Hello Driver Sample

This sample project contains a “Hello, World” driver component that showcases the bare scaffolding necessary to register and load a driver component in Fuchsia.


To build the driver component, run the following command:

tools/bazel build --config=fuchsia_x64 //src/example_driver:pkg


Use the following commands to load the driver component on a target device:

  1. Load the example_driver component:

    tools/bazel run --config=fuchsia_x64 //src/example_driver:pkg.component
  2. Open the device log viewer:

    tools/ffx log --filter example_driver

You should see the driver component say hello:

[driver_manager.cm][I]: [node.cc:608] Binding fuchsia-pkg://bazel.pkg.component/example_driver#meta/example_driver.cm to  acpi-FWCF-passthrough
[example-driver,driver][I]: [src/example_driver/example_driver.cc:30] Hello from example-driver
[example-driver,driver][I]: [src/example_driver/example_driver.cc:31] Hello from sys/platform/platform-passthrough/acpi/acpi-_SB_/acpi-PCI0/acpi-FWCF/acpi-FWCF-passthrough


Use the following command to run the unit tests on a target device:

tools/bazel test --config=fuchsia_x64 //src/example_driver:test_pkg