBoundFromMask(VkImageAspectFlags mask, uint32_t start) const {
if (start < limits_.aspect_index) {
return (this->*(lower_bound_with_start_function_))(mask, start);
return limits_.aspect_index;
inline IndexType AspectSize() const { return aspect_size_; }
inline IndexType MipSize() const { return mip_size_; }
inline const Subresource& Limits() const { return limits_; }
inline const VkImageSubresourceRange& FullRange() const { return full_range_; }
inline IndexType SubresourceCount() const { return AspectSize() * Limits().aspect_index; }
inline VkImageAspectFlags AspectMask() const { return limits_.aspectMask; }
inline VkImageAspectFlagBits AspectBit(uint32_t aspect_index) const {
RANGE_ASSERT(aspect_index < limits_.aspect_index);
return aspect_bits_[aspect_index];
inline IndexType AspectBase(uint32_t aspect_index) const {
RANGE_ASSERT(aspect_index < limits_.aspect_index);
return aspect_base_[aspect_index];
inline VkImageSubresource MakeVkSubresource(const Subresource& subres) const {
VkImageSubresource vk_subres = {static_cast<VkImageAspectFlags>(aspect_bits_[subres.aspect_index]), subres.mipLevel,
return vk_subres;
RangeEncoder(const VkImageSubresourceRange& full_range, const AspectParameters* param);
void PopulateFunctionPointers();
IndexType Encode1AspectArrayOnly(const Subresource& pos) const;
IndexType Encode1AspectMipArray(const Subresource& pos) const;
IndexType Encode1AspectMipOnly(const Subresource& pos) const;
IndexType EncodeAspectArrayOnly(const Subresource& pos) const;
IndexType EncodeAspectMipArray(const Subresource& pos) const;
IndexType EncodeAspectMipOnly(const Subresource& pos) const;
// Use compiler to create the aspect count variants...
// For ranges that only have a single mip level...
template <uint32_t N>
Subresource DecodeAspectArrayOnly(const IndexType& index) const {
if ((N > 2) && (index >= aspect_base_[2])) {
return Subresource(aspect_bits_[2], 0, static_cast<uint32_t>(index - aspect_base_[2]), 2);
} else if ((N > 1) && (index >= aspect_base_[1])) {
return Subresource(aspect_bits_[1], 0, static_cast<uint32_t>(index - aspect_base_[1]), 1);
// NOTE: aspect_base_[0] is always 0... here and below
return Subresource(aspect_bits_[0], 0, static_cast<uint32_t>(index), 0);
// For ranges that only have a single array layer...
template <uint32_t N>
Subresource DecodeAspectMipOnly(const IndexType& index) const {
if ((N > 2) && (index >= aspect_base_[2])) {
return Subresource(aspect_bits_[2], static_cast<uint32_t>(index - aspect_base_[2]), 0, 2);
} else if ((N > 1) && (index >= aspect_base_[1])) {
return Subresource(aspect_bits_[1], static_cast<uint32_t>(index - aspect_base_[1]), 0, 1);
return Subresource(aspect_bits_[0], static_cast<uint32_t>(index), 0, 0);
// For ranges that only have both > 1 layer and level
template <uint32_t N>
Subresource DecodeAspectMipArray(const IndexType& index) const {
assert(limits_.aspect_index <= N);
uint32_t aspect_index = 0;
if ((N > 2) && (index >= aspect_base_[2])) {
aspect_index = 2;
} else if ((N > 1) && (index >= aspect_base_[1])) {
aspect_index = 1;
// aspect_base_[0] is always zero, so use the template to cheat
const IndexType base_index = index - ((N == 1) ? 0 : aspect_base_[aspect_index]);
const IndexType mip_level = base_index / mip_size_;
const IndexType mip_start = mip_level * mip_size_;
const IndexType array_offset = base_index - mip_start;
return Subresource(aspect_bits_[aspect_index], static_cast<uint32_t>(mip_level), static_cast<uint32_t>(array_offset),
uint32_t LowerBoundImpl1(VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask) const;
uint32_t LowerBoundImpl2(VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask) const;
uint32_t LowerBoundImpl3(VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask) const;
uint32_t LowerBoundWithStartImpl1(VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask, uint32_t start) const;
uint32_t LowerBoundWithStartImpl2(VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask, uint32_t start) const;
uint32_t LowerBoundWithStartImpl3(VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask, uint32_t start) const;
Subresource limits_;
VkImageSubresourceRange full_range_;
const size_t mip_size_;
const size_t aspect_size_;
const VkImageAspectFlagBits* const aspect_bits_;
uint32_t (*const mask_index_function_)(VkImageAspectFlags);
IndexType (RangeEncoder::*encode_function_)(const Subresource&) const;
Subresource (RangeEncoder::*decode_function_)(const IndexType&) const;
uint32_t (RangeEncoder::*lower_bound_function_)(VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask) const;
uint32_t (RangeEncoder::*lower_bound_with_start_function_)(VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask, uint32_t start) const;
IndexType aspect_base_[kMaxSupportedAspect];
class SubresourceGenerator : public Subresource {
SubresourceGenerator() : Subresource(), encoder_(nullptr), limits_(){};
SubresourceGenerator(const RangeEncoder& encoder, const VkImageSubresourceRange& range)
: Subresource(encoder.BeginSubresource(range)), encoder_(&encoder), limits_(range) {}
explicit SubresourceGenerator(const RangeEncoder& encoder)
: Subresource(encoder.Begin()), encoder_(&encoder), limits_(encoder.FullRange()) {}
const VkImageSubresourceRange& Limits() const { return limits_; }
// Seek functions are used by generators to force synchronization, as callers may have altered the position
// to iterater between calls to the generator increment or Seek functions
void SeekAspect(uint32_t seek_index) {
arrayLayer = limits_.baseArrayLayer;
mipLevel = limits_.baseMipLevel;
const auto aspect_index_limit = encoder_->Limits().aspect_index;
if (seek_index < aspect_index_limit) {
aspect_index = seek_index;
// Seeking to bit outside of the limit will set a "empty" subresource
aspectMask = encoder_->AspectBit(aspect_index) & limits_.aspectMask;
} else {
// This is an "end" tombstone
aspect_index = aspect_index_limit;
aspectMask = 0;
void SeekMip(uint32_t mip_level) {
arrayLayer = limits_.baseArrayLayer;
mipLevel = mip_level;
// Next and and ++ functions are for iteration from a base with the bounds, this may be additionally
// controlled/updated by an owning generator (like RangeGenerator using Seek functions)
inline void NextAspect() { SeekAspect(encoder_->LowerBoundFromMask(limits_.aspectMask, aspect_index + 1)); }
void NextMip() {
arrayLayer = limits_.baseArrayLayer;
if (mipLevel >= (limits_.baseMipLevel + limits_.levelCount)) {
SubresourceGenerator& operator++() {
if (arrayLayer >= (limits_.baseArrayLayer + limits_.layerCount)) {
return *this;
// General purpose and slow, when we have no other information to update the generator
void Seek(IndexType index) {
// skip forward past discontinuities
*static_cast<Subresource*>(this) = encoder_->Decode(index);
const VkImageSubresource& operator*() const { return *this; }
const VkImageSubresource* operator->() const { return this; }
const RangeEncoder* encoder_;
const VkImageSubresourceRange limits_;
// Like an iterator for ranges...
class RangeGenerator {
RangeGenerator() : encoder_(nullptr), isr_pos_(), pos_(), aspect_base_() {}
bool operator!=(const RangeGenerator& rhs) { return (pos_ != rhs.pos_) || (&encoder_ != &rhs.encoder_); }
explicit RangeGenerator(const RangeEncoder& encoder) : RangeGenerator(encoder, encoder.FullRange()) {}
RangeGenerator(const RangeEncoder& encoder, const VkImageSubresourceRange& subres_range);
inline const IndexRange& operator*() const { return pos_; }
inline const IndexRange* operator->() const { return &pos_; }
// Returns a generator suitable for iterating within a range, is modified by operator ++ to bring
// it in line with sync.
SubresourceGenerator& GetSubresourceGenerator() { return isr_pos_; }
Subresource& GetSubresource() { return isr_pos_; }
RangeGenerator& operator++();
const RangeEncoder* encoder_;
SubresourceGenerator isr_pos_;
IndexRange pos_;
IndexRange aspect_base_;
uint32_t mip_count_ = 0;
uint32_t mip_index_ = 0;
uint32_t aspect_count_ = 0;
uint32_t aspect_index_ = 0;
class ImageRangeEncoder : public RangeEncoder {
struct SubresInfo {
VkSubresourceLayout layout;
VkExtent3D extent;
SubresInfo(const VkSubresourceLayout& layout_, const VkExtent3D& extent_, const VkExtent3D& texel_extent,
double texel_size);
SubresInfo(const SubresInfo&) = default;
SubresInfo() = default;
VkDeviceSize y_step_pitch;
VkDeviceSize z_step_pitch;
VkDeviceSize layer_span;
// The default constructor for default iterators
ImageRangeEncoder() {}
ImageRangeEncoder(const IMAGE_STATE& image, const AspectParameters* param);
explicit ImageRangeEncoder(const IMAGE_STATE& image);
ImageRangeEncoder(const ImageRangeEncoder& from) = default;
inline IndexType Encode2D(const VkSubresourceLayout& layout, uint32_t layer, uint32_t aspect_index,
const VkOffset3D& offset) const;
inline IndexType Encode3D(const VkSubresourceLayout& layout, uint32_t aspect_index, const VkOffset3D& offset) const;
void Decode(const VkImageSubresource& subres, const IndexType& encode, uint32_t& out_layer, VkOffset3D& out_offset) const;
inline uint32_t GetSubresourceIndex(uint32_t aspect_index, uint32_t mip_level) const {
return mip_level + (aspect_index ? (aspect_index * limits_.mipLevel) : 0U);
inline const SubresInfo& GetSubresourceInfo(uint32_t index) const { return subres_info_[index]; }
inline IndexType GetAspectSize(uint32_t aspect_index) const { return aspect_sizes_[aspect_index]; }
inline const double& TexelSize(int aspect_index) const { return texel_sizes_[aspect_index]; }
inline bool IsLinearImage() const { return linear_image_; }
inline IndexType TotalSize() const { return total_size_; }
inline bool Is3D() const { return is_3_d_; }
inline bool IsInterleaveY() const { return y_interleave_; }
inline bool IsCompressed() const { return is_compressed_; }
const VkExtent3D& TexelExtent() const { return texel_extent_; }
using SubresInfoVector = std::vector<SubresInfo>;
std::vector<double> texel_sizes_;
SubresInfoVector subres_info_;
small_vector<IndexType, 4, uint32_t> aspect_sizes_;
IndexType total_size_;
VkExtent3D texel_extent_;
bool is_3_d_;
bool linear_image_;
bool y_interleave_;
bool is_compressed_;
class ImageRangeGenerator {
ImageRangeGenerator(const ImageRangeGenerator&) = default;
ImageRangeGenerator() : encoder_(nullptr), subres_range_(), offset_(), extent_(), base_address_(), pos_() {}
bool operator!=(const ImageRangeGenerator& rhs) { return (pos_ != rhs.pos_) || (&encoder_ != &rhs.encoder_); }
ImageRangeGenerator(const ImageRangeEncoder& encoder, const VkImageSubresourceRange& subres_range, const VkOffset3D& offset,
const VkExtent3D& extent, VkDeviceSize base_address, bool is_depth_sliced);
void SetInitialPosFullOffset(uint32_t layer, uint32_t aspect_index);
void SetInitialPosFullWidth(uint32_t layer, uint32_t aspect_index);
void SetInitialPosFullHeight(uint32_t layer, uint32_t aspect_index);
void SetInitialPosSomeDepth(uint32_t layer, uint32_t aspect_index);
void SetInitialPosFullDepth(uint32_t layer, uint32_t aspect_index);
void SetInitialPosOneLayer(uint32_t layer, uint32_t aspect_index);
void SetInitialPosAllLayers(uint32_t layer, uint32_t aspect_index);
void SetInitialPosOneAspect(uint32_t layer, uint32_t aspect_index);
void SetInitialPosAllSubres(uint32_t layer, uint32_t aspect_index);
void SetInitialPosSomeLayers(uint32_t layer, uint32_t aspect_index);
ImageRangeGenerator(const ImageRangeEncoder& encoder, const VkImageSubresourceRange& subres_range, VkDeviceSize base_address,
bool is_depth_sliced);
inline const IndexRange& operator*() const { return pos_; }
inline const IndexRange* operator->() const { return &pos_; }
ImageRangeGenerator& operator++();
ImageRangeGenerator& operator=(const ImageRangeGenerator&) = default;
bool Convert2DCompatibleTo3D();
void SetUpSubresInfo();
void SetUpIncrementerDefaults();
void SetUpSubresIncrementer();
void SetUpIncrementer(bool all_width, bool all_height, bool all_depth);
typedef void (ImageRangeGenerator::*SetInitialPosFn)(uint32_t, uint32_t);
inline void SetInitialPos(uint32_t layer, uint32_t aspect_index) { (this->*(set_initial_pos_fn_))(layer, aspect_index); }
const ImageRangeEncoder* encoder_;
VkImageSubresourceRange subres_range_;
VkOffset3D offset_;
VkExtent3D extent_;
VkDeviceSize base_address_;
uint32_t mip_index_;
uint32_t incr_mip_;
uint32_t aspect_index_;
uint32_t subres_index_;
const ImageRangeEncoder::SubresInfo* subres_info_;
SetInitialPosFn set_initial_pos_fn_;
IndexRange pos_;
struct IncrementerState {
// These should be invariant across subresources (mip/aspect)
uint32_t y_step;
uint32_t layer_z_step;
// These vary per mip at least...
uint32_t y_count;
uint32_t layer_z_count;
uint32_t y_index;
uint32_t layer_z_index;
IndexRange y_base;
IndexRange layer_z_base;
IndexType incr_y;
IndexType incr_layer_z;
void Set(uint32_t y_count_, uint32_t layer_z_count_, IndexType base, IndexType span, IndexType y_step, IndexType z_step);
IncrementerState incr_state_;
bool single_full_size_range_;
bool is_depth_sliced_ = false;
// double wrapped map variants.. to avoid needing to templatize on the range map type. The underlying maps are available for
// use in performance sensitive places that are *already* templatized (for example update_range_value).
// In STL style. Note that N must be < uint8_t max
enum BothRangeMapMode { kTristate, kSmall, kBig };
template <typename T, size_t N>
class BothRangeMap {
using BigMap = sparse_container::range_map<IndexType, T>;
using RangeType = sparse_container::range<IndexType>;
using SmallMap = sparse_container::small_range_map<IndexType, T, RangeType, N>;
using SmallMapIterator = typename SmallMap::iterator;
using SmallMapConstIterator = typename SmallMap::const_iterator;
using BigMapIterator = typename BigMap::iterator;
using BigMapConstIterator = typename BigMap::const_iterator;
using value_type = typename SmallMap::value_type;
using key_type = typename SmallMap::key_type;
using index_type = typename SmallMap::index_type;
using mapped_type = typename SmallMap::mapped_type;
using small_map = SmallMap;
using big_map = BigMap;
template <typename Map, typename Value, typename SmallIt, typename BigIt>
class IteratorImpl {
friend BothRangeMap;
Value* operator->() const {
if (SmallMode()) {
return small_it_.operator->();
} else {
return big_it_.operator->();
Value& operator*() const {
if (SmallMode()) {
return small_it_.operator*();
} else {
return big_it_.operator*();
IteratorImpl& operator++() {
if (SmallMode()) {
} else {
return *this;
IteratorImpl& operator--() {
if (SmallMode()) {
} else {
return *this;
IteratorImpl& operator=(const IteratorImpl& other) {
if (other.Tristate()) {
// Transition to tristate
small_it_ = SmallIt();
big_it_ = BigIt();
} else if (other.SmallMode()) {
small_it_ = other.small_it_;
if (mode_ != other.mode_) {
big_it_ = BigIt();
} else {
big_it_ = other.big_it_;
if (mode_ != other.mode_) {
small_it_ = SmallIt();
mode_ = other.mode_;
return *this;
bool operator==(const IteratorImpl& other) const {
if (other.Tristate()) return Tristate(); // both Tristate -> equal, any other comparison !equal
if (Tristate()) return false;
// Since we know neither are tristate....
assert(mode_ == other.mode_);
if (SmallMode()) {
return small_it_ == other.small_it_;
} else {
return big_it_ == other.big_it_;
bool operator!=(const IteratorImpl& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
IteratorImpl() : small_it_(), big_it_(), mode_(BothRangeMapMode::kTristate) {}
IteratorImpl(const IteratorImpl& other)
: small_it_(other.SmallMode() ? other.small_it_ : SmallIt()),
big_it_(other.BigMode() ? other.big_it_ : BigIt()),
IteratorImpl(BothRangeMapMode mode) : small_it_(), big_it_(), mode_(mode) {}
IteratorImpl(const SmallIt& it) : small_it_(it), big_it_(), mode_(BothRangeMapMode::kSmall) {}
IteratorImpl(const BigIt& it) : small_it_(), big_it_(it), mode_(BothRangeMapMode::kBig) {}
inline bool SmallMode() const { return BothRangeMapMode::kSmall == mode_; }
inline bool BigMode() const { return BothRangeMapMode::kBig == mode_; }
inline bool Tristate() const { return BothRangeMapMode::kTristate == mode_; }
SmallIt small_it_; // only one of these will be initialized non trivially (and they should be small)
BigIt big_it_;
BothRangeMapMode mode_;
using iterator = IteratorImpl<BothRangeMap, value_type, SmallMapIterator, BigMapIterator>;
// TODO change const iterator to derived class if iterator -> const_iterator constructor is needed
using const_iterator = IteratorImpl<const BothRangeMap, const value_type, SmallMapConstIterator, BigMapConstIterator>;
inline iterator begin() {
if (SmallMode()) {
return iterator(small_map_->begin());
} else {
return iterator(big_map_->begin());
inline const_iterator cbegin() const {
if (SmallMode()) {
return const_iterator(small_map_->begin());
} else {
return const_iterator(big_map_->begin());
inline const_iterator begin() const { return cbegin(); }
inline iterator end() {
if (SmallMode()) {
return iterator(small_map_->end());
} else {
return iterator(big_map_->end());
inline const_iterator cend() const {
if (SmallMode()) {
return const_iterator(small_map_->end());
} else {
return const_iterator(big_map_->end());
inline const_iterator end() const { return cend(); }
inline iterator find(const key_type& key) {
if (SmallMode()) {
return iterator(small_map_->find(key));
} else {
return iterator(big_map_->find(key));
inline const_iterator find(const key_type& key) const {
if (SmallMode()) {
return const_iterator(small_map_->find(key));
} else {
return const_iterator(big_map_->find(key));
inline iterator find(const index_type& index) {
if (SmallMode()) {
return iterator(small_map_->find(index));
} else {
return iterator(big_map_->find(index));
inline const_iterator find(const index_type& index) const {
if (SmallMode()) {
return const_iterator(static_cast<const SmallMap*>(small_map_)->find(index));
} else {
return const_iterator(static_cast<const BigMap*>(big_map_)->find(index));
// TODO -- this is supposed to be a const_iterator, which is constructable from an iterator
inline void insert(const iterator& hint, const value_type& value) {
if (SmallMode()) {
small_map_->insert(hint.small_it_, value);
} else {
big_map_->insert(hint.big_it_, value);
template <typename SplitOp>
iterator split(const iterator whole_it, const index_type& index, const SplitOp& split_op) {
if (SmallMode()) {
return small_map_->split(whole_it.small_it_, index, split_op);
} else {
return big_map_->split(whole_it.big_it_, index, split_op);
inline iterator lower_bound(const key_type& key) {
if (SmallMode()) {
return iterator(small_map_->lower_bound(key));
} else {
return iterator(big_map_->lower_bound(key));
inline const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& key) const {
if (SmallMode()) {
return const_iterator(small_map_->lower_bound(key));
} else {
return const_iterator(big_map_->lower_bound(key));
template <typename Value>
inline iterator overwrite_range(const iterator& lower, Value&& value) {
if (SmallMode()) {
return small_map_->overwrite_range(lower.small_it_, std::forward<Value>(value));
} else {
return big_map_->overwrite_range(lower.big_it_, std::forward<Value>(value));
// With power comes responsibility. You can get to the underlying maps, s.t. in inner loops, the "SmallMode" checks can be
// avoided per call, just be sure and Get the correct one.
BothRangeMapMode GetMode() const { return mode_; }
const small_map& GetSmallMap() const {
return *small_map_;
small_map& GetSmallMap() {
return *small_map_;
const big_map& GetBigMap() const {
return *big_map_;
big_map& GetBigMap() {
return *big_map_;
BothRangeMap() = delete;
BothRangeMap(index_type limit) : mode_(ComputeMode(limit)), big_map_(MakeBigMap()), small_map_(MakeSmallMap(limit)) {}
~BothRangeMap() {
if (big_map_) {
if (small_map_) {
inline bool empty() const {
if (SmallMode()) {
return small_map_->empty();
} else {
return big_map_->empty();
inline size_t size() const {
if (SmallMode()) {
return small_map_->size();
} else {
return big_map_->size();
inline bool SmallMode() const { return BothRangeMapMode::kSmall == mode_; }
inline bool BigMode() const { return BothRangeMapMode::kBig == mode_; }
inline bool Tristate() const { return BothRangeMapMode::kTristate == mode_; }
static BothRangeMapMode ComputeMode(index_type size_limit) {
return size_limit <= N ? BothRangeMapMode::kSmall : BothRangeMapMode::kBig;
BigMap* MakeBigMap() {
if (BigMode()) {
return new (&backing_store) BigMap();
return nullptr;
SmallMap* MakeSmallMap(index_type limit) {
if (SmallMode()) {
return new (&backing_store) SmallMap(limit);
return nullptr;
BothRangeMapMode mode_ = BothRangeMapMode::kTristate;
// Must be after mode_ as they use mode for initialization logic
BigMap* big_map_ = nullptr;
SmallMap* small_map_ = nullptr;
using Storage = typename std::aligned_union<0, SmallMap, BigMap>::type;
Storage backing_store;
} // namespace subresource_adapter