blob: 26eafb1ff3fc85b76a3befefd707a43b0e2a13c3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Defines a WORKSPACE rule for loading a version of the Fuchsia IDK."""
load("//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:generate_sdk_build_rules.bzl", "generate_sdk_build_rules", "sdk_id_from_manifests")
load("//fuchsia/workspace:utils.bzl", "normalize_os", "workspace_path")
load("//cipd:defs.bzl", "fetch_cipd_contents")
# Base URL for Fuchsia IDK archives.
_SDK_URL_TEMPLATE = "{type}/{os}-amd64/+/{tag}"
# Environment variable used to set a local Fuchsia Platform tree build output directory
# If this variable is set, it should point to <FUCHSIA_DIR>/out/<BUILD_DIR> where "sdk"
# and optionally "sdk:driver" target(s) are built. In particular we will look for
# <LOCAL_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BUILD>/sdk/exported/core
# and
# <LOCAL_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BUILD>/sdk/exported/driver (if "use_experimental" is True)
# Those can be produced with a 'fx build sdk sdk:driver' command in a Fuchsia Platform tree.
_LOCAL_BUILD_SDK_PATH = "sdk/exported/core"
_LOCAL_BUILD_EXPERIMENTAL_PATH = "sdk/exported/driver"
_EXPERIMENTAL_INTERNAL_PATH = "_idk_experimental"
def _sdk_url(os, tag, type = "core"):
# Return the URL of the SDK given an Operating System string and
# a CIPD tag.
return _SDK_URL_TEMPLATE.format(os = os, tag = tag, type = type)
def _instantiate_local_path(ctx, manifests):
local_paths = []
if ctx.attr.local_path:
if ctx.attr.local_paths:
for local_path in local_paths:
# Copies the SDK from a local Fuchsia platform build.
local_sdk_path = workspace_path(ctx, local_path)
ctx.report_progress("Copying local SDK from %s" % local_sdk_path)
local_sdk = ctx.path(local_sdk_path)
if not local_sdk.exists:
fail("Cannot find SDK in local Fuchsia build: %s" % local_sdk)
manifests.append({"root": "%s/." % local_sdk, "manifest": "meta/manifest.json"})
# If local_sdk_version_file is specified, make Bazel pick it up as a dep.
if ctx.attr.local_sdk_version_file:
def _instantiate_local_env(ctx, manifests):
# Copies the SDK from a local Fuchsia platform build.
local_fuchsia_dir = ctx.os.environ[_LOCAL_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BUILD]
# buildifier: disable=print
print("WARNING: using local SDK from %s" % local_fuchsia_dir)
ctx.report_progress("Copying local SDK from %s" % local_fuchsia_dir)
local_sdk = ctx.path("%s/%s" % (local_fuchsia_dir, _LOCAL_BUILD_SDK_PATH))
if not local_sdk.exists:
fail("Cannot find SDK in local Fuchsia build. Please build it with 'fx build sdk' or unset variable %s: %s" % (_LOCAL_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BUILD, local_sdk))
manifests.append({"root": "%s/." % local_sdk, "manifest": "meta/manifest.json"})
if ctx.attr.use_experimental:
ctx.report_progress("Copying experimental SDK from %s" % local_fuchsia_dir)
local_exp = ctx.path("%s/%s" % (local_fuchsia_dir, _LOCAL_BUILD_EXPERIMENTAL_PATH))
if not local_exp.exists:
fail("Cannot find experimental SDK in local Fuchsia build. Please build it with 'fx build sdk:driver' or unset variable %s: %s" % (_LOCAL_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BUILD, local_exp))
manifests.append({"root": "%s/." % local_exp, "manifest": "meta/manifest.json"})
def _fuchsia_sdk_repository_impl(ctx):
ctx.file("WORKSPACE.bazel", content = "")
manifests = []
normalized_os = normalize_os(ctx)
if ctx.attr.local_paths or ctx.attr.local_path:
if ctx.attr.cipd_tag:
fail("Do not set both local_paths and cipd_tag when calling fuchsia_sdk_repository()")
copy_content_strategy = "symlink"
_instantiate_local_path(ctx, manifests)
elif _LOCAL_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BUILD in ctx.os.environ:
copy_content_strategy = "copy"
_instantiate_local_env(ctx, manifests)
elif ctx.attr.cipd_tag:
copy_content_strategy = "symlink"
sha256 = ""
if ctx.attr.sha256:
sha256 = ctx.attr.sha256[normalized_os]
_sdk_url(normalized_os, ctx.attr.cipd_tag),
type = "zip",
sha256 = sha256,
manifests.append({"root": _IDK_INTERNAL_PATH, "manifest": "meta/manifest.json"})
if ctx.attr.use_experimental:
sha256 = ""
if ctx.attr.sha256:
sha256 = ctx.attr.sha256["%s_experimental" % normalized_os]
_sdk_url(normalized_os, ctx.attr.cipd_tag, "experimental"),
type = "zip",
sha256 = sha256,
manifests.append({"root": _EXPERIMENTAL_INTERNAL_PATH, "manifest": "meta/manifest.json"})
copy_content_strategy = "symlink"
fetch_cipd_contents(ctx, ctx.attr._cipd_bin, ctx.attr._cipd_ensure_file, root = _IDK_INTERNAL_PATH)
manifests.append({"root": _IDK_INTERNAL_PATH, "manifest": "meta/manifest.json"})
if ctx.attr.use_experimental:
fetch_cipd_contents(ctx, ctx.attr._cipd_bin, ctx.attr._cipd_experimental_ensure_file, root = _EXPERIMENTAL_INTERNAL_PATH)
manifests.append({"root": _EXPERIMENTAL_INTERNAL_PATH, "manifest": "meta/manifest.json"})
ctx.report_progress("Generating Bazel rules for the SDK")
substitutions = {
"{{has_experimental}}": "has_experimental" if ctx.attr.use_experimental else "no_experimental",
"{{SDK_ID}}": sdk_id_from_manifests(ctx, manifests),
#TODO( Allow generate_sdk_build_rules to provide substitutions directly
# to the call to ctx.template above.
generate_sdk_build_rules(ctx, manifests, copy_content_strategy)
# See
"""WORKSPACE_OUTPUT_BASE = "{output_base}"
output_base = ctx.path("../.."),
fuchsia_sdk_repository = repository_rule(
doc = """
Loads a particular version of the Fuchsia IDK.
If cipd_tag is set, sha256 can optionally be set to verify the downloaded file and to
allow Bazel to cache the file.
implementation = _fuchsia_sdk_repository_impl,
configure = True,
attrs = {
"cipd_tag": attr.string(
doc = "CIPD tag for the version to load.",
"parent_sdk": attr.label(
doc =
If specified, libraries in current SDK that also exist in the parent SDK will always resolve to the parent. In practice,
this means that a library defined in the current SDK that is also defined in parent_sdk will be ignored in the current SDK,
and references to it will be replaced with @<parent_sdk>//<library>. This is useful when SDKs are layered, for example an
internal SDK and a public SDK.
mandatory = False,
"parent_sdk_local_paths": attr.string_list(
doc =
If parent_sdk is specified, parent_sdk_local_paths has to contain the same values as the local_paths attribute of the parent SDK.
This is required because Bazel does not have a way to evaluate the existance of a Label, so we process the metadata of the parent
SDK again when using layered SDKs.
TODO: look for a better approach if this is limiting or causing performance issues.
mandatory = False,
"use_experimental": attr.bool(
doc = "Use the experimental SDK libraries and tools. Can only be used if a cipd_tag is present.",
default = False,
"sha256": attr.string_dict(
doc = "Optional SHA-256 hash of the SDK archive. Valid keys are: mac, linux, mac_experimental and linux_experimental",
"local_path": attr.string(
doc = "DO NOT USE. Soft transition, will be removed soon. Use local_paths instead.",
"local_paths": attr.string_list(
doc = "Paths to local SDK directories. Incompatible with 'cipd_tag'.",
"local_sdk_version_file": attr.label(
doc = "An optional file used to mark the version of the SDK pointed to by local_paths.",
allow_single_file = True,
"fuchsia_api_level_override": attr.string(
doc = "API level override to use when building Fuchsia.",
"_cipd_ensure_file": attr.label(
doc = "A cipd ensure file to use to download the sdk.",
default = "//fuchsia/manifests:core_sdk.ensure",
"_cipd_experimental_ensure_file": attr.label(
doc = "A cipd ensure file to use to download the experimental sdk.",
default = "//fuchsia/manifests:core_experimental_sdk.ensure",
"_cipd_bin": attr.label(
doc = "The cipd binary that will be used to download the sdk",
default = "@cipd_tool//:cipd",
"_template": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:repository_template.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
# The templates need to be explicitly declared so that they trigger a new
# build when they change.
"_bind_library_template": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:bind_library_template.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
"_cc_library_template": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:cc_library_template.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
"_cc_prebuilt_library_template": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:cc_prebuilt_library_template.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
"_cc_prebuilt_library_distlib_subtemplate": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:cc_prebuilt_library_distlib_subtemplate.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
"_cc_prebuilt_library_linklib_subtemplate": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:cc_prebuilt_library_linklib_subtemplate.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
"_component_manifest_template": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:component_manifest_template.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
"_component_manifest_collection_template": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:component_manifest_collection_template.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
"_fidl_library_template": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:fidl_library_template.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
"_host_tool_template": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:host_tool_template.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
"_companion_host_tool_template": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:companion_host_tool_template.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
"_api_version_template": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:api_version_template.bzl",
allow_single_file = True,
"_sysroot_template": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:sysroot_template.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
"_sysroot_arch_subtemplate": attr.label(
default = "@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:sysroot_arch_subtemplate.BUILD",
allow_single_file = True,
def _fuchsia_sdk_repository_ext(ctx):
cipd_tag = None
sha256 = None
use_experimental = None
local_paths = None
for mod in ctx.modules:
# only the root module can set tags, and only one
# of version() or local() tag can be used.
if mod.is_root:
if len(mod.tags.version) == 1:
if len(mod.tags.local) > 0:
fail("Cannot use both version() and local() for fuchsia_sdk_ext")
version_info = mod.tags.version[0]
cipd_tag = version_info.cipd_tag
sha256 = version_info.sha256
use_experimental = version_info.use_experimental
elif len(mod.tags.local) > 0:
local_paths = []
for p in mod.tags.local:
if p.path:
name = "fuchsia_sdk",
cipd_tag = cipd_tag,
use_experimental = use_experimental,
sha256 = sha256,
local_paths = local_paths,
# A tag used to specify a specific SDK version downloaded through CIPD.
_version_tag = tag_class(
attrs = {
"cipd_tag": attr.string(
doc = "CIPD tag for the version to load.",
"use_experimental": attr.bool(
doc = "Use the experimental SDK libraries and tools. Can only be used if a cipd_tag is present.",
default = False,
"sha256": attr.string_dict(
doc = "Optional SHA-256 hash of the SDK archive. Valid keys are: mac, linux, mac_experimental and linux_experimental",
# A tag used to specify a local Fuchsia SDK repository.
_local_tag = tag_class(
attrs = {
"path": attr.string(
doc = "Path to local SDK directory, relative to the workspace root",
mandatory = True,
fuchsia_sdk_ext = module_extension(
implementation = _fuchsia_sdk_repository_ext,
tag_classes = {"version": _version_tag, "local": _local_tag},