loader: Call through layers for device extensions

If we reach the terminator function then we look up json properties
per-layer there. This allows layers to participate in the
enumeration and filter the list of extensions before they reach the
diff --git a/loader/loader.c b/loader/loader.c
index 0d3b5a9..8509453 100644
--- a/loader/loader.c
+++ b/loader/loader.c
@@ -6756,12 +6756,57 @@
     struct loader_extension_list all_exts = {0};
     struct loader_extension_list icd_exts = {0};
-    assert(pLayerName == NULL || strlen(pLayerName) == 0);
     // Any layer or trampoline wrapping should be removed at this point in time can just cast to the expected
     // type for VkPhysicalDevice.
     phys_dev_term = (struct loader_physical_device_term *)physicalDevice;
+    // if we got here with a non-empty pLayerName, look up the extensions
+    // from the json
+    if (pLayerName != NULL && strlen(pLayerName) > 0) {
+        uint32_t count;
+        uint32_t copy_size;
+        const struct loader_instance *inst = phys_dev_term->this_icd_term->this_instance;
+        struct loader_device_extension_list *dev_ext_list = NULL;
+        struct loader_device_extension_list local_ext_list;
+        memset(&local_ext_list, 0, sizeof(local_ext_list));
+        if (vk_string_validate(MaxLoaderStringLength, pLayerName) == VK_STRING_ERROR_NONE) {
+            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inst->instance_layer_list.count; i++) {
+                struct loader_layer_properties *props = &inst->instance_layer_list.list[i];
+                if (strcmp(props->info.layerName, pLayerName) == 0) {
+                    dev_ext_list = &props->device_extension_list;
+                }
+            }
+            count = (dev_ext_list == NULL) ? 0 : dev_ext_list->count;
+            if (pProperties == NULL) {
+                *pPropertyCount = count;
+                loader_destroy_generic_list(inst, (struct loader_generic_list *)&local_ext_list);
+                loader_platform_thread_unlock_mutex(&loader_lock);
+                return VK_SUCCESS;
+            }
+            copy_size = *pPropertyCount < count ? *pPropertyCount : count;
+            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < copy_size; i++) {
+                memcpy(&pProperties[i], &dev_ext_list->list[i].props, sizeof(VkExtensionProperties));
+            }
+            *pPropertyCount = copy_size;
+            loader_destroy_generic_list(inst, (struct loader_generic_list *)&local_ext_list);
+            if (copy_size < count) {
+                loader_platform_thread_unlock_mutex(&loader_lock);
+                return VK_INCOMPLETE;
+            }
+        } else {
+            loader_log(inst, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT, 0,
+                       "vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties:  pLayerName "
+                       "is too long or is badly formed");
+            loader_platform_thread_unlock_mutex(&loader_lock);
+        }
+        return VK_SUCCESS;
+    }
     // This case is during the call down the instance chain with pLayerName == NULL
     struct loader_icd_term *icd_term = phys_dev_term->this_icd_term;
     uint32_t icd_ext_count = *pPropertyCount;
diff --git a/loader/trampoline.c b/loader/trampoline.c
index 6a739b6..52eea96 100644
--- a/loader/trampoline.c
+++ b/loader/trampoline.c
@@ -778,61 +778,17 @@
                                                                                   VkExtensionProperties *pProperties) {
     VkResult res = VK_SUCCESS;
     struct loader_physical_device_tramp *phys_dev;
+    const VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable *disp;
     phys_dev = (struct loader_physical_device_tramp *)physicalDevice;
-    // If pLayerName == NULL, then querying ICD extensions, pass this call
-    // down the instance chain which will terminate in the ICD. This allows
-    // layers to filter the extensions coming back up the chain.
-    // If pLayerName != NULL then get layer extensions from manifest file.
-    if (pLayerName == NULL || strlen(pLayerName) == 0) {
-        const VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable *disp;
-        disp = loader_get_instance_layer_dispatch(physicalDevice);
-        res = disp->EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties(phys_dev->phys_dev, NULL, pPropertyCount, pProperties);
-    } else {
-        uint32_t count;
-        uint32_t copy_size;
-        const struct loader_instance *inst = phys_dev->this_instance;
-        struct loader_device_extension_list *dev_ext_list = NULL;
-        struct loader_device_extension_list local_ext_list;
-        memset(&local_ext_list, 0, sizeof(local_ext_list));
-        if (vk_string_validate(MaxLoaderStringLength, pLayerName) == VK_STRING_ERROR_NONE) {
-            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inst->instance_layer_list.count; i++) {
-                struct loader_layer_properties *props = &inst->instance_layer_list.list[i];
-                if (strcmp(props->info.layerName, pLayerName) == 0) {
-                    dev_ext_list = &props->device_extension_list;
-                }
-            }
-            count = (dev_ext_list == NULL) ? 0 : dev_ext_list->count;
-            if (pProperties == NULL) {
-                *pPropertyCount = count;
-                loader_destroy_generic_list(inst, (struct loader_generic_list *)&local_ext_list);
-                loader_platform_thread_unlock_mutex(&loader_lock);
-                return VK_SUCCESS;
-            }
-            copy_size = *pPropertyCount < count ? *pPropertyCount : count;
-            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < copy_size; i++) {
-                memcpy(&pProperties[i], &dev_ext_list->list[i].props, sizeof(VkExtensionProperties));
-            }
-            *pPropertyCount = copy_size;
-            loader_destroy_generic_list(inst, (struct loader_generic_list *)&local_ext_list);
-            if (copy_size < count) {
-                loader_platform_thread_unlock_mutex(&loader_lock);
-                return VK_INCOMPLETE;
-            }
-        } else {
-            loader_log(inst, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT, 0,
-                       "vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties:  pLayerName "
-                       "is too long or is badly formed");
-            loader_platform_thread_unlock_mutex(&loader_lock);
-        }
-    }
+    // always pass this call down the instance chain which will terminate
+    // in the ICD. This allows layers to filter the extensions coming back
+    // up the chain. In the terminator we look up layer extensions from the
+    // manifest file if it wasn't provided by the layer itself.
+    disp = loader_get_instance_layer_dispatch(physicalDevice);
+    res = disp->EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties(phys_dev->phys_dev, pLayerName, pPropertyCount, pProperties);
     return res;