blob: 8c0825f20fdef42be95b83fd596516f718da8e89 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Expresses an execution order for tasks."""
load(":providers.bzl", "FuchsiaWorkflowEntityInfo", "FuchsiaWorkflowInfo")
load(":workflow_entity.bzl", "workflow_entity_rule")
def _collect_entities(initial, steps):
# Basically merge N dictionaries.
for step_entities in steps:
for k, v in step_entities.items():
if k in initial:
# Sanity check.
if (
type(initial[k]) != type(v)
) or (
initial[k].task_runner != v.task_runner if (
hasattr(v, "task_runner")
) else initial[k].sequence != v.sequence
) or (
initial[k].args != v.args
fail("Invalid workflow state.")
initial[k] = v
return initial
def fuchsia_workflow_rule(*, implementation, **kwargs):
"""Starlark higher-order rule for specifying a sequence of workflow entities."""
def _fuchsia_workflow_impl(ctx, make_workflow_entity, collect_arguments):
def _make_workflow(sequence, prepend_args = [], runfiles = []):
workflow_args, runfiles = collect_arguments(prepend_args, runfiles)
return make_workflow_entity(
entities = _collect_entities({
ctx.label: FuchsiaWorkflowEntityInfo(
sequence = [dep[FuchsiaWorkflowInfo].entrypoint for dep in sequence],
args = workflow_args,
}, [dep[FuchsiaWorkflowInfo].entities for dep in sequence]),
entrypoint = ctx.label,
return implementation(ctx, _make_workflow)
return workflow_entity_rule(
implementation = _fuchsia_workflow_impl,
def _fuchsia_workflow_impl(ctx, make_workflow):
return make_workflow(ctx.attr.sequence)
_fuchsia_workflow, _fuchsia_workflow_for_test, fuchsia_workflow = fuchsia_workflow_rule(
implementation = _fuchsia_workflow_impl,
doc = """A grouping of tasks to be run sequentially.""",
attrs = {
"sequence": attr.label_list(
doc = "The order of tasks to run.",
providers = [FuchsiaWorkflowInfo],