blob: 44d83d6647e244fe0d349611dcd37793612c65ee [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Common utilities used for workflows/tasks."""
load("//fuchsia/private:fuchsia_transition.bzl", _with_fuchsia_transition = "with_fuchsia_transition")
_alias = "alias",
_collect_runfiles = "collect_runfiles",
_flatten = "flatten",
_label_name = "label_name",
_normalized_target_name = "normalized_target_name",
_rule_variants = "rule_variants",
_wrap_executable = "wrap_executable",
alias = _alias
collect_runfiles = _collect_runfiles
flatten = _flatten
label_name = _label_name
normalized_target_name = _normalized_target_name
rule_variants = _rule_variants
with_fuchsia_transition = _with_fuchsia_transition
wrap_executable = _wrap_executable
def full_product_bundle_url(ctx, pb_info):
""" Returns the full url for the product bundle.
If the product does not
have a version associated with it the sdk version will be used. A valid
fuchsia toolchain must be registered in the context.
version = pb_info.version or ctx.toolchains["@rules_fuchsia//fuchsia:toolchain"].sdk_id
if not version:
fail("Cannot find a version in the Fuchsia SDK")
return "gs://fuchsia/development/{version}/sdk/product_bundles.json#{product}".format(
version = version,
product = pb_info.product_name,