scripts: udpate_deps retry on clone or fetch failure

Duplicate change from b636386a7824eb4e6a0d99962e1491ac68d3a295
on KhronosGroup/Vulkan-ValidationLayers, to keep
in sync across all repos.  Original commit message is:

We see spurious failures to connect to github when trying to
run (up to 7% of runs, depending on the machine).
This is an annoyance when running by hand, but a headache and
a serious resource waste when running in automation (as a single
broken "git clone" or "git fetch" can cause the whole run to fail).

These changes allow to automatically retry
"git fetch" and "git clone" operations on failure.

These changes will be duplicated in follow-on PRs to the
other repositories that include "", to keep
them all in sync. These are KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Tools,
KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Loader, LunarG/VulkanSamples, and

I'm also including a "technical debt" update here, because
VulkanTools/scripts/ had diverged from the other
"" versions, to add a way to avoid building a
dependency if that dependency is not supported on the current
build platform. This should be harmless to the other
repositories (though potentially useful in the future). The
original commit was aaabc9df034f1fdf9a976a6293d0983b079143ee
with description:

    In update deps, this will check that a dependency is actually supported
    on the platform being built. This is needed because the loader is a
    dependency on all platforms other than Windows.
1 file changed
tree: 17b30490e59842be56577535aa92ab8e74ee8b62
  1. build-gn/
  2. cmake/
  3. external/
  4. loader/
  5. scripts/
  6. tests/
  7. .appveyor.yml
  8. .clang-format
  10. .gitattributes
  11. .gitignore
  12. .gn
  13. .travis.yml
  16. CMakeLists.txt
  20. LICENSE.txt

Vulkan Ecosystem Components

This project provides the Khronos official Vulkan ICD desktop loader for Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

CI Build Status

PlatformBuild Status
Linux/MacOSBuild Status
WindowsBuild status


Vulkan is an explicit API, enabling direct control over how GPUs actually work. As such, Vulkan supports systems that have multiple GPUs, each running with a different driver, or ICD (Installable Client Driver). Vulkan also supports multiple global contexts (instances, in Vulkan terminology). The ICD loader is a library that is placed between a Vulkan application and any number of Vulkan drivers, in order to support multiple drivers and the instance-level functionality that works across these drivers. Additionally, the loader manages inserting Vulkan layer libraries, such as validation layers, between an application and the drivers.

This repository contains the Vulkan loader that is used for Linux, Windows, MacOS, and iOS. There is also a separate loader, maintained by Google, which is used on Android.

The following components are available in this repository:

Contact Information

Information for Developing or Contributing

Please see the file in this repository for more details. Please see the file in this repository for repository management details.

How to Build and Run Includes directions for building all components.

Architecture and interface information for the loader is in loader/

Version Tagging Scheme

Updates to the Vulkan-Loader repository which correspond to a new Vulkan specification release are tagged using the following format: v<version> (e.g., v1.1.96).

Note: Marked version releases have undergone thorough testing but do not imply the same quality level as SDK tags. SDK tags follow the sdk-<version>.<patch> format (e.g., sdk-

This scheme was adopted following the 1.1.96 Vulkan specification release.


This work is released as open source under a Apache-style license from Khronos including a Khronos copyright.

See COPYRIGHT.txt for a full list of licenses used in this repository.


While this project has been developed primarily by LunarG, Inc., there are many other companies and individuals making this possible: Valve Corporation, funding project development; Khronos providing oversight and hosting of the project.