blob: da73e75e9d23904b218976b94dca7203d9fb4114 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Base task rule and utilities."""
load(":workflow_entity.bzl", "workflow_entity_rule")
load(":providers.bzl", "FuchsiaTaskEntityInfo", "FuchsiaWorkflowInfo")
def fuchsia_task_rule(*, implementation, **kwargs):
"""Starlark higher-order rule for creating task primitives."""
def _fuchsia_task_impl(ctx, make_workflow, collect_arguments):
def _make_fuchsia_task(task_runner, prepend_args = [], runfiles = []):
task_args, task_runfiles = collect_arguments(prepend_args, runfiles, task_runner)
return make_workflow(
entities = {
ctx.label: FuchsiaTaskEntityInfo(
task_runner = task_runner[DefaultInfo].files_to_run.executable.short_path,
args = task_args,
default_argument_scope = ctx.attr.default_argument_scope,
entrypoint = ctx.label,
return implementation(ctx, _make_fuchsia_task)
return workflow_entity_rule(
implementation = _fuchsia_task_impl,
def _fuchsia_task_impl(ctx, make_fuchsia_task):
return make_fuchsia_task(ctx.attr.task_runner)
_fuchsia_task, _fuchsia_task_for_test, fuchsia_task = fuchsia_task_rule(
implementation = _fuchsia_task_impl,
doc = """Build-rule version of `fuchsia_task_rule`.""",
attrs = {
"task_runner": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
doc = "The task runner used to run this task.",
executable = True,
cfg = "exec",