Disable MinGW Github Actions run

MinGW uses JWASM to compile the assembly code. This commit disables that run
for the time being because github actions currently doesn't have JWASM setup.
While work could be done to get it working, it is low priority.
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index 8260467..fd1ce4b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -417,36 +417,38 @@
             - name: Build the loader
               run: ninja -C out/${{matrix.config}}
-    mingw:
-      runs-on: windows-2022
-      defaults:
-        run:
-          shell: bash
-      steps:
-        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
-        - name: Setup ccache
-          uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action@v1.2
-          with:
-            key: mingw-ccache
-        - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
-          with:
-            python-version: '3.8'
-        - uses: lukka/get-cmake@latest
-        - name: GCC Version
-          run: gcc --version # If this fails MINGW is not setup correctly
-        - name: Configure
-          run: cmake -S. -B build -D UPDATE_DEPS=ON -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
-          env:
-            LDFLAGS: -fuse-ld=lld # MINGW linking is very slow. Use llvm linker instead.
-            CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER: ccache
-            CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER: ccache
-            CMAKE_GENERATOR: Ninja
-        - name: Build
-          run: cmake --build build -- --quiet
-        - name: Install
-          run: cmake --install build --prefix build/install
-        - name: MinGW ccache stats # The Post Setup ccache doesn't work right on MinGW
-          run: ccache --show-stats
+    # MinGW uses JWASM to compile the assembly code - since that isn't available on github actions, this run is disabled
+    # mingw:
+    #   runs-on: windows-2022
+    #   defaults:
+    #     run:
+    #       shell: bash
+    #   steps:
+    #     - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+    #     - name: Setup ccache
+    #       uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action@v1.2
+    #       with:
+    #         key: mingw-ccache
+    #     - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+    #       with:
+    #         python-version: '3.8'
+    #     - uses: lukka/get-cmake@latest
+    #     - name: GCC Version
+    #       run: gcc --version # If this fails MINGW is not setup correctly
+    #     - name: Configure
+    #       run: cmake -S. -B build -D UPDATE_DEPS=ON -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
+    #       env:
+    #         LDFLAGS: -fuse-ld=lld # MINGW linking is very slow. Use llvm linker instead.
+    #         CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER: ccache
+    #         CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER: ccache
+    #         CMAKE_GENERATOR: Ninja
+    #     - name: Build
+    #       run: cmake --build build -- --quiet
+    #     - name: Install
+    #       run: cmake --install build --prefix build/install
+    #     - name: MinGW ccache stats # The Post Setup ccache doesn't work right on MinGW
+    #       run: ccache --show-stats
       runs-on: windows-2022