[checks] Fix govet docstring

This was a copy-paste error.

Change-Id: I670723ecce0c05bf2cebf4bc0871e2e5e901948c
Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/shac-project/shac/+/925199
Fuchsia-Auto-Submit: Oliver Newman <olivernewman@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Auto-Submit <auto-submit@fuchsia-infra.iam.gserviceaccount.com>
Reviewed-by: Ina Huh <ihuh@google.com>
1 file changed
tree: fbc39ba0eac6466188873fadd227de4c67dd5faf
  1. .github/
  2. checks/
  3. doc/
  4. images/
  5. internal/
  6. scripts/
  7. vendor/
  8. .gitignore
  10. codecov.yml
  12. go.mod
  13. go.sum
  15. main.go
  16. OWNERS
  18. README.md
  19. shac.star
  20. shac.textproto


Shac (Scalable Hermetic Analysis and Checks) is a unified and ergonomic tool and framework for writing and running static analysis checks.

Shac checks are written in Starlark.

usage demonstration


Getting started

The simplest way to install shac is with go install:

go install go.fuchsia.dev/shac-project/shac@latest

Simple text-based checks

To start introducing shac checks in a repository, create a shac.star file in the root of the repository:

print("hello, world from shac!")

Now run shac check:

$ shac check
[//shac.star:1] hello, world from shac!

This is the simplest possible shac.star file; it doesn't run any checks, just executes a single print statement.

Let's start implementing some checks. Update the contents of shac.star to the following:

def no_trailing_whitespace(ctx):
    """Check that no source files contain lines with trailing whitespace."""
    for f in ctx.scm.affected_files():
        contents = str(ctx.io.read_file(f))
        for line in contents.splitlines():
            if line.endswith(" "):
                fail("line in %s has trailing whitespace" % f)


Starlark code, including shac‘s dialect of Starlark, looks a lot like Python. However, shac introduces some additional domain-specific functionality on top of vanilla Starlark. Let’s go over the shac-specific features from this code snippet:

  • shac.register_check() is the main entrypoint for declaring checks that shac should run. It accepts a function that implements the check logic (or a shac.check() object for more advanced use cases). The function that implements the check must accept a single ctx object, which is the entrypoint to most shac standard library functionality for interacting with the OS and filesystem and emitting check results.

  • ctx.scm.affected_files() queries the source control management system (likely Git) to determine the names of files that differ from upstream. Most shac checks will call ctx.scm.affected_files() to determine the files to analyze. This means shac check will mostly only analyze changed files by default, since unchanged files are less likely to contain relevant problems, and analyzing the entire repository would add significant latency. ctx.scm.affected_files() returns a dict with keys that are source-relative paths, e.g. “path/to/foo.py”.

  • ctx.io.read_file(f) is the method to read a file from disk. If given a relative path, it assumes the path is relative to the directory containing the shac.star file. It returns a bytes object.

  • fail() is the Starlark equivalent of raising an exception, but there‘s no way to recover from fail() calls. Calling fail() is the simplest way to cause shac to fail when a check encounters an error, but it’s not very elegant because it can only be called once and doesn't natively support emitting any sort of structured data about the error (e.g. file name and line number that triggered the error).

Now if you run shac check again, it should print the following as long as you don't have any modified files with trailing whitespace:

$ shac check
- no_trailing_whitespace (success in 20ms)

Now let's intentionally break the check to make sure it works:

$ echo "this line has trailing whitespace    " > trailing_whitespace.txt
$ shac check
- no_trailing_whitespace (error in 21ms): fail: line in trailing_whitespace.txt has trailing whitespace
Traceback (most recent call last):
  //shac.star:6:21: in no_trailing_whitespace
shac: fail: line in trailing_whitespace.txt has trailing whitespace

This is great and all, but it doesn't tell us which line has trailing whitespace, and only produces a single error message even if multiple files and/or multiple lines contain trailing whitespace.

To fail more gracefully with more structured data, we can use the ctx.emit.finding() function:

def no_trailing_whitespace(ctx):
    """Check that no source files contain lines with trailing whitespace."""
    for f in ctx.scm.affected_files():
        contents = str(ctx.io.read_file(f))
        for i, line in enumerate(contents.splitlines()):
            stripped = line.rstrip()
            if stripped != line:
                    level = "error",
                    filepath = f,
                    # Finding lines and columns are 1-indexed.
                    line = i + 1,
                    col = len(stripped) + 1,
                    # End column is exclusive.
                    end_col = len(line) + 1,
                    message = "Delete trailing whitespace.",


ctx.emit.finding() emits an error message that's annotated with a filepath and location within the source file, as well as a severity level. level = "error" causes shac check to produce an exit code of 1. The other possible levels, "warning" and "notice", only print the message without causing shac to fail.

Now run shac check again:

$ shac check
[no_trailing_whitespace/error] trailing_whitespace.txt(1): Delete trailing whitespace.

  this line has trailing whitespace

- no_trailing_whitespace (error in 22ms)

Much better! Now we can see the exact location where the error occurred, and if multiple files contain trailing whitespace then we'll see all of them.

Shelling out to external processes

Many static analysis checks are supported by third-party tools such as language-specific linters and formatters. Rather than reimplementing the logic for those tools in shac Starlark code, shac makes it possible to shell out to external subprocesses using the ctx.os.exec() function.

Let's update shac.star to add a check that enforces formatting of Python source files with black (assumes you have Black installed locally):

def _black(ctx):
    python_files = [f for f in ctx.scm.affected_files() if f.endswith(".py")]

    for f in python_files:
        # Check if the file is unformatted. If `black --check` produces a
        # retcode of 1, that means it's unformatted.
        res = ctx.os.exec(
            ["black", "--check", f],
            ok_retcodes = (0, 1),
        if res.retcode == 0:
        # Get the formatted text so we can tell `shac fmt` how to update the
        # file.
        formatted = ctx.os.exec(
            ["black", "-"],
            stdin = ctx.io.read_file(f),
        # Note that `message` is not required for formatter checks.
            level = "error",
            filepath = f,
            replacements = [formatted],

black = shac.check(
    # Registers the check as a formatter so it gets run by `shac fmt`.
    formatter = True,


ctx.os.exec() starts a subprocess in the background and returns a process object with a .wait() method that blocks until the process completes, and returns a completed process object with stdout, stderr, and retcode methods.

By default, if the process produces a non-zero exit code then it will implicitly call fail() and abort the check. This behavior be configured by the ok_retcodes parameter to ctx.os.exec(), which declares additional return codes as “okay”, i.e. they shouldn't cause the check to fail.

Note that we are now setting the replacements argument to ctx.emit.finding(), which lets us run shac fmt to automatically apply fixes for findings from checks marked as formatter = True. Subprocesses run by shac checks are sandboxed (on Linux) and not allowed to write to the source tree. Therefore, any fixes can only be declared by calling ctx.emit.finding(), and shac will apply the fixes (as long as replacements has only one element) after all checks have completed.

Now we can run shac check to make sure it catches Black-incompliant Python code:

$ echo "print(  'foo')" > main.py
$ shac check
[black/error] main.py: File not formatted. Run `shac fmt` to fix.
- black (error in 1.062s)

Now run shac fmt to apply the fixes emitted by Black:

$ shac fmt
- black (1 finding to fix)
Fixed 1 issue in main.py
$ cat main.py

Now shac check should pass:

$ shac check
- black (success in 540ms)

Road map

Planned features/changes, in descending order by priority:

  • [x] Configuring files to exclude from shac analysis in shac.textproto
  • [x] Include unstaged files in analysis, including respecting unstaged shac.star files
  • [x] Automatic fix application with handling for conflicting suggestions
  • [ ] Provide a .shac cache directory that checks can write to
  • [ ] Mount checkout directory read-only
    • [x] By default
    • [ ] Unconditionally
  • [ ] Give checks access to the commit message via ctx.scm
  • [ ] Built-in formatting of Starlark files
  • [ ] Configurable “pass-throughs” - non-default environment variables and mounts that can optionally be passed through to the sandbox
    • [x] Passed-through environment variables statically declared in shac.textproto
  • [ ] Add glob arguments to ctx.scm.{all,affected}_files() functions for easier filtering
  • [ ] Filesystem sandboxing on MacOS
  • [ ] Windows sandboxing
  • [ ] Testing framework for checks


⚠ The source of truth is at https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/shac-project/shac.git and uses Gerrit for code review.

See CONTRIBUTING.md to submit changes.